The embarrassing episode was just a passing one.

Let the embarrassing episode go.

Sato Miwako was a little disappointed, "You two are really close, but you haven't been together for a long time, or did Xiao Ai love you when she was very young?"


Dong Ye Ning felt that this was not easy to say.

Huiyuan Ai also lowered her head involuntarily, thinking: I am not very close to Dong Ye Ning, but I have fallen in love with Dong Ye brother~


Huyuan Ai was disgusted by her own words.

But... that's it!

Eat and chat, chat and eat.

Sato Miwako was only concerned with protecting Mao Lilan at the time, with her back to the murderer. The environment was still dark at the time, and she didn't see the murderer's appearance at all.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that the murderer's first impression is that he is not short and looks like a man.

But this still doesn't help the investigation of the case.

After all, there is only one female suspect at present, and she has been ruled out by Dong Ye Ning.

"Ke Xue...Ke Xue!"

Dong Ye Ning muttered in his heart, trying to find the real criminal through Ke Xue.

Don't say it, there is indeed such a target now.

Who is it?

Feng Hu Kyosuke.

There is no way, there are only a few people who have intersected with Dong Ye Ning this time and have names.

The suspicions of the rest of the people have all been ruled out, isn't he the only one left?


Dong Ye Ning can't really think of how this guy is related to the case a year ago.

Feng Hu Kyosuke works in the psychiatric department, and the deceased Ni Noboru worked in the surgical department a year ago, and the two are in different hospitals.

He must have a motive to kill Ni Nobo first, and now he has a motive to attack the detective.

Otherwise, it doesn't make sense logically.

Now that things have come to this, let's eat first.

Dong Ye Ning hadn't eaten lunch yet. Huiyuan Ai had already eaten before he came, so he simply left alone and planned to find a small restaurant near the hospital to eat.

By the way, when he arrived, Gao Mu Shi had already shown off Huiyuan Ai's lunch box and left.

He was going to protect Mao Li Ran.

It was Huiyuan Ai who reminded him.

After learning that Sato Miwako didn't see the criminal's appearance, the little loli immediately thought that Mao Li Ran might have seen it at the time.

In this case, even if Mao Li Ran has lost her memory, the criminal will probably still attack Mao Li Ran for the sake of safety.

On the way to eat, Dong Ye Ning thought more and more that it was necessary to investigate Fudo Kyosuke.

Now there is no clue anyway. In the world of science, there is no problem with believing in the laws of science. This seems to be no different from the original soup and the original food.

After quickly finishing the Oyakodon in two bites, Tono Ning returned to the hospital and went straight to Mao Li Ran's ward.

As soon as he came downstairs, he saw Megure Jusan leading Chiba and Shin.

After asking, he found out that it was Takagi Shige who reported to Megure Jusan that Mao Li Ran might be attacked. Megure Jusan felt that he was not able to protect her alone, so he simply arranged Chiba to come.

The three of them went upstairs together and met Mao Li Kogoro who came to greet them in person.

"Xiao Ran just rested and is doing a brain MRI."

Mao Li Kogoro's face was also full of fatigue. "Last night, there was not enough time. I'm checking now. I hope I won't find any brain damage."

Megure Jusan nodded, "Well, I'll let Takagi and Chiba take turns to do the follow-up protection work. At present, You Chengzhen has not been arrested, but don't worry, Mao Li brother, everything should focus on Xiao Ran's recovery first, and the case can be handed over to our police."

After hearing this, the confused detective couldn't help but look at Tono Ning.

It seems that Tono Ning's personal approach to handling cases is not in sync with the police.

At least Megure Jusan is not on the same channel.

Fortunately, there is no contradiction between who to believe and who not to believe now, he just needs to wait for the result.

Since his daughter may be threatened in the future, he will never leave a step again.

Because Mao Lilan was undergoing an examination, Megure Jusan turned to visit Sato Miwako in the ward first.

Tono Ning himself went to find Huiyuan Ai and asked her what she was going to do in the future today.

He knew that the little loli could not stay in the ward.

Thinking that Huiyuan Ai might leave directly due to courtesy or some other bad mood, Tono Ning simply said:

"If you want to leave later, go ahead. Officer Sato doesn't really need you to accompany her. Her mother and Yumi will come over later."

"As for whether you are going to play with Ayumi or the others,

Go home and stay by yourself, then I won't provide any reference suggestions. "

Graybara Ai blinked her eyes and looked thoughtful.

She was indeed not used to accompanying others, after all, it was really boring to just stay here.

With her current status, she couldn't have a good chat with Sato Miwako. After she fell asleep, she would just stay in the ward and be in a daze.

"Well... okay." Graybara Ai nodded, "Then I'll find a suitable time to go home later, take a nap and do some research."

After that, she looked up and asked, "What about you, how is the case going now? "

Higashino Ning couldn't say for sure now, he could only say that there was a clue to the case, and the result should be out in two or three days, but some investigation was still needed.

The waiting time passed in a flash.

Mouri Kogoro was called to the doctor's office, and Higashino Ning also went with him.

Kyousuke Fudo, who was called in last night to save the situation, has now become the attending physician of Ran Mouri.

According to the MRI, Ran Mouri's brain was not damaged.

The confused detective immediately suggested to reproduce the crime scene in the hotel to see if Ran Mouri could recover her memory through strong stimulation.

His suggestion was rejected by Eri Kisaki on the spot, and Kyosuke Fudo also said that the method of forced stimulation to recover memory was not appropriate.

The couple's dispute was temporarily suspended.

Higashino Ning and Conan sat aside and listened quietly.

It's just that the former's attention was always on Kyosuke Fudo.


The landline phone on the table rang.

Kyousuke Fudo said "Lost "Accompany" He took the phone with his right hand and answered it.

Higashino Ning sighed.

It's the right hand?

Just when he was thinking whether he should find a way to test the other party's dominant hand, Fenghuo Kyosuke started to dial with his left hand.

Higashino Ning instantly locked the target.

It's you.

Whether it's the brick phone now or the smart phone in the future, in a convenient and comfortable environment, most people will use their dominant hand to do things that are urgently needed.

Fenghuo Kyosuke is actually left-handed!

With this buff, Higashino Ning can almost be sure that the criminal is him.

The next step is to conduct a logical investigation.

Fenghuo Kyosuke and Nino Bao must have had an intersection a year ago, and a conflict must have broken out.

As a well-known doctor with a name and surname, there must be clues in his past resume.

"Mr. Maori, Ms. Hime, since your daughter is in good condition, I won't stay for long. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. "

Higashino Ning got up and left.

Next stop: the hospital nurse station.

Go over there to listen to some gossip, then go to the archives to look through Fudo Kyousuke's resume, and then go to the hospital where Ninoho works to investigate thoroughly.

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