Chapter 1225

Accompanied by faint blue light.

A faint blue teleportation door opened grandly on the street where people come and go.

Even though the little priest had tried his best to choose a corner, but such an abrupt scene, as long as he was not blind, he would definitely be able to see the abnormality.

What's more, the state of the little priest talking to himself before was already very eye-catching.

This time, it's better to not pay attention.

"This... this is..."

Seeing the portal in the chat group appear, the little priest widened his eyes in shock.

Passers-by nearby also noticed the situation here, or stopped, or focused on the portal, and then collided with others.

For a time, the people on the street turned their backs.

The entire noisy street suddenly fell silent, with their mouths wide open, watching this scene in astonishment.


Under everyone's gaze, a black-haired young man in a strange dress came out of the strange door.

It is indeed Bai Chen who deceived the little girl and came to the world of newcomers. twenty one

"...It looks like a fantasy world.

Bai Chen looked around.

Looking at the buildings full of medieval European style, he nodded.

In addition, the races of pedestrians staying on the streets are also varied.

There are lovers who are short in stature but stocky, orcs who are roughly similar to humans but have more ears and tails, elves with good figures, noble and elegant, and orcs who maintain the posture of beasts but can walk upright.

In addition, the clothes they wear are also different.

The elves wear thin clothes that are easy to move, and the sturdy warriors wear heavy iron armor that fits perfectly, and they wear loose robes and hold staffs [like a scholar.

All directions, all kinds of strange styles and races, an out-and-out fantasy world.

"Looks like I can relax for a while."

Bai Chen was a little bit mentally exhausted from the experience in Little Garden.

It is rare for another world of sword and magic to appear, so it is natural to explore it.

There are no spoilers, and there is no villain to be defeated in a hurry. There is only one, the poor little priest who was deceived by him.

Thinking of this, Bai Chen subconsciously looked at the petite girl beside him who was kneeling on the ground at some point.

The blond hair like the rising sun is behind her back.

On his head was a loose blue and white felt hat.

He was wearing a set of blue one-piece dress, thigh-length boots, a white coat with gold thread trim, and a small half-person-high staff in his hand.

The facial features are correct, the appearance is pure, and the blue eyes are as pure as uncut jade.

It's just that, on this cute face, there is an expression of fear at this time.

And the source of the fear is naturally Bai Chen.

Although Bai Chen can be called a friend of women, combined with his deliberate "threatening" words before, coupled with the bizarre behavior of walking out of the portal.

All these signs have completely convinced the little priest that Bai Chen is the demon god.

While the little priest was looking at Bai Chen, Bai Chen was staring at her.

The girl looks familiar.

Just when Bai Chen was about to ask, he heard whispers from nearby.

And it quickly turned into a whispered discussion.

Fear, surprise, shock, longing, intoxication, fear and other emotions are displayed one after another.

Some passers-by who were not determined were even ready to draw their weapons, ready to eliminate the threat of Bai Chen at any time.

"Do I look weird?"

Bai Chen touched his chin.

Since it is a fantasy world, things like portals should be very common, right?

And Bai Chen quickly got the answer he wanted.

"...Because, because you appeared too suddenly, it's strange."

In any case, it was also trained in the temple.

The little priest worked hard to overcome his fear, and said in a trembling tone.

Teleportation magic is not without it.

It's just that none of them came out like Bai Chen.

"Is that so?"

Bai Chen nodded, then snapped his index finger.

next second.

Invisible fluctuations spread in all directions.

Except for the little priest, everyone else returned to their original state, as if they had never seen Bai Chen appear before.

The little priest opened his eyes wide.

She had already forgotten how many times she would have been shocked in this short period of time.

"It's just modifying their memory of seeing me, it doesn't matter."

Bai Chen explained.

"Repair...modify memory."

The little priest murmured and repeated this sentence.

It really is a demon god!

What to do? What to do?

The temple only taught her how to use magic and save people, but never told her how to deal with the demon god.

...Could this be the world of Goblin Slayer?"

Just when the little priest was thinking wildly, he heard the voice of the young man.


In ordinary people's understanding, it is a humanoid monster with the size of a six or seven-year-old child, ugly appearance, and green skin all over its body.

In most games, animations, novels and film and television dramas, goblins and various creatures are just the lowest level of monsters.

The threat level may only be 1903 points higher than slime.

This is the same in Rimuru's world.

Slime has no combat ability, and goblins are also a group of weak monsters.

Basically, even a novice adventurer just out of the oven can single out three or four with one sword without any problem.

But the goblins in the Goblin Slayer world are different from the weak monsters in Bai Chen's common sense.

They subvert the common sense, they are no longer the cannon fodder that can only be slaughtered by others, and only provide experience points for novices, but they have transformed themselves into elite monsters with high intelligence and levels

Those who are not engaged in production will form a special team to plunder the human beings who are alone. The males will be used as food. As for the females

Probably because of the author's bad taste, because there is no mother body in the goblin group, if they want to reproduce the race, they need to rely on the mother body of other races to reproduce.

Therefore, once a female is caught, she will be humiliated in turn and used to breed the reproductive tools of the young goblins.

Until it loses its use value, it will be killed by goblins and become their rations.


Goblins with high intelligence can also upgrade and evolve into big goblins, goblin shamans, goblin knights [even goblin braves and other species that are comparable to powerful human adventurers. .

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