
After Concubine Yingli finished eating the ice cream, the two got up.

Kamihara Taku was also under the service of Concubine Eiri, dressed, and then went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Princess Eiri is also self-aware, knowing that she has no culinary talent, wearing a white shirt by Takuya Kambara, sitting barefoot on the sofa and watching the morning news of Nissho TV.

Looking at the busy scene in the kitchen, Concubine Yingli seemed to see her father.

Then, his face turned rosy again.

Because last night, she was forced to call Takuya Kambara her father.

When she thought of this, she blushed a little.

Just when Concubine Yingli was thinking about it, Takuya Kambara had already come to the table with two breakfasts, and then shouted: “Yingli, you can have breakfast.” ”


Concubine Eiri came back to her senses, barefoot, and came to the dining table and sat next to Takuya Kambara.

Today’s breakfast is beef noodles, noodles in the refrigerator, and then Takuya Kambara’s own marinated beef and a poached egg.

In addition to this, there was a bottle of chili oil on the table.

This chili oil is also made by Takuya Kambara himself.

He prefers spicy food, so he adds chili oil to the light beef noodles.

Although Concubine Yingli ate relatively lightly, she also added a little.

The original clear soup beef noodles have become spicy beef noodles with a layer of red oil.

Concubine Yingli picked up the chopsticks, took a mouthful of noodles, widened her eyes, and coughed violently.

Obviously, because of the relationship of chili oil, I choked.

“It’s okay!”

Takuya Kambara showed a gentle smile and patted Eiri on the back.

Concubine Yingli shook her head, her face was a little red: “It’s okay, I just accidentally choked, and it’s not very spicy, it tastes just good for me.” ”

“That’s okay, hurry up and eat!”


Then, there was a loud sound in the living room.

At this time, Concubine Yingli said, “I want to go out and work.” ”

Although she seems to be raised by Takuya Kambara, she does not want to be a canary and wants to make money by her own efforts.

However, Takuya Kambara did not give money to Concubine Yingli, but only left a 10,000-yen bill when he left yesterday.

In other words, so far, Fei Yingli has not paid her own tuition.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara raised his head and said with a smile: “As I said, you can have your own life, watch TV at home, or go out to work.” ”

“It’s okay to work part-time.”

“But you don’t have to worry about tuition or anything, I’ll be responsible for this.”

Concubine Yingli’s one-year tuition is only his salary for one and a half months, which is nothing at all.

Concubine Yingli said: “I’m not worried about tuition, but I don’t want to be idle all day, Yukiko has her own plans, and I have to work hard.” ”

Now that she has the consciousness of being nurtured by Takuya Kambara, she won’t say anything.

I just want to live a fulfilling life for myself.

“No problem!” Takuya Kambara picked up a piece of beef and said, “What do you want to do, I can ask those guys in the logistics department to see if the shop opened by the Metropolitan Police Department needs holiday work.” ”

The Metropolitan Police Department is not only a police department, but also its own shops, restaurants, hot springs, etc., which will become one of the benefits of the members of the Metropolitan Police Department.

At the same time, the other half of some members of the Metropolitan Police Department can also work inside.

“Alas! Is this okay? Concubine Yingli asked.

The Metropolitan Police Department has its own industry, which is a well-known thing, but is it really okay to arrange her who is not a family member into it?

“Yes, I still have this bit of face, and you are too underestimating the gold content of graduates and professional groups of Eastern University!”

The graduation and vocational group of Eastern University is one plus one greater than two, and the gold content is amazing.

At this time, Concubine Yingli hesitated again: “If I go, will it squeeze out other people’s jobs?” ”

“Nope. Every year, they reserve some temporary worker positions for the families of certain members of the Metropolitan Police Department, so they do not temporarily use regular employee positions. ”

“This is an unwritten rule in the Metropolitan Police Department, you know it, don’t say it.”

The families of some members of Kambara Takuya are the families of the professional group.

Admitted to the professional group, there are so many benefits.

“Hmm.” Concubine Yingli nodded and said, “What is there in it that I can do?” ”

For the industry of the Metropolitan Police Department, Fei Yingli is not very clear.

“There are convenience stores, hot springs, restaurants, high-end clubs, and golf courses.”

“Where do you want to go? I can arrange it all. ”

“But it’s all about receptionist or cashier work!” Takuya Kambara said, “It’s quite relaxed. ”

“I won’t be bullied either, after all, you are my person.”

Takuya Kamihara went to say hello, and those people naturally would not embarrass Concubine Yingli, because embarrassing Concubine Yingli is embarrassing Kamihara Takuya.

There is no need to offend a criminal police officer with a bright future for this little thing.

“I’ll go to the convenience store! I have worked in a convenience store before, so I am familiar with this! Fei Yingli said.

Her family used to be an ordinary salaried class, and in her second year of high school, she would also go to work when she was out of school, earn some pocket money, and exercise herself by the way.

“Okay! I’ll ask you later. ”

“Now that I’m going to work, the dishes and chopsticks will be handed over to you, if you are bored, you can go out and stroll, this one for you, there are 100,000 yen in it!”

Takuya Kambara took a bank card from his pocket and placed it on the table, then turned and left the house.

Concubine Eiri also got up, helped Takuya Kambara put on his shoes, and then watched him leave.

Because the car was in the Metropolitan Police Department, Takuya Kambara rode his bicycle to work.

He lives twenty or thirty minutes walk from the Metropolitan Police Department, and cycling is faster.


Takuya Kambara came to the Metropolitan Police Department, came directly to the office of the third department, and glanced at Twilight Thirteen: “Twilight, come to my office.” ”

“Yes, Head of the Kamihara Department.”

Twilight put down the things in his hand and immediately went to Takuya Kambara’s office.

“Twilight, you go and arrange it, let the brothers monitor the topic of the mud meeting, Shinji Onuma, be careful.”

“Call me if there is any problem!”


Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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