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Chapter 1226: Lord Demon God Wants To Be An Adventurer

Chapter 1226

In addition, there is a more important point.

That is, even though the threat of goblins is not low, whether it is the human kingdom, the adventurer's guild, or even the world's views on goblins are still at the "very weak" stage.

This is the most disgusting point.

As Bai Chen who has read the original work, he knows that the various settings of goblins are actually the author's bad taste.

Not being noticed, there is no mother in the family, and they reproduce by abducting women of other races.

Most importantly there is no reproductive isolation.

It can be said that it is off the spectrum.

Of course, into this real world.

It is the reason why the gods deliberately set it this way.

But Bai Chen is too lazy to deal with the local gods for the time being.

After all, the occasional micro-service private visit feels pretty good.

"Little guy, where are you going next? I'll go with you."

Bai Chen said with a smile.

But in the eyes of the little priest, the young man's smile is like a ghost.

But even if she was so frightened that she was about to pee her pants, the girl could only stand up tremblingly, and then pointed to a building not far away.

"I...I'm going there."


For the orphans who grew up in the temple.

Fifteen years old means adulthood, means to choose your own future.

Whether to continue to stay in the temple to serve the gods, or to leave the temple and live in the secular world.

But the little priest chose the latter.

Therefore, the experience of healing the adventurers who came to the temple in the past made her want to become an adventurer.

Explore different copies, meet different companions, and broaden your horizons.

At least she thought so.

The two came to the Adventurer's Guild.

The magnificent and imposing building can be clearly seen even standing at the gate of the city.

The adventurers had already surrounded the scene tightly, which made the little priest who had just arrived wide-eyed in surprise.

"There are so many people."

She is somewhat introverted.

Seeing so many people, I immediately retreated in my heart.

But Bai Luo pushed her from behind, causing the girl to stagger and stumble in.

Just when the girl thought she was going to fall, the young man standing behind her gave her another hand to stabilize her figure.

"I have regained the feeling of the past a little bit." "."

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

Since joining the chat group, his first achievement position is the godslayer.

He has been in a high position for so long that he almost forgot what an ordinary adventure is like.

Take the chance this time and enjoy the normal adventure.

After all, before this, there were only three steps for him to solve the problem.

The first step is to find the problem.

The second step is to find the person who caused the problem.

The third step is to solve the problem.

...the feeling of the past?"

The little priest straightened his hat, picked up the staff on the ground, and asked suspiciously.

Although she knew that Bai Chen was a demon god, the girl didn't feel any evil aura from the young man during the journey alone.

Maybe... this demon god still has kindness in his heart.

Maybe she has the opportunity to persuade him to return to his lost ways and make due contributions to safeguarding world peace!

"Don't think too much, don't you want to be an adventurer? Why don't you hurry up and queue up?"

Bai Chen couldn't help chuckling when he heard the girl's heartfelt voice.


Knowing that Bai Chen had listened to her heart, the girl hurriedly bowed and apologized in panic.

"It's common sense to reveal the Moon and Hungarians when apologizing, don't you know? Do it all over again."


Although he is still young, the little priest also knows what that means.

Immediately, his face was covered with red frost, and his whole body couldn't help but twist.

If it was someone else, the little priest would still take it as a joke, but Bai Chen is already a powerful demon god in her heart.

If you don't obey his orders, the town may be destroyed!

"There are a lot of people here, please save the apology for now, it's coming to you soon."

Bai Chen was helpless.

At the same time, I swear in my heart, isn't it a bit too much to deceive a pure girl by doing this?

But Bai Chen quickly put the idea behind him.

Treat it as a benefit for newcomers, and it's nice to have a different experience once in a while.

Every day in the Adventurer's Guild is full of energy.

The adventurer's guild hall, the interior style is like a functional building that combines an inn and a tavern.

Adventurers in all kinds of gear come and go.

"I heard that a poisonous dragon appeared in the northern forest, and the guild is currently gathering people to fight it, do you know?"

"That poisonous dragon is said to be very powerful. There were crusade teams before, but they all failed.

"I still want to live for a while, let's find some easy work."

"And what about the manticores that stalk the mountains to the east?"

"...Well, at our level, it doesn't seem to be very good, and the rewards are also very low. If you want to make money, it's better to explore the ruins.

"But if you only explore the ruins, it can't be counted as a contribution."

"Is there a team that needs to reload fighters? Definitely be the first to rush to the forefront!"

"Magician seeks a group!"

"Come here, I want it!"

The voices of the adventurers came one after another.

There are low-level adventurer teams, thinking about making money first, or making a choice between upgrading the team level, and there are also teams that have selected commissions and are recruiting needed members in the lobby.

The magician who called for a team before had found a team and was ready to go, but the tank still couldn't find the team he wanted.

Sure enough, Fa Ye is the most popular no matter which world he is in.

While the little priest was secretly ashamed, the queue in front of the counter had already digested.

The little priest standing in front of Bai Chen was slapped on the head by Bai Chen, only then did he realize that it was his turn.

The counter lady in charge of the reception was a beautiful girl with long light brown hair tied into braids, a soft expression on her face, and a formulaic smile.

"Hello, what's the matter today?"

The counter lady, who was much prettier than her colleagues, looked at the reserved priest and asked.

However, she knew from the expression of the little priest that the other party should be just a novice, probably another child who came to register as an adventurer.

"I...I want to be an adventurer."

"And I."

Bai Chen stood up and said, showing a gentle smile towards the counter lady at the same time.

After a few seconds, there was still no response.

Bai Chen stretched out his hand and flashed it in front of his eyes.

The latter just woke up like a dream, seeing the smile of the black-haired young man in front of him and the puzzled expression of the little priest, the red nose felt ashamed and embarrassed, and gradually extended to the base of the ears.

I was actually lost in thought because of seeing a man, and was found out, it was so embarrassing and humiliating. .

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