Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter Nine Hundred And Eighty First Group Entrustment Completed

Chapter 981

"Can that adult really solve the negative influence on me?"

"Of course, that lord can do anything."

"Then...then I agree.

Camilla, the lustful witch, was the first to raise her hand.

Her witch power is awakened in the late stage.

Its "shameless flower marriage" has such a powerful effect that even I feel bored.

When ordinary people see her, they will imagine Camilla as the person in their dreams, and they can no longer look away, and even forget to breathe. Even if they are about to be killed, they will not move.

Because of this power, in the past era, several countries were destroyed by wars only because of Camilla.

Wherever she goes, everyone loves her deeply and will do everything possible to get her, and will destroy all competitors "Three Zero Zero".

But Camilla herself has a kind heart.

Born into a poor family, she does not have any special temperament and attractive features.

Even the appearance is rather mediocre.

With low self-esteem, she knows that her popularity is only the influence of power, so she has been trying to get rid of this identity.

Now I heard from Echidona that that man is omnipotent, so of course she was the first to agree to join.

And as Camilla was the first to join, the rest of the witches also agreed to Echidna's invitation for various reasons.

the other side.

Bai Chen, who returned from the sanctuary, also returned to the Mezzas mansion.

Confident Emilia served her carefully prepared dishes.

But after Bai Chen tasted it, he could only give a pretty good evaluation.

But in fact the taste is hard to compliment.

"I'm almost sure it's time to go back, too."

After drinking the tea made by the twin maids, Bai Chen got up.

Although the time spent in the Zero World is not too long, Bai Chen has overfulfilled the commission issued by the chat group.

Emilia and Rem, although Ram was a little bit reluctant, she wanted her to stay for a while out of emotion.

But rationality told them that Baichen was as much as they could get.

"I hope to see you next time as soon as possible."

Emilia said words of reluctance.

"Don't worry, you can contact me anytime.

Bai Chen nodded.

Afterwards, he greeted Elsa and asked her to continue serving as Emilia's guard, and then chose to return.

Rem and Ram still want to say goodbye.

But how could the chat group be such an inconvenience.

Just one click in the group, you can go home with one click.

And when Bai Chen completely flows out his own principles into this world, he doesn't even need the function of chat group, he can freely shuttle between the two worlds at will.

At the same time, there are also reminders in the chat group.

[Group reminder: The commission issued by the group member "Silver-haired Witch" has been completed by the group member "Bai Chen", and the reward settlement is booming...】

[Group reminder (private): You have completed the commission perfectly, and the bonus points will be +6000. 】

Task evaluation Bai Chen is not surprised.

Not only did I perfectly solve Elsa's problem, but I even solved many additional events that would allow Emilia to issue commissions in the future.

But Bai Chen valued the world itself more than the petty gain of points.

Today's him is almost the same as Hakoniwa's two-digit number, and even slightly better.

But as long as he continues to expand, sooner or later he will break through the boundaries of a single universe and set foot on the principle of pluralism.

At that time, even in Little Garden, he will be able to do whatever he wants.

After all, Hakoniwa has the highest personality, but its system and rules doom the gods and Buddhas of that world, and it is absolutely impossible to give birth to a single-digit existence.


It's useless to think too much now.

If you keep your feet on the ground, you will become stronger steadily.

With the end of the task, the chat group became lively.

In just a few minutes, there were dozens of messages in the group chat.


The main active characters are Spider and Rimuru.

I don't know if it is because of becoming a monster that the shame of human beings is gradually lost.

Although there is no exact theoretical support.

At least, judging from their personalities, they were indeed affected.

It's like Limulu slandered his character in the group again.

Blue Slime: A big secret!"

Little Spider: "You beast, what do you know? I wanted to say that, but I'm curious."

Railgun: "?"

Butterfly Shinobi: "You started again..."

Blue Slime: "Have you noticed that every time the boss completes the commission very quickly, but the speed of submitting the commission is always within 24 hours [or even several days later?"

Teacher Loli: "So, what's wrong with this?"

Grandpa is so cute: "If it were me, I probably wouldn't leave after completing the commission. When I was exploring the ruins, I wouldn't just get the final treasure and leave. Instead, I would take a stroll around the neighborhood, maybe there would be unexpected discoveries."

Ye is so cute: "If it was Mr. Bai Chen, he would definitely see more things than me.

Seventeen-year-old girl: "Indeed, and you can also experience the customs and customs of different worlds. If you are not in a hurry, there is really no need to leave immediately."

Blue Slime: "No, no, it's fine if it's the first time, but the key is that the boss does this every time."

Blue Slime: "And this time the newcomer looks very deceptive, maybe he has already been fascinated by the big brother's fans, and he is dizzy."

Chaos Evil: "Ah... so the thoughts of a thirty-year-old social animal are so complicated?"

Blue Slime: "The thirty-year-old prefix is ​​redundant!"

The Spirit of Time: "Ah, it seems that you understand Rimuru very well."

Blue Slime: "...Because in the past, when the company was building a team or on a business trip, the seniors or juniors in the same industry would stay away for 5.8 nights after finishing the work. This is my life experience."

Black-haired loli: "What about Mr. Rimuru?"

Blue Slime: "I...Of course I'm going back to the hotel to play games alone...Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

The elegant and decent young lady: "It's so miserable."

Golden Fairy: "Actually, what Mr. Limuru said is not impossible. If something happened to me and Mr. Bai Chen... Personally, I wouldn't mind it at all. Maomao blush.jpg."

Railgun: "Your speech is dangerous."

It's totally hinting at it!

Why do all the girls like her in the group think so?

Why didn't I have any unreasonable thoughts?

Is it true that as Bai Chen joked before, he only regards Bai Chen as a good brother? Not the opposite sex?

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