Legendary Shadow

Chapter 146 - Ice Cave

Editor: Phema2241

Arriving at the Ice Cave, our hero Liam was using the icy cold weather of the cave to train his Pokémon. Liam could be seen surrounded by hundreds of Pokémon as his whole team was taking them out group by group. Even though these wild Pokémon weren't that strong with their levels being somewhere between 10 and 60, they still gave Liam and his Pokémon a challenge. Everyone was battling hard until there was a blast of energy as ghost and devil aura erupted from Eevee. 

This blast knocked out 10 Pokémon in one go because they were trapping Eevee, who had become frustrated and felt like she was getting bullied, and that's the motivation she needed to evolve as she glowed and got bigger and lighter. Eevee stopped saying Eevee as she was floating from the ground and started saying Morteon. This shocked Liam as he got excited that he had a newly discovered Pokémon. 

Liam couldn't wait to show Professor Oak what he had witnessed and was sure the Professor would be jealous. 

Morteon dragged a lot of wild Pokémon into her ghost realm (Similar to Gengar's Shadow realm) as they all came back either fainted or still confused about where they were. Liam was excited to have been able to have another dependable partner as he congratulated Morteon on her advancement. 

Morteon was quite excited as she was able to get more robust and become one with the Shadow Realm. Morteon went towards the crowd of Pokémon and pulled them into her realm to show off her new strength. 

As she pulled all the Pokémon into the Ghost Realm, they all fell asleep as Ghosteon was eating their dreams. In a few minutes, all the Pokémon that were pursuing Liam and his group had fainted, causing Ghosteon to level up quite a bit as she had defeated a lot of Pokémon at once. 

Liam was surprised by the strength that Morteon displayed, but after she had made that one move, she was beyond tired as she lay down to fall asleep. Liam thanked her for her hard work and returned her to her Poke ball along with the other Pokémon except for Shadow and Latios. 

Shadow was teaching Latios how to shrink his form so that he will also be able to stay around them most of the time if he ever wanted to come out of his Poke ball. They remained in the Ice Cave for a few more days before leaving for the exit. Liam was glad to finally see sunlight as he exited the Ice Cave and arrived at Blackthorn City. Liam was excited to be in this city and couldn't wait to visit the famous Dragon Den and face off against Lance's cousin Clair. 

Liam quickly made his way towards the Pokémon Center to get his Pokémon healed, especially Morteon, who had expended all her energy to defeat a lot of wild Pokémon. 

After dropping off his Pokémon, Liam decided to head in town to see how the Dragon Clan members of Blackthorn City lived. He noticed that there were a lot of dragon-type Pokémon around town who were either training, fighting, or helping with doing hard labor work. 

Wherever Liam went, he was looked down upon as if they were saying they were better than him due to having Dragon-type Pokémon. Liam smirked at this as he thought they were funny and that he could easily defeat any of these guys as he took out his Pokedex to see what levels they were working with. They were quite strong, mostly level 60 to level 90, which surprised Liam. To Liam, it seemed like all that training day and night wasn't going to waste, and it was no wonder Lance was the strongest out of the Elite Four as he had a good background.

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