The accident happened at the construction site in Mang Village, and Zhang Yaoyang rushed to the scene with his men as soon as possible.

As soon as he stopped the car, he saw police cars, ambulances, and a large crowd of people.

The crowd of onlookers included workers and villagers from Mang Village.

Zhang Yaoyang got out of the car, and when he came over, the project manager of the construction site was already panicking.

The project manager was Xiao Tianyu, Xiao Wanhua's cousin.

"What's going on?" Zhang Yaoyang asked with a frown.

Xiao Tianyu did not speak, Xiao Wanhua answered for his cousin: "The steel structure grid collapsed during construction, causing a major accident, and rescue is now underway."

Zhang Yaoyang looked closer and saw that the crane was carefully lifting the steel frame away.

As the steel frame was moved away, a man covered in blood appeared in everyone's sight.

At the same time.

Li Youtian was watching from a distance. When he saw Zhang Yaoyang getting off the car and the cadres on the construction site reporting to Zhang Yaoyang, he knew that Zhang Yaoyang was their leader.

So, Li Youtian hurriedly came to Xiao Tianyu.

"Manager Xiao, what should we do now? If he dies or becomes disabled, how can I explain to the family members?"

Li Youtian looked nervous. Just looking at his appearance, he did not look like he was acting.

Xiao Tianyu looked ugly, and he looked at Xiao Wanhua awkwardly.

Xiao Wanhua frowned. This village party secretary really added fuel to the fire!

However, Xiao Wanhua still patiently introduced: "Don't worry, Secretary Li, this is Director Zhang of our Hengwan Group."

"Hello, Director Zhang." Li Youtian turned his head and looked at Zhang Yaoyang. He said pitifully: "Director Zhang, you have to think of a way to help these young people. They are the future and pillars of our Mang Village. If they have any problems, how can their families live?"

Li Youtian's words are similar to "Brothers and sisters, beloved relatives and friends".

Translation: You have to pay more!

Zhang Yaoyang hummed: "Don't worry, Secretary Li, our Hengwan Group will definitely take responsibility to the end."

"Director Zhang, I feel relieved with your words."

Li Youtian was secretly proud in his heart.

He was waiting for Zhang Yaoyang to say this!

The on-site rescue work went smoothly.

However, this time the steel structure grid collapsed, resulting in one death and three injuries.


As night fell, Li Youtian and Li Hongwei, father and son, drank at home to celebrate.

Li Hongwei tampered with the steel structure grid, causing the steel structure grid to collapse during construction.

Among the four outsiders deceived by Li Hongwei, one died and three were injured.

This was a serious accident, and Li Youtian believed that Hengwan Group would pay a lot of money to keep it quiet.

And this hush money would fall into the pockets of the two fathers and sons.

Li Youtian and his sons did similar things more than once, and each time they made the investors lose money.

In order to keep things quiet, the investors would cooperate.

This time was no exception.

Li Hongwei put down his wine glass, "I want to buy a motorcycle."

"Buy another motorcycle, you have bought several." Li Youtian was unhappy when he heard that Li Hongwei wanted to buy a motorcycle.

The motorcycles that Li Hongwei bought were all imported sports cars, which were more expensive than four-wheeled cars.

Moreover, buying one and breaking it was really a waste of money.

Li Hongwei said, "If you don't buy it for me, don't ask me to help you with this kind of thing in the future."

Li Youtian frowned when he heard this, "Okay, but let's make it clear that this is the last one."

"It's easy to make money." Li Hongwei laughed, and he took a glass of wine and drank a glass with Li Youtian.


Zhang Yaoyang called the police and asked Cao Chuang to send someone to investigate the cause and process of the accident.

Cao Chuang sent Li Chuang to investigate.

Li Chuang was from Mang Village and was familiar with the situation in Mang Village.

When Li Chuang looked at the victims of the accident and the list of injured, his first reaction was: "Who are these people?"

Mang Village is not big and the population is not large.

Li Chuang is familiar with the villagers.

However, he has never seen every name on the list.

"Is it a new move?" Li Chuang muttered.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Biao asked.

Li Chuang pointed to the names on the list and said, "I don't know any of these people."

Zhang Biao smiled and said, "This is normal. There are always new people moving in."

"Maybe." Li Xiang nodded.

Then, Li Xiang and Zhang Biao found the technicians and safety officers on site to take notes.

Especially the safety officer, he was very emotional: "Sir, this is really not my responsibility. I have been a safety officer for seven years and have been to more than a dozen construction sites. I have never...

This kind of thing happened. "

The safety officer was very worried that he would take the blame.

He didn't make much money, and if he took the blame, it would be more unfair than Dou E.

"Don't be nervous, we are just understanding the situation." Li Xiang said.

The safety officer was still very excited: "Sir, this time it is really not my fault. Before the accident, I checked it repeatedly, and I can guarantee that there is no problem. The leaders and colleagues I followed before can all testify for me. I can't make such a low-level mistake. "

"Don't get excited first, we are just investigating the cause of the accident. "

While Li Xiang and Zhang Biao were making their statements, Wang Jun came to the scene of the accident.

Isolation belts were set up around the accident site.

Wang Jun crawled through the isolation belt and began to check.

After Li Xiang and Zhang Biao recorded their statements, they saw Wang Jun in a daze at the site of the grid collapse.

Zhang Biao smiled and said: "Your apprentice is addicted to investigating cases. He wants to investigate and solve all cases. "

Last time, Wang Jun didn't sleep for several days and nights to investigate the dismemberment case.

Therefore, the criminal investigation team called Wang Jun the Sherlock Holmes of Jinghai.

Of course, Sherlock Holmes was just joking.

So, Li Xiang came to Wang Jun.

"How is it? Have you found anything?" Li Xiang asked Wang Jun.

After this period of contact, Li Xiang is very familiar with Wang Jun.

Wang Jun is very stubborn and wants to find out the truth in everything.

This is very similar to An Xin.

Fortunately, Wang Jun has no background, otherwise everyone will have a headache.

Wang Jun found the nuts and screws on the ground.

"?" Li Xiang was confused.

Wang Jun said: "I checked and found that the screws in more than a dozen places were loose, which led to the collapse of the grid."

Li Xiang smiled and said: "Listening to your words is like listening to your words."

Wang Jun picked up the screws on the ground and said seriously: "Master, so many screws, how could it be caused by negligence at work, unless the workers don't have brains. "

The smile on Li Xiang's face disappeared.

One or two screws could be caused by carelessness or negligence.

However, so many screws could not be an accident.

Remember what the safety officer said just now.

The safety officer said that he would carefully check every time to ensure the safety of the construction.

That is to say.

The possibility of human intervention cannot be ruled out.

If it is human intervention, it is really terrible.

However, if it is human intervention, what is the motive for the crime?

Did the four workers offend anyone?

Just when Li Xiang was thinking, a group of people broke into the construction site. These people held the portraits of the victims and cried and made a fuss in the construction site.

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