Metropolitan Police Department.

Mouri Kogoro was not taken to the interrogation room, but was temporarily detained.

As for the reason, of course it was an illegal transaction with the divine maid.

Of course, this kind of illegal trade can be small or big.

If you don't pursue the case, you can be released with a small fine. If you do, you will be detained for about half a year!

Speaking of which, Mouri Kogoro was also unlucky. Today was his first offense and he was reported.

And when Kanbaru Takuya came in, he happened to be working hard, and then he was so frightened that he collapsed.

Maybe it will be frightened out of the shadow, and then the thing will be scrapped and cannot be used.

But Takuya Kanbara is not to blame for this kind of thing. After all, he is a policeman of the Metropolitan Police Department, so he naturally wants to enforce the law.

So for what might happen to Mouri Kogoro, Kanbaru Takuya could only say that he deserved it. Who asked you to look for the maiden outside?

If you had gone directly to a regular club, you wouldn't have been caught.

But there is one thing. Regular clubs are relatively expensive, and students like Mouri Kogoro cannot afford them.

Although the Mouri family has some money, they will never let Kogoro Mouri use it like this.

However, Mouri Kogoro's current situation is that he needs to pay a fine. If he pays more, he does not need to be detained. If he pays less, he will continue to be detained after the fine.

So this matter still needs to be told to Maori Kogoro's parents, because Maori Kogoro has no money to pay the fine.

As for the Godly Attendant girl, she had already walked out of the Metropolitan Police Department. She swiped her card and paid the fine.

And before leaving, he handed a red envelope to Kanbaru Takuya and asked him to pass it to Mouri Kogoro.

As for the reason, Kogoro Mori is a boy, and this is the rule.

The money wasn't much, just two or three thousand yen bills, just a quick thought and that was all.

No, Kanbaru Takuya came over with a red envelope from Mouri Kogoro.

When Kanbaru Takuya came to Mouri Kogoro, he felt depressed and no longer as high-spirited as he was taking photos with him at the entrance of Teitan High School.

In the past, Mouri Kogoro was a fighting cock, but now he is a quail.

"Mouri Kogoro, this is a red envelope from Miss Sawaguchi!"

Takuya Kanbara walked to the door of the cell and handed the red envelope to him.

Kogoro Mori looked at the red envelope and caught it tremblingly, but he was a little confused:"What is this?"

"Could it be that she pushed the cost?"

He handed over the money first and then started playing.

After hearing this, Kanbaru Takuya pulled a stool to sit down and said with a smile:"No, because it is your first time, so I will give you a red envelope."

Hearing this, Mouri Kogoro was a little speechless.

He thought it was just talk, but he didn't expect it to be true.

If everything was safe, Moori Kogoro would be very happy when he saw this red envelope, but now he is already alive. I was in the Metropolitan Police Department.

I was not happy at all.

But at this time, Mouri Kogoro remembered something:"Did you also arrest Okawa?"

"Okawa? Kanbara Takuya looked strange:"There is no such person, and the report we received was from the hotel you were in, and the room number you were in.""

"As for Okawa, there is no such thing."

"Is it possible that your friend named Dachuan is also conducting illegal transactions?" Kanbaru Takuya asked with squinted eyes.

If Mouri Kogoro really said something, he wouldn't mind beating a rabbit with a straw and finishing the pot.

After all, these are all achievements!

But Moori Kogoro is not stupid and keeps silent about this. It's a matter.

If he betrays his friend, then how can he have the face to survive!

As for the matter of reporting, Mouri Kogoro did not think about Okawa. After all, reporting him would not do Okawa any good!

The two of them did not Conflict of interest, and they are still friends

"Well, who is the person who reported it?"Moori Kogoro asked tentatively.

"I don’t know, but it’s most likely that they are peers. People who work as maidens of gods are generally not reported. Those who report are peers." Kanbaru Takuya explained.

If a customer reports, it will be easy for him to be brought in, but colleagues are not afraid.

Because the colleagues who will report are all good people, they have found honest people, so they will report.

Things that harm others and benefit oneself can be done easily. Done

"ah! There is such a thing!"

Moori Kogoro said he couldn't understand and looked confused.

"Wherever there are people, there will be entanglements of interests. You will know this when you go to college."

"Okay, now do you need me to notify your parents? Maori Kogoro!"Kannahara Takuya seemed to be smiling but not smiling. After a few seconds of silence, Mouri Kogoro spoke, feeling a little helpless.

"Do I need to notify my parents about this?"

If possible, he doesn't want his parents to know because he will be beaten.

Kanbara Takuya crossed his arms and leaned on the chair:"It's possible, but you need to be detained for a month and then pay a fine of 10,000 yen."

"So you can go out"

"ah!"Mouri Kogoro opened his mouth wide and blinked.

He has no money and doesn't want to be detained!

After all, he is going to report to university next month, how can he be detained!

"Is there no other way?"Moori Kogoro asked unwillingly.


"We have obtained your transaction records, and you have admitted it yourself, so you cannot get out without being detained or fined!"

"Unless you jailbreak, if you do, you will really go to jail!"Kanahara Takuya said leisurely.

After hearing this, Mouri Kogoro completely shut himself up.

"Notify my parents!"

He had no choice but to ask his parents to pay the fine and then let him walk out of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Okay, I'll notify your parents now, wait a minute!"

With that said, Kanbara Takuya went outside to make a phone call.

Half an hour later, Mouri Kogoro's parents came to the Metropolitan Police Department, and there was a girl with him,

Fei Eri.

Mouri Kogoro's parents received the call After the phone call, they called Fei Yingli immediately because they knew that today was a class party.

As a result, Fei Yingli didn't know anything. Originally, the Maori couple were not prepared to bring Fei Yingli with them, but she came directly.


Fei Yingli already knew the whole process, and the eyes she looked at Mouri Kogoro were full of disgust.


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