Metropolitan Police Department.

Office of the head of the three departments.

Takuya Kambara was scrambling to process the documents in front of him, and he kept chanting something in his mouth: “It’s really strange.” ”

“There are really no major cases in Tokyo today, only some petty theft and normal traffic accidents.”

“Nothing happened in homicides, suicides.”

“Could it be that this guy Yusaku Kudo is really the Grim Reaper, because he was locked up by me, so he sang and danced outside?”

It was already afternoon, and there was not much time left before the end of work, and Takuya Kambara had not left his office much except for going to the cafeteria of the Metropolitan Police Department to eat.

All in the office to process some paperwork, and then to fish.

However, because of the relationship of touching the fish, the documents that can be processed in an hour have only just started.

After all, it is about to reach the end of work, and if you don’t deal with it, it will be too late.

Therefore, in order not to delay his appointment after work, Takuya Kambara can only step up his work.

At the same time, I also feel very strange that there are really no major cases in Tokyo today.

If you put it in the past, you can’t believe it.

After all, Gotham is known as Xiaomi Flower, which shows how chaotic Rice Hana Town and even the whole of Tokyo are, and how many cases there are!

But today, as if the prisoners had made an agreement, they took a public leave together, and they did not do a single major thing.

“So, this guy Yusaku Kudo is really the Shinigami, and he transmitted the Shinigami trait to his son?” Taku Kambara couldn’t help but complain.

The singing and dancing of Yonehua Town, he is really not used to it!

“Shall I let this guy Yusaku Kudo out and let him continue to plague Yonakacho?”

Takuya Kambara had a vicious idea in his heart, that is, to experiment with whether Kudo Yusaku was the Shinigami in the end, and whether there would be any murders after releasing him.

However, this idea is only an idea, and Taku Kambara is not ready to implement it.

If Kudo Yusaku is really the Grim Reaper, wouldn’t he be able to happily fish and run around to deal with cases.

He just wanted to sit in the office and get promoted, and he didn’t want to work so hard.

It’s already very diligent to process the documents.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was not able to accompany the secretary at this level, he would definitely have three or four secretaries to help him deal with documents and chores.

After the documents and chores are dealt with, play interesting games with the secretaries.

That’s life!

You can’t cross and continue to be a social animal!

Suddenly, Takuya Kambara stopped writing and glanced at the clock on the wall: “There are still ten minutes, I will leave work soon.” ”

“Kudo Yusaku, hold on, today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, we must not let Tokyo, let any cases occur in Yonehana Town!”

“I really want to go to the appointment!”

Today is Friday, and tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday, he is off!

Police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department generally take weekends off and take turns on weekends to ensure that the Metropolitan Police Department has sufficient police capacity.

But his head doesn’t need to take a rotational break, which is one of the benefits of sitting in the office.

It’s just that if something big happens in Tokyo, his department head will also be called to work overtime.

Now Takuya Kambara only hopes that the detention center can temporarily seal this guy Kudo Yusaku so that he can enjoy his rare vacation.


Takuya Kambara threw the pen in his hand on the table, and the documents were finally processed.

And it’s only a minute before the end of work.

“Well, it’s just right, it’s me!” Takuya Kambara was quite satisfied with his time on official business, and then got up and went to the hanger, picked up his suit and put it on.

When the clock approached half-past five, Takuya Kambara opened the door to his office and walked out.

When the colleagues on the road saw Takuya Kambara, they all nodded and said hello.

Soon, Takuya Kambara arrived at the parking lot and prepared to drive away.

At this moment, his mobile phone suddenly rang, and it was still a call from Twilight.

“Hey, what’s going on with Twilight?” Taku Kambara also fastened his seat belt and went straight to the car.

Overtime? It is impossible for him to work overtime today, and he will definitely not work overtime.

“Well, I just went to your office and found no one, so I called and wanted to ask, can I give Yusaku Kudo paper and pen?” Twilight said.

In general, there is not much difference between being detained and being in prison.

But sometimes it’s also adaptable, as long as you’re on the road.

However, Kudo Yusaku does not need to go to the road, after all, Twilight XIII is his friend.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara said, “What does he want with pen and paper?” ”

“His mobile phone is placed here with me, and now people from the publishing house call every day to urge the manuscript, and I am almost bored, so I want him to continue to finish the manuscript of the mystery novel in the detention center, and then give it to the people of the publishing house.”

“It’s not in line with the rules, but I still want to ask!” Twilight pleaded in a low voice.

Hearing this, Takuya Kambara said, “You can do this little thing yourself, but don’t make it difficult for your colleagues in the detention center, you know?” Twilight! ”

The implication of Takuya Kambara is that the guards of the detention center should be taken care of, and people should not gossip that they are bullying people in the Metropolitan Police Department.

“Yes, I’ll take care of it!”

Twilight Thirteen has also been messing around in the Metropolitan Police Department for a few years, naturally he knows how to deal with people, and of course he knows how to deal with it.

“That’s okay, you drive again, call me again if you have something.”


Afterwards, Takuya Kambara hung up the phone, threw the mobile phone aside, and drove towards the apartment building where Eri Shibuya was.

On the other side, Twilight XIII, who had received the promise of Takuya Kambara, also came to the detention center with a pen and paper.

At this time, Kudo Yusaku was looking at the ceiling idly.

“Yusaku, the people from the publishing house have been calling me for the past two days and asking you to hand over the manuscript, I am annoyed.”

“So bring paper and pen, you write the manuscript!”

Kudo Yusaku looked at the paper and pen in front of him, and looked at Twilight Thirteen with resentment in his eyes: “Are you a living Hades?” ”

He would rather look at the ceiling idly than write a manuscript.

Because when hobbies become jobs, you feel like you’re in jail.

This is pretty much what Kudo Yusaku looks like.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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