Legendary Shadow

Chapter 130 - New Member

After the battle, Liam did not want to hang around. He left the city right away, hoping to avoid Whitney because he did not want to travel with her anymore. So, he quickly sneaked out of the city and made his way through route 38 to 39. There, he met a man and they exchanged numbers so Liam could be notified when the Safari Zone was going to open. Liam wondered what kind of Pokémon would be in the Safari Zone. 

After he left, he had reached the Moomoo farm which was in the middle of nowhere. As it was getting late, he decided to go see if they had a room to rent out, so that he could rest. When he got to the farm there was a problem that the owner of the farm needed his help with, he told Liam that he would offer him a room to sleep in if he helped him. He asked him if he had any Oran berries; which Liam did, and provided him some for his Miltank, who was very sick. 

Miltank healed after being offered a whole bunch of Oran berries. The owner thanked Liam repeatedly and offered him some Moomoo milk that he could buy any time. Liam was sleeping in his room just thinking about everything that happened when suddenly, a bright light blinded him. And then, the God that he had met when he died in his previous life showed up. He was surprised because he had not shown up for all these years and suddenly, now he did. 

"How are you doing hero-boy?" God started a conversation with Liam. Liam simply shrugged and said, "Could be better". God "What could be better if you have strong Pokémon and beautiful women? You're living life so what could be much better than this?" Liam shook his head and he said, "There's a lot of people that are way stronger than me. If I'm not careful, I would be losing every time. These Legendary Pokémon levels are way too high." This caused God to laugh as he said, "Well then get stronger. Here I'll help you out." 

God quickly took out the egg that Liam was carrying from the contest as he touched it and gave it back to Liam. He said, "Here you go, This Pokémon should be the next helper of Shadow and the Mewtwo that you have grows stronger every day, so you have quite the lineup and should be okay from now on. In the future, nobody will be able to rival you. 

Maybe except for a few, There are some old hidden guys here in this world that would give you quite the challenge if you ever faced off against them. Not only that but there are challenges outside of this world." Liam's eyes shone as he asked, "Space. Are there truly life-forms out in space?" God didn't say anything as he simply disappeared. Liam shook his head as he said: "thank you". 

As soon as he finished saying thank you, his egg started to crack, and a blinding light came out of it.  The egg hatched and out came Latios but it looked a little different and his color was green and white. Liam was surprised by this and said, "Thank you. Another legendary Pokémon and this one is quite a fast one at that." Latios started hugging Liam as that was the first person he saw, and he started flying around him. He was so tiny which reminded Liam of when Shadow was just as small as he was. 

Liam hugged Latios back and said, "Welcome to the team." Then, Liam used a Pokeball to tap on him and he caught him. Then he brought him back out in order to introduce him to the rest of the Pokémon. Shadow was still out, but the rest were happy to see that a new member of the family was there. After getting some rest, the next day Liam and his Pokémon left for Olivine City.

Liam 18yrs

Shadow LVL: 130

Ditto LVL: 110

Dragonite LVL: 120

Tyranitar LVL: 110

Eevee LVL: 99 

Kangaskhan LVL: 90

Mewtwo LVL: 150

Omastar LVL: 70

Kabutops LVL: 60

Lucario LVL: 70

Latios LVL: 1

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