Chapter 980

After speaking, Bai Chen looked at Echidna.

"This melancholy demon is left to you to deal with, is there a problem?"

"No problem at all."

Echidna agreed immediately.

She experienced the power of the Melancholy Demon once.

Truly an unforgettable experience.

But even such a powerful demon is still as powerless as a baby in front of Bai Chen.

She was still very vague about Bai Chen's power before, but now Echidna finally has a clear ~cognition.

— Do whatever you want.

After searching all the words in her memory, she could only think of the only appropriate description.

Seems like he can do anything if he wants

at this point.

Even the kingdom's number one knight, the sword master Reinhardt, is nothing compared to him.

Although it's a pity that we can't know the principle of Lingling.

But the value of the devil alone is enough to satisfy her thirst for knowledge for a long time.

Afterwards, Bai Chen said with a smile.

"Miss Echidna, I am very sincere to my partner, so should you also show your sincerity?"

"Yes, I'm ready."

In the face of existence beyond common sense, Echidna has nothing to hesitate.

"I swear, I will always be loyal to you!"

Echidna folded her hands in front of Yuexiong, raised her red lips and said, "How can I reject you now."

"And then, what to do next?"

She looked at the young man expectantly and said.

Subsequently, Echidna obtained the corresponding knowledge from Bai Chen.

Then, she lifted up her long skirt, revealing her flat belly to Bai Chen.

"Are you going to engrave a stigmata here? Hurry up and do it!"


Bai Chen nodded.

He looked at the face that was so beautiful that it made people sick, and his fingertips gently slid on the witch's abdomen.

"If I remember correctly, in your spiritual world, there are five witches living here, and they represent different wills, so..."

Before finishing speaking, Echidna understood Bai Chen's meaning.

She gently built Bai Chen's arm, and said with a low smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Bai Chen, although those witches are all troublesome on weekdays, this is my spiritual world after all. As long as I agree, they will not have any objections."

If there is, then drag it out and educate it.

Anyway, among all the witches here, her authority is the most complete.

Children do not obey how to do?

Just a good beat.

After finishing speaking, Echidna held Bai Chen's hand and stabbed her abdomen forcefully.

When the power of the stigmata was gradually extending deep in her abdomen, she smiled obsessively.

"Master Bai Chen, can you give me some more time, let us have a slow and in-depth exchange~~~"

In this regard, Bai Feng did not refuse.

After all, one of the purposes of his trip was to taste real Donna tea.

After the in-depth exchange is over.

"Then, my lord, your faithful servant, Echidna, will go to convince the other witches first."

Putting on a set of neat white robes, Echidna said with a smile.

"Go, after the persuasion is over, you and the other witches will follow my orders.

Bai Chen said.

"Help Emilia become queen..."

Hearing the name Emilia, Echidna was a little dumbfounded at first.

It's just that, after all, it was Bai Chen's order, and she had to follow it.

"I know you don't like Emilia, but that's a personal matter, and I personally don't want to see things that deliberately make things difficult happen."

Bai Chen said.


Echidna responded.

"However, can you tell me [what the girl is to you?"


After finishing speaking, Bai Chen stepped into the portal, and his figure disappeared from the eyes of the lustful witch.

Echidna, on the other hand, looked at the place where Bai Chen had left, with a helpless tone.

"It's actually a friend, I don't know... What kind of luck did that woman have?"

With a bit of jealousy and jealousy, Echidna came to the castle of the spiritual world.

All the witch souls she collected in the past lived here.

As soon as she returned to the castle, she was surrounded by several witches.

Originally, these sinful witches, after their souls were recovered by themselves, and their lives were revived in the spiritual world, they were here to be rice bugs with nothing to do.

...asking for flowers...

However, today is an unprecedented gathering together.

Even the lazy witch, who usually finds it troublesome to breathe, was carried here by the angry witch.

It seems that the appearance of Bai Chen has indeed brought quite a shock to these witches of great crime.

"Echidna, what's the matter with that man outside?"

Minerva, the angry witch, has blond hair and blue eyes, and a good figure, giving people the impression of a tsundere lady.

Wearing a short skirt, she was the first to come to Echidna and asked about Bai Chen's news.

"We've all seen what's going on outside here. Did that man come in without your invitation? Is this a demonstration, or what?"

"Strictly speaking, it is the mercy of that adult."

Echidna said with a light smile.


Minerva froze.

She never thought that one day she would hear such a description from the mouth of the lustful witch.

Then, she heard Echidna's further, somewhat excited words. long as we follow that being, we will receive something we never had before, from a great God who is generous and willing to give us his power.

No... no way?

Standing closest to Echidna, Minerva opened her eyes wide.

And not only her, even the other witches also showed surprised expressions.

Noticing the reactions of her companions, Echidna said with a smile.

"You don't have to worry about this being a bad thing, it would be easy for that lord to destroy us, so don't worry about whether we will be used.

The power of the witch, except for a small number of witches, was abused by the world at the beginning.

Therefore, for outsiders, the witches' reaction is naturally very repulsive.

Echidna knew about it too.

"Of course, whether you want to follow that lord depends on the principle of voluntariness. However, there are only advantages and no disadvantages in following. Your lord's power can easily erase the negative effects of our witch's power."

Following Echidna's voice fell.

The lustful witch on the side raised her hand timidly.

"Well, may I ask...... Chuan".

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