Legendary Shadow

Chapter 119 - Sky Island

Liam continued snooping around to find the voice that has been calling him for help. One of Dr. Devon's assistants had sensed Liam when he entered the facility. Her name was Jade, and she was a robotic humanoid. She had an accident when she was younger and had got into contact with Dr. Devon while he was passing through a town. She was handicapped at that time so when Dr. Devon saw her, he knew that she would be an asset to him one day as he wanted to try his hands-on human robotics. 

So, after stealing her away from her town, he began to experiment on her and later down the years he was able to build a robotic body for her. Before she was paralyzed from the neck down but now, she had a robotic body. 

Devon being a pervert a doctor, made her body extra busty just so she would look like eye candy. When Jade sensed Liam she quickly sounded the alarm. Liam was confused by this and thought that he didn't trigger anything or wasn't seen by anybody so how did he get caught. The whole facility went into chaos as several Pokémon from the security team started searching for Liam. Dr. Devon also stopped his experiment on Celebi to go check out what was going on. 

Devon eventually got in touch with Jade who notified him that there was an intruder so they all quickly gathered as they started to search for Liam. With the current weather, it was easy to catch Liam. Liam fought a hard battle but there were too many Pokémon there to take care of alone and Shadow was still in the shadow realm, so he didn't want any problems. All of Liam's Pokémon couldn't handle the workload due to the sheer number of security Pokémon that were around. 

It seemed like Dr. Devin had been busy. Even Jade was quite powerful as they fought and fought for a whole day until Liam eventually gave up and was captured and taken to the prison. Liam was sitting in a prison cell trying to contact Shadow who eventually came after a day of calling. Liam was bored as there were no people there with him. Shadow arrived and Liam filled him in on the situation and told Shadow to help him break out. 

They escaped and snuck around until Liam was finally able to find a computer where he found Dr. Devon's research on Celebi. Liam was surprised at what they were trying to do and decided that he was going to break up this smart union. Now that he had Shadow with him, he'd be able to fight head to head. Around the island, Liam started to release all the Pokémon that were held, prisoners. As there was total chaos across the island, Liam rushed to where Celebi was kept and helped her out by breaking the cage with the help of Shadow. She thanked him as she joined forces with him to release the rest of the Pokémon's. 

Dr. Devon was pissed because Liam was able to escape and cause so much destruction on his island. Celebi had escaped so he knew he had to leave quickly, or he'll be in trouble as he knew how powerful she was, even though she was weak now, he still wouldn't take his chances with her, so he quickly took all his important research and evacuated the island. He used his security guards as a backup in order to cover his escape. 

Liam finally destroyed all the security guards, but he couldn't find Doctor Devon and Jade anywhere on the island. 

Celebi gave Liam a Time Flute. She said if he ever needed help, he could call her, and she would appear before him, but it could only be used once. Liam thanked her for her kindness as he continued his journey. In the forest, Liam and his Pokémon trained a few days before they got out of the forest and headed to Goldenrod City.

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