The two of them were in a mess, and the two sides were in chaos.

"Black-hearted construction site, give me back my brother's life!"

"Black-hearted construction site, give me back my brother's life!"

"Black-hearted construction site, give me back my brother's life!"

When this group of people met the security guards at the construction site, they immediately pushed the security guards, and they shouted loudly, making more and more noise.

Li Hongwei watched from a distance.

The group of people who are making trouble now are the ones he found.

They are friends that Li Hongwei met outside, and they are also idle, lazy hooligans and ruffians.

Li Hongwei promised to give them a large sum of money after the matter was completed.

Therefore, this group of people are willing to make trouble.

Anyway, if they are caught, they will only be detained for more than ten days.

Li Xiang saw the two sides fighting, so he ran over immediately.

Wang Jun followed.

The two sides fought, and even the equipment on the construction site was broken.

The security guards were outnumbered, and the other side was carrying sticks, so they were soon beaten to a bloody mess.

"What are you doing!"

"Stop it!"

Li Xiang shouted loudly.

While speaking, Li Xiang took out his police officer ID.

Wang Jun followed suit and took out his police officer ID.

The two of them tried to separate the two sides and try to stop the troublemakers from committing crimes.

"Put down the sticks!

"What, do you want to attack the police? "

Li Xiang scolded the troublemakers, but his voice was drowned out.

Helplessly, Li Xiang took out his pistol and fired into the sky.

Bang! Bang!

Two consecutive gunshots.

The whole world was quiet.

Seeing that Li Xiang and Wang Jun were policemen and had taken out guns, the troublemakers put down their sticks.

At this time, the bald man in the lead said: "Officer, even if you are policemen, you can't side with the gangsters."

"What did you say?"

Li Xiang was stunned for a while, and he asked loudly: "Who are you saying helps the gangsters!"

The bald man said: "We all know that the boss of this project is Zhang Yaoyang, and Zhang Yaoyang is a gangster in Jinghai. Instead of helping us ordinary people, you help the gangsters bully the ordinary people. "

"Help the gangsters bully the ordinary people."

"Help the gangsters bully the ordinary people."

"Help the gangsters bully the ordinary people."

"Help the gangsters bully the ordinary people." "

As the bald man shouted, the people behind him also shouted.

Li Xiang was really angry.

He hadn't expected that he would be exaggerating.

"What are you talking about? We are here to investigate the case."

Wang Jun explained loudly.

"What else do you want to investigate? It was this black-hearted construction site that killed my brother."

The bald man shouted even louder.

At the same time, Xiao Tianyu, the project manager of the construction site, had called Tang Xiaolong.

Tang Xiaolong was already leading people and rushing to the construction site.

Li Hongwei was watching the excitement and suddenly heard his pager ringing.

Li Hongwei took out his pager.

"What's the situation now?"

Li Youtian's voice came from the phone.

Li Hongwei smiled and said, "According to what I taught them, they are making trouble with the police."

"Well done." Li Youtian smiled and said, "Let them make things bigger."

"Don't worry, I know what to do. "

Li Hongwei hung up the phone and continued to watch the excitement.

"Don't get excited." Li Xiang tried to appease the bald man and others.

"Call out the person in charge of the construction site!"

The bald man shouted.

"Call out the person in charge of the construction site!"

"Call out the person in charge of the construction site!"

"Call out the person in charge of the construction site!"

The people around the bald man shouted.

After shouting, the bald man did not forget to push forward and try to squeeze into the construction site.

Xiao Tianyu was almost scared to death when he saw this.

Xiao Tianyu is different from his brother Xiao Wanhua. Xiao Tianyu is a serious scholar. It was also because of his brother Xiao Wanhua that he got the position of project manager.

Now that someone is making trouble on the construction site, Xiao Tianyu can't cover it.

"Don't move, don't move, do you hear me? "

Li Xiang warned.

At the same time, Zhang Biao and others also rushed over.

The number of police officers on the scene exceeded 20, and the bald man stopped shouting.

At this time, the bald man's pocket kept ringing.

It was the Xiaolingtong that was vibrating.

The bald man knew it was time to retreat.

"Let's go back first." The bald man turned and left.

Seeing that the troublemakers had left, Xiao Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Xiang came to Xiao Tianyu: "If there is any situation, please call the police immediately."

"I will, thank you officers." Xiao Tianyu said gratefully.

Li Xiang and others can't always

Staying at the construction site, they also chose to return to the police station after surveying the scene.

Shortly after Li Xiang and others left, Tang Xiaolong and others rushed to the construction site.

"Where are the people?" Tang Xiaolong questioned Xiao Tianyu.

Xiao Tianyu said: "Brother Long, you are finally here. I almost thought I was dead."

Tang Xiaolong frowned and asked impatiently: "I ask you, where did the troublemakers go?"

Xiao Tianyu replied: "They just left, and now I don't know where they are."

"You follow me."

Tang Xiaolong said to the younger brother behind him.

Then, the convoy followed the Crown car and came to the village committee.

In the village committee, Li Youtian smoked leisurely.

When he heard the barking of dogs and the sound of car engines, Li Youtian knew that his performance was about to begin.

Li Youtian left the office and saw Tang Xiaolong and hundreds of people getting off the car.

"Secretary Li." Tang Xiaolong came to Li Youtian angrily: "Where are the troublemakers?"

Li Youtian said: "Brother Long, don't be angry first."

"Damn it, I am responsible for the safety of the construction site. Now people have been beaten and equipment has been smashed. You told me not to be angry!"

Tang Xiaolong was waiting for Li Youtian, his eyes were almost emitting fire.

Zhang Yaoyang is implementing the responsibility system.

The Dragon and Tiger brothers are now responsible for the security of Hengwan Group.

Yaoyang Communication's mobile phone was stolen, and the Dragon and Tiger brothers had to come forward to deal with it.

The business of the beer and beverage factory must be ensured by the Dragon and Tiger brothers.

The safety of the construction site project is also the responsibility of the Dragon and Tiger brothers.

As long as it is Zhang Yaoyang's business, the Dragon and Tiger brothers must do their best to maintain it.

Zhang Yaoyang gave the Dragon and Tiger brothers so much power, they naturally cannot live up to Zhang Yaoyang's trust.

Therefore, if this matter is not done well, he will feel very embarrassed, and even more ashamed of Zhang Yaoyang.

Li Youtian said pitifully: "Brother Long, they didn't do it on purpose. It was his relatives who died."

"Damn it, if they died, we will pay you. It's not like we won't pay you." Tang Xiaolong said.

Li Youtian said: "Brother Long, calm down. A big man doesn't remember the mistakes of a small man. You are the man who can shake three times when you stomp your foot in Jinghai. Don't be so stubborn with a group of children. Otherwise, I will accompany you to talk to them."

Tang Xiaolong was praised so highly that he could only snort coldly: "Okay, let's talk to them. If they don't know how to appreciate it and continue to make trouble, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Li Youtian sneered in his heart when he saw this.

At this time, Li Hongwei was already fanning the flames in the village. He shouted to everyone he met.

"Go to the ancestral hall quickly, the gangsters are coming to the village!"

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