Legendary Shadow

Chapter 170 - Burned

Editor: Phema2241

Shadow eventually found Sheila and Beth as they had gone out to do some sightseeing. Liam was a little annoyed that they did not come to see his match, but he forgot about it soon after receiving a message from Professor Oak.

As Liam read it, he was a little surprised because Professor Oak was asking him for a ride to the Hoenn region. All Liam must do is give Professor Oak a ride? This meant something had happened in that region, and Professor Oak needed to go check it out right away, but the Pokémon he had on him were slow in terms of flight speed.

Professor Oak knew that Liam had a fast Latios, so asking to borrow him was his plan, which Liam did not mind, after all, he trusted Professor Oak, and he practically raised him, but this was an excellent opportunity for Liam too to also ask for a favor in return.

"Liam, my boy, you're doing pretty good, and in this tournament, I hope you come in second place." Liam tilted his head to the side and asked, "So who should come in first place then?"

Professor Oak smiled and said, "My grandson, of course." Liam couldn't help but smile as he said, "Well, we'll see about that. He seems to have gotten stronger, but if he was just in one place training the whole time, I don't see him beating me anytime soon."

Professor Oak shook his head and agreed, and said, "One must travel and go on adventures and face difficulties to progress and become more robust, and that's something Gary has missed out on these past years."

"Anyways back to business, can I borrow your Latios to take me to the Hoenn region? I will bring him back in one piece. There's an emergency there that requires my looking into it." Liam nodded and handed over the poke ball. 

Latios came out flying up in the sky from the poke ball and came back down. "Wow, this one is full of energy" Professor Oak said. Liam nodded his head and said "Latios; you'll be leaving with Professor Oak today. Please behave yourself and don't cause any trouble to him."

Latios nodded his head as he kept saying "Adventure Time" using his psychic link with Liam. Liam could only shake his head as he thought 'Professor Oak was going to be quite entertained by this guy.'

Professor Oak said his thanks and hopped on to Latios as they took flight and disappeared into the horizon. After that, Liam had nothing else to do, so he decided to grab a bite to eat and then train afterward since everybody else was busy doing their own thing.

Arriving at his secluded area where he usually trained, he made sure to use Mewtwos Psychic to sense if anybody was around before taking out his Pokémon. He looked at everybody and then said, "Today we're going to be doing special training, you guys will be going against the Legendary Fire Pokémon Entei."

Liam took out a fiery looking poke ball as it spun in the air and released Entei, the Legendary Dog Pokémon. The air became dry as soon as he came out as an emotional aura erupted from him.

He turned around and noticed Liam and the anger in his eyes could be seen through everybody. He was pretty angry that a human had captured him that he disapproved of, so he went on the offensive right away and he attacked Liam, trying to free himself.

Liam's other Pokémon got into action right away as well as they went to help defend Liam. They also shot out their attacks. The weaker ones were blown away just from the sheer power Entei was emanating.

'Wow,' thought Liam as the weaker ones had all fainted, and the stronger ones were left standing, which was Mewtwo, Shadow, Tyranitar, Dragonite and the others that had defeated him before, so they knew they could do it again, but it seemed like Entei had become much more potent after being captured by Liam.

Mewtwo used Recovery and healed the others quickly while they tried to hold Entei down. This was quite an intense training as the battlefield was burned to a crisp. Even Liam had to back away and kept his distance. He wondered if this was attracting too much attention because Entei's power output was growing stronger and stronger.

'Shit' thought Liam and said, "Maybe it wasn't yet time for me to bring this guy out yet." Liam did not know how he was able to do it, but he guessed that due to the rest Entei got since he was always on the move and still battling people who wanted to capture him, he was tired already hence why I was able to catch him easily. But now that he has gotten rest for quite some time, he was back to full health and was quite a formidable opponent.

'I might have to return him and give everybody a rest.' Liam took out his poke ball as he pointed it towards Entei, who was raging and frustrated as the other Pokémon would not allow him to attack the trainer that had captured him. The red light beamed towards Entei, but he dodged it and avoided being returned.

Liam was shocked and was now in a panic state. If the other Pokémon could not defeat him, they would be trouble for all of them. Liam checked, and his level and what he saw shocked him. It was level 300!!

'How is that possible? When I captured him, he was between 200 and 250? How did he grow that much within this short time?' Liam was now confused. Entei was not in a good mood. He had just knocked out Dragonite, who had tried to sneak attack him. Liam was not frustrated he needed Pokémon that could use water type moves and Entei seemed to be getting stronger by the minute.

So, he called out to Shadow via telepathy and said, "Shadow, I'm going to need you on this one. You need to distract Entei so that I can return him to his poke ball. Shadow nodded with burn marks all over his body. He had no choice as he also did not want to die here. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click <a href="/book/legendary-shadow_14405801805242105/burned_51193739573515024">/book/legendary-shadow_14405801805242105/burned_51193739573515024</a> for visiting.

Using Shadow Movement, Shadow was able to sneak up to Entei's blindside and use Hydro Pump as he blasted his side. Entei got angry as he looked in the direction of Shadow and within that second, he gave Liam a chance to return him to his poke ball as the beam finally hit him causing him to be s.u.c.k.e.d right back to his poke ball.

They all felt tired and exhausted and bruised up. Everybody had burn marks on them, and most of Liam's Pokémon had fainted on the ground. Liam could not believe how powerful Entei had gotten as he thought, 'Wow, so this is a Legendary Pokémon. I do not think I should bring him out anytime soon until everybody else was just as healthy and high level, or close enough. I wonder how many badges I need to gain respect from this Legendary Pokémon, but I'll have to work harder to tame him.'

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