After a long wait, the nurses came to the nurse station.

Dong Ye Ning's handsome image immediately attracted the attention of a group of nurses.

"Hello... Hello... Is there anything I need to consult?"

One of the slightly bolder nurses stood up and asked.

Dong Ye Ning responded with a gentle and approachable smile, "I want to ask about Dr. Feng Hu Kyosuke. Do you know anything about him?"

"Dr. Feng Hu?" The nurse was stunned for a moment. She thought Dong Ye Ning came to ask which department to go to for treatment or just came to chat.

In the end, he just asked about Dr. Feng Hu...?

A little regretful.

She quickly shook off the thought in her mind and corrected it, "Dr. Feng Hu entered this hospital at about the same time as me, so I know something."

"And Dr. Feng Hu is usually approachable, and we can talk to each other very well. He doesn't put on airs, right?"

While talking, the nurse also sought recognition from her colleagues around her.

The other ladies also nodded.

"Yes, Dr. Feng Hu is young, handsome and has no airs. It would be great if I could be his girlfriend."

"Yes, yes, he is really an ideal spouse candidate, but it's a pity that Dr. Feng Hu doesn't seem to be very interested in girls in the hospital."


Why did they suddenly gossip?

Is it really just a matter of someone starting you off?

But this is also good. Not only is the information you get from gossip more authentic, but it is also true - no matter how outrageous the gossip is, it has a certain degree of authenticity. Sometimes reality is so unexpected.

Of course, rumors are another matter.

Dong Ye Ning was about to listen carefully, but the nurse who had just stood up suddenly stopped talking and cast a suspicious look at him.

"Sir, I wonder why you are asking about these things..."

You are quite alert.

Dong Ye Ning took out his police officer ID from his arms and handed it over, "It is required for work. I just want to simply understand the life and past of Dr. Feng Hu. You can use it as you like."

He then reminded: "Our police are secretly investigating. Please don't tell Dr. Feng Hu about this matter. It's better not to tell others, otherwise I will be very troubled."

Dong Ye Ning's main feature is to grasp it accurately. When he released his pleading eyes and matched his handsome appearance, several nurses instantly determined to cooperate with the police to keep it secret.

If Feng Hu Kyosuke is a very high-quality candidate for a spouse, then Dong Ye Ning is even more so.

In the past, they would definitely think that such a young police chief was a fake.

But now... they have recognized it.

This is the current police chief, Tono Ning, who is now at the peak of his reputation, has solved several major cases in succession, and has been promoted by institutional reforms and has been promoted!

Idol and handsomeness are both a feeling.

Maybe they didn't think so before.

But now, Tono Ning is their idol!

"Mr. Police Chief, why don't you... go to the lounge with us to chat."


Enter the lounge.

Tono Ning found a chair and sat down.

It's really hard to sit on this chair, it's hard and uncomfortable.

Nursing is also a very hard job, and they are exploited in various ways.

The first thing the young lady said when she came up was "Dr. Feng Hu was involved in a crime."

Tono Ning shook his head, "You know about the murder of the criminal police, Dr. Feng Hu was also at the scene yesterday. Now I am just conducting a routine investigation, don't be nervous."

"Oh... so." The nurse sister breathed a sigh of relief, "I said, how could a very good person like Dr. Feng Hu be related to a crime."

That's not necessarily true.

Your doctor Feng Hu has at least four lives.

Dong Ye Ning didn't want to talk any more and started asking questions.

"You just said that you and doctor Feng Hu entered this hospital at about the same time. I wonder when it was?"

"About... six months ago?"

"Then do you know where doctor Feng Hu worked before coming to this hospital?"

"I haven't deliberately found out about this. Doctor Feng Hu was the chief physician of the psychiatry department when he came in. He is very powerful."

Dong Ye Ning decided to change the question, "Then do you know anything about doctor Feng Hu's experience before he came to this hospital?"

If the other party said "no", then the questioning could almost stop here.

But the nurse thought for a moment and said carefully: "This

I'm not sure, but I've heard from others that Dr. Fenghu was actually a surgeon when he first graduated, and he was a genius. "

She smiled and waved her hands, "But this is probably just a rumor, because there is no way a genius surgeon would choose to switch to psychiatry."

"He is still so young, there is no need for him to give up his bright future as a genius. "

Higashino Ning's expression became serious.

A genius surgeon...

According to common sense, the income level of a genius surgeon is a level that psychiatrists can never hope to achieve in their lifetime.

And Fudo Kyosuke is not very old now, and there is almost no possibility that he will suddenly become interested in psychology and change his major.

If he is interested in psychology, he would probably switch to psychology during college, as medical students have a five-year undergraduate program.

It is precisely because it violates common sense that Fudo Kyosuke is now more suspicious.

Even Higashino Ning can conclude that Fudo Kyosuke's killing of Nino Yasushi must have a huge connection with his transfer to the psychiatry department.

Isn't this a clear idea?

Higashino Ning symbolically asked Fudo Kyosuke about his usual performance and whether he had any strange behavior in recent days, and then stopped asking questions and left.

As soon as he walked out of the nurses' rest station, he heard Maori Kogoro's anxious voice.

"Is there really no possibility of negotiation? Do you have to move back? ”

The noble and cold Hibiki crossed her arms and turned her head to one side.

“That’s right, I must move back.”

“How can I let you take care of Xiaolan alone when she’s like this!”

“Stop nagging, old man, just give up.”

“I’ll come back to see what you’ve ruined this house into.”

The middle-aged couple was arguing again.

Mouri Kogoro felt desperate, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Higashino Ning who was quietly leaning against the wall and trying to escape.

“Inspector Higashino, what are you doing?”

Higashino Ning: “…”

Can’t you just pretend you didn’t see me?

It’s really embarrassing to walk out of the encirclement of a group of nurses!

He stood up “calmly”, “Hey, Mr. Mouri, long time no see. "

What the hell is that? It's been a long time since we last met. Weren't we sitting together 20 or 30 minutes ago?

Mouri Kogoro was going to grab Tono Ning and ask him in detail.

He was also very embarrassed now. He felt uncomfortable standing next to Kisaki Eri.

But Tono Ning ran away.

He ran very fast.

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