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Chapter 982 Yakumo Zi: How Can The Big Monster Lose By Riding On His Face?

Chapter 982

Silver-haired Witch: "Well... Actually, after I turned off the live broadcast, Mr. Bai Chen and I went to rest separately, but because so many things happened, I couldn't sleep, so I ran to sleep with Mr. Bai Chen.

Chaos Evil: "???"

Spirit of Time: "???"

Railgun: "???"

Butterfly Ninja: "???"

Bai Chen: "?"

Irreverent white-haired loli: "Bai Chen, you bastard! We finally understand why you are so active and enthusiastic. It turns out that you have always wanted to go!"

Irregular white-haired loli: "I'm really envious... No! The crime is heinous!"

Irreverent white-haired loli: "Even such a simple and ignorant rookie would be attacked, are you still human?!"

Chaos Evil: "I invite the righteous master to speak out."

Bai Chen: "Would you believe me if I said that I didn't do anything, just rested?"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Do you believe it or not?"

Irreverent white-haired loli: "If we could hold the black rabbit and sleep overnight, would you believe that we would even have a baby the next day?"

Little White Cat: "Ah...isn't Miss White Yasha a girl too? Can you have children like this?" 21 I don't want to see a ghost: "Maybe it's the inherent talent of the protoss, the kind that doesn't have gender and reproductive isolation."

Best-selling novelist: "Amazing!"

Irregular white-haired loli: "Bah, bah, bah! Let's just make an analogy, describe how we feel when we sleep with the black rabbit!"

No matter how much she messes with Ji, it's impossible to get the child out.

Black-haired loli: "Well.....I still trust my brother, as long as my brother says yes, that's it."

Electromagnetic Gun: "I don't believe it, the newcomer is so beautiful, and she's a half-mother, and judging by Bai Chen's promiscuous character, nothing happened, I don't believe it anyway." 17

Bai Chen: "Then I said what if you really did something evil?"

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Ah, ah, it seems that I should think about whether I should let the boss come over.

Princess in Military Uniform: "God... also likes girls?"

Irreverent white-haired loli: "This is what I said, as long as the emotions and desires have not been cut off, it is normal to have worldly thoughts. y

Irregular white-haired loli: "However, most of those bald donkeys in Daleiyin Temple uphold the so-called Buddhism and Taoism. They should not be lewd, but we disagree with other practices. If they are just purely lewd, they are a thousand times more glorious than those bald donkeys."

Fubuki of Hell: "For example?"

Irreverent white-haired loli: "There are too many, it's hard to tell all of them at once. Let me tell you in detail when I have a chance."

Although Shiraiyasha had seen the despicability of the upper-level gods in the dawn of Hako Garden, but after the last time the three-headed dragon recovered, she realized that those seemingly sanctimonious Shura gods and Buddhas were actually worse than each other.

In order to prevent her from returning to the godhead to assist the lower levels, martial law was issued on the upper levels early in the morning to prevent her from leaving the upper levels.

If the crisis hadn't been solved by Bai Chen, she would have made a comeback with the Buddhist gods and others.

Fubuki of Hell: "Looking forward."

Bai Chen: "So no matter what I say, I can't make it clear, right?"

Silver-haired witch: "Although I don't know what the evil thing is, I slept very comfortably that night. Rem and Ram can also testify."

Chaos Evil: "???"

I don't want to see a ghost: "Rem and Ram, I think they are the twin maids in that villa.

The princess in military uniform: "Well... So even Mr. Bai Chen would have that kind of thought."

Little Spider: "Hey! Boss, I can't help you anymore, but I'm still firmly on the side of Boss!"

Electromagnetic Cannon: "Hiss! Not only did the group members who met for the first time have been killed, but even other people were brutally murdered!"

All of a sudden, Bai Chen was criticized in the chat group, headed by Bai Yasha.

Although Emilia has been explaining that Bai Chen is not a bad person, but the description is getting darker and darker.

Good guy, everyone likes to put on this show, don't they?

Especially Bai Yasha, who is afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

But the reason why Bai Yasha was so angry was probably because she snatched the black rabbit away.

Although it is temporarily impossible to go to the lower level, there are also channels to communicate with the lower level.

Because of the banner of the Arcadia Alliance, the Black Rabbit voluntarily sacrificed to Bai Chen, perhaps it has already reached her ears.

How could Bai Yasha bear this.

So the rhythm started, and it was natural to bring a wave.

Perhaps, even writing a small composition in private, just waiting for the right time to criticize him.

How dare you take advantage of this moment to intentionally destroy my personality?

Next time I see Shiraiyasha, I must give her a little yellow... no, look at the color.

Bai Chen: "@银发魔女, by the way, there is something I forgot to tell you. Soon, the Witch of Lust and her companions will come to you. Don't worry about their connection with the Witch Cult. Just use their power boldly to help you run for the throne."

Silver-haired Witch: "...Thank you."

Emilia really didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

But since it was what Bai Chen said, she could only choose to believe it.

The Spirit of Time: "By the way, how is the preparation for Ms. Yakumo Zi's affairs?"

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "Ah, I would like to trouble everyone to be concerned. Now 603 is proceeding in an orderly manner. We don't think there will be any troubles in the establishment of the fantasy enchantment."

Little Spider: "But according to Murphy's Law, if there are no accidents, there will definitely be accidents."

Railgun: "What brand of crow's mouth is this?"

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "It doesn't matter, in fact, we also think that the process can't be so smooth.

In order for the monsters to listen to their own words.

She specially set up the capital of the moon as a target.

In order to attract monsters, Zi Yakumo described her reading as if it were a fairyland, attracting countless greedy monsters.

Coupled with the fact that I have successfully lobbied some big monsters, other wandering little monsters are bound to be attracted.

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "However, worrying is also a good thing. It is better than the result of mysterious fading monsters completely withdrawing from the stage after thousands of years."

Even if there will be twists and turns in the process of attacking Yuedu, Yakumo Zi is not surprised.


Yakumo Zi subconsciously believed that the plan to attack Yuedu could not fail.

After all, there are dozens of big monsters in the demon world, plus countless little monsters, it is not difficult to form an army of tens of thousands.

There is no force in the human world that can resist such a force.

Therefore, the possibility of failure in attacking the entire month is not impossible, but too low.

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