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Chapter 902 The First Type Of Perpetual Motion Machine?

Chapter 902

The matter returns to the initial state in a cycle, and does not absorb heat but releases heat or does work. This is the truth of "the first kind of perpetual motion machine".

Although this illusion has long been denied by science, the mechanism of the third method is very similar to the nature of the first type of perpetual motion machine.

Taking the root vortex as the starting point and spreading his principles outward is Bai Chen's main upgrade route.

And the mechanism of the first type of perpetual motion machine made Bai Chen start to think about whether it is possible to play some tricks in Xiaotian.

Although the first and second types of perpetual motion machines in Hakoniwa have been negated, that is only a conclusion based on Hakoniwa's cosmology.

But if the perpetual motion machine that has been denied really appears, maybe it can become a new way to help him go up?

However, it is just a guess at the moment, whether it is useful or not, we have to test it in Hakoniwa before we can know the conclusion.

Looking at the still full Great Holy Grail, the liquid contained in it, like the purest wine, lured magicians from all over the world to fight in the Holy Grail War.

Then, with a thought, Bai Chen put 21 on the surface of the Great Holy Grail.

[Group reminder: Group member "Bai Chen" made an exchange and got +3000 points. 】

"Sure enough."

Hearing the prompt from the chat group, Bai Chen smiled.

After going to the root vortex for a while, the effect of the Great Holy Grail on him is like waste.

In line with the principle of waste utilization, Bai Chen asked the chat group to recycle it.

It turned out not too bad.

Three thousand points is considered a windfall.

And at this moment.

The direction of the world has changed quietly.

at the same time.

On the outside of the world, an old man about fifty or sixty years old with white hair and beard sat on a bench that looked like a medieval king's throne.

He is Kishua-Zelrich-Shubeinaug known as the Marshal of Demon Dao, and also known as Gem Man.

Of course, his most famous title is one of only five "Magic Envoys" in Xingyue World.

Mastering the existence of the second magic, you can observe countless parallel worlds, and come and go between any worlds at will.

Although he is a rumored magician, he has a substantial position in the Magic Association.

But not only these superficial identities, Gem Weng also has an unknown mission.

That is the mission of being a world watcher.

The reason why there are countless parallel worlds in the Xingyue world is because the divergence points of the world will appear through the observation of Gem Weng, and then different parallel worlds will be derived.

And now, Gem Weng sees an anomaly in a parallel world.

"Huh? It's actually different from the original direction."

Gem Weng muttered to himself, then waved lightly, and the thick Japanese magic book was slowly opened in front of him.

As an observer of the world, this book records the different trajectories in the parallel world.

Gem Weng found the information of the abnormal world, and then flipped through the contents.

...It's a world related to the Holy Grail War, as expected..."

Gem Weng sighed in affirmation.

Among the parallel worlds with a large number of moons, the world related to the Holy Grail War has the most divergence points.

And almost every divergence point in the world is related to the Holy Grail War.

Over the years, he has gotten used to it.

However, in order to satisfy his curiosity, Gem Weng continued to read the magic guide book, hoping to collect realistic information related to that world.

However... the intervention of the Second Magic was thwarted.

"How is this possible? Is there something wrong with my casting posture?"

The second magic is the magic that can interfere with all parallel worlds. He even used the second method to complete the only act of completely confining himself in the parallel world.

But now, there is no way to observe the information of a parallel world.

This is too outrageous!

The first thing Gem Weng thought was that he had cast the wrong magic, but he didn't doubt the magic itself.

However, when he performed the second method for the second time, but still couldn't observe the changed information, he finally showed a look of surprise visible to the naked eye.

He has seen the information about the changes in the Holy Grail War many times.

The root of it is the Great Holy Grail system created by the Einzbern family in conjunction with the Tosaka family and the Matou family in order to save all mankind.

And the first head of the Tohsaka family, Tohsaka Nagato, is one of his disciples.

Fuyuki City's holy grail system, he should not understand too much.

In his opinion, it is nothing more than the tricks of magicians.

How did such an ordinary Holy Grail War world prevent the Second Law from interfering?

Could it be that a new magician appeared?

Has the Einzbern family's wish come true?

"That broken cup can actually create a magician?"

Thinking of this possible fact [Jewel Weng can't sit still.

Not worry, nor fear, but pure astonishment.

After all, in the past, like other magic families with ancient inheritance, he looked down on the Holy Grail War held by the so-called Yusanjia.

It's just that, now that the second law can't interfere, Jean Gemstone also thinks that a new magician has appeared in that world.

Otherwise, it is impossible for anyone to prevent the interference of the second law.

Thinking of this, the old man who hadn't appeared in this world for a long time finally stood up from his chair.

Curiosity kept haunting his mind, urging him to investigate the truth in a parallel world where abnormalities appeared.

Although it is an unknown world, he is a magician after all, and 093 is the marshal of the magic way who wiped out Zhu Yue, the king of the moon.

Therefore, in line with the principle of being bold, Zellich activated the second method and found a passage to the abnormal parallel world.

the other side.

Bai Chen, who has already returned to the Yuansaka mansion, is naturally aware of the prying eyes from the outside world.

If he remembers correctly, this should be the handwriting of the second magician Jewel Weng.

After all, in the entire Xingyue world, he is almost the only magician who can view different parallel worlds from outside the world.

"Did you exchange the Holy Grail just now?"

Rin Tohsaka lowered his voice.

She just saw a reminder in the group.

"I'll share it with you later."

Bai Chen laughed.

"No, no need, I didn't help at all, and you were the one who told me about the murderer Kotomine Kirei, so you can take the Great Holy Grail."

Rin Tohsaka shook his head.

Although she is quite greedy for money, she also knows what to want and what not to want.

"One more thing, what are you going to do with the pair of knights? After the Holy Grail War is over, the level of magic power of me and Sakura is not enough to support them to appear in the world."

Bai Chen smiled at Rin Tohsaka's question.

"I have my own way to solve this problem, and compared to this, I will go to receive the last guest first."

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