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Chapter 901 Root Style, Shatiao Love Song

Chapter 901

But Bai Chen is not interested in the Great Holy Grail.

The magic power he owns, let alone a great holy grail, even the spiritual power of the earth's veins is far less than one ten thousandth of his.

What he's really interested in is what's behind the mechanism of the Great Grail.


The vortex of roots.

All the causes of the Xingyue world flow out of the existence of all phenomena and the truth of the world.

The ultimate lore and Akashic records.

Because it is the cause of everything, it can lead to all the results.

The magic in today's Xingyue world can be said to be nothing more than a means to study the method leading to the root.

The theory of the root vortex is very similar to the path taken by Bai Chen.

They all flow out their own principles and exist as the cause of all results.

In order to go further, Bai Chen "190" needs to obtain the knowledge of the root vortex.

In turn, use the source to achieve your own goals.

Let your own principles flow out permanently, and let the world develop with your own mind.

At that time, the place where one's own reason should set foot will be his domain.

This is the only shortcut that Bai Chen has found so far that can make him continue to become stronger.

As for using time and resources to accumulate and become stronger, that is not within the scope of Bai Chen's consideration.

After all, that road is difficult for even the many gods in Hako Garden to cross. How could he, a person with little power, repeat that old road again.

Bai Chen stretched out his hand to the Holy Grail.

The soul that the follower wanted to return was captured by the mechanism of the Great Holy Grail, and the hole leading to the root vortex was identified.

Accompanied by the activation of the Great Holy Grail, Bai Chen approached the hole opened by the Great Holy Grail.

In the imaginary space created by the Great Holy Grail, the magic power that has been absorbed for decades forms a sea of ​​waves here.

If ordinary magicians don't protect themselves, they will be torn apart by the storm of magic power just by setting foot here.

But these things are not painful to Bai Chen.

He crossed the tumbling sea of ​​magic and went deeper.

In this instant.

The sound of the world seemed to disappear, and Bai Chen felt an almost endless vortex of magic power surging around.

If this is a game, then Bai Chen will definitely get the system achievement at this moment.

[Epic Achievement: Access Root].

And at the same time.

In a certain parallel world of Xingyue.

Guanbuzi City.

A short-haired girl in a gorgeous kimono suddenly raised her head, as if she had noticed something.

The grimness on his face disappeared, as if he was a different person, showing a soft smile like a peony flower.

Her name is root type.

The second daughter of the Liangyi family was connected to the root when she was born. It can be said that the concept of root is the embodiment of this girl's body.

There should be no intellect, but when the Liangyi family created multiple personalities, they endowed intellect in the root form, which led to the awakening of her conceptually.

As an existence connected with the root, the moment an outsider enters the root, the body of the root will respond.

However, she didn't make any movements, but the smile on her face became brighter and brighter.

"Finally someone can do this."

She is like a gentle mother who welcomes every child who comes into contact with the roots.

"Come on."

She murmured softly.

In the past, it was not that no one entered the vortex of the root, but lost their rationality, lost themselves in the endless vortex of the root, and finally became a part of it.

At the same time, another parallel world.

A young girl with short pink hair was suddenly stunned in the bedroom, and then closed her eyes.

Also connected to her roots, she saw new guests.

"who are you?"

In the world of imaginary numbers, Shatiao Aige looked up at the young man suspended in mid-air, and asked curiously and naively.

The girl has been "favored" by the root since she was born and has become one of the few people who are connected to the root in countless parallel worlds.

Bai Chen also saw her.

Memory quickly gives the answer.

Sha Tiao Aige, the heroine of the Fate Prototype Cangyin Fragment, she was connected to the root since she was born, and she has more power than a magician.

"Bai Chen."

Facing the young girl, Bai Chen responded with a chuckle.

"Really? My name is Sajo Aige, big brother.

The pink-haired girl said happily.

At this moment, Shatiao Aige said with some distress...

"I'm going back, big brother, I can't stay in this place for too long, may I ask, when can we meet again?"

"Not for long."

Bai Chen said with a smile.

Sha Tiao Aige showed joy when she got the answer from the strange youth.

Her destined prince seems to have really appeared!

The girl fell into a little longing.

Then her figure disappeared from Bai Chen's sight.

Without the episode of Sha Tiao Ai Ge, Bai Chen was able to continue to move forward in the vortex of roots.

Although the characteristics of the root vortex are enough for ordinary magicians to touch, it is enough to go crazy, but Bai Chen does not have any discomfort.

The more he advances, Bai Chen gradually understands everything.

Everything in Xingyue World is based on the root vortex.

This is very similar to the theory of the four worlds that constitute the Kabbalah's tree of life.

The process of human beings reaching the root is the process of becoming a perfect human being.

Reaching the vortex of the root is equivalent to achieving the highest outflow result.

Although the respective results are different, the theoretical basis is surprisingly consistent.

Therefore, Bai Chen, who has the ability to resist the erosion of the vortex of the root, puts his principles into the vortex of the root and diffuses quite smoothly.

Afterwards, a light appeared on Yuanzang Mountain, and Bai Chen came back.

He didn't feel any substantial improvement in his 5.0 power, but the strength of his soul had undergone earth-shaking changes.

If he goes to Little Garden in the future, perhaps his current achievements are enough to support Bai Chen's upgrade to the three-digit level.

After all, his previous spiritual status was only a step away, and with the complement of the root vortex, such an upgrade was a matter of course.

Not only that.

Bai Chen also accidentally learned the third method - the Cup of Heaven.

Leaving aside the materialization of the soul, but after completion, the volume of the soul becomes almost endless.

Although Bai Chen's current capacity is still at the three-digit level of Hakoniwa, due to the effect of the third law, his body is filled with endless vitality and a source of continuous energy generation.

Within itself, an infinite loop is formed.

This result is like the first kind of perpetual motion machine. .

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