Legendary Shadow

Chapter 171 - Nurses Again Ugh

Editor: Phema2241


Liam cursed.

He was exhausted and had almost died. He could not believe how reckless he was and now he needed to walk all the way back to his hotel room to get some rest. Just the walk alone made him depressed as he was beyond tired. Mewtwo had also exhausted all his energy so teleporting was out of the question, Shadow was too exhausted to fly and Ditto was with Sheila.

Liam was not having a good day and it started with his own wife missing his own battle. He needed to teach her a lesson once he got home but even doing that with all this exhaustion made him think twice and thought 'Now I'm just going to go to sleep.'

Liam started walking but after a few minutes of walking he started to get light-headed. 'Damn I think I'm going to pass out soon. I might need help' Thinking about help he thought of Ash, so he quickly dialed his number. When the call was through, he said, "Hey, Ash." and as picked up the phone he said, "Hey Liam." Liam sighed in relief after hearing him and said, "I'm sending you my coordinates please come and assist me."

And as he finished saying that Liam had passed out.

"Liam, Liam, hey Liam are you there?" Ash panicked a little as he quickly checked Liam's coordinates and quickly went to pick him up using his trusted friend Pidgeot. They quickly took him to the hospital as Liam went to go get checked out. A few hours later Liam had woken up with Ash sitting beside him dozing off. "Hey Ash," he said.

Ash quickly jolted up. "Liam you're awake" said Ash while hugging him. "Come on Ash get off of me I'm not dead you know." Ash laughed but was glad that his friend was okay. "What happened to you?" Ash asked.

"Sorry to worry you Ash. It was an experiment that had gone wrong. I was trying to get stronger and well I didn't expect the stronger could be so strong that I couldn't handle it so I guess here I am now laying in the hospital bed due to the unexpected."

Ash didn't understand but he simply nodded his head and said, "Well I have to go. I have a match early in the morning and so do you, so it's best we go get some rest. Later dude and I'm glad you're okay." said Ash and left the room.

Liam called the nurse and said, "Nurse can you please check me out I'm feeling much better and have to get home." The nurse came out and said, "We have to do a thorough check up on you before we release you because we don't know what's wrong."

Liam had too many bad experiences in the hospital so he wanted to leave as soon as possible and the way the nurse was looking him up and down, he had a bad feeling about it so he quickly grabbed his poke ball and said, "Let me go now or you will feel my wrath."

The nurse got scared and said, "Please sir we just had to make sure our patients go through a checkup before we release them that way you don't end up back here."

Liam could not believe this was happening and asked, "Let me guess you have to check my whole body don't you?" The nurse nodded her head and said, "Yes it's protocol, sorry." Liam could only sigh as he gave up and let the nurse do whatever she wanted to do. Her hands roamed all around his body and each touch, she would ask him whether it hurt, and Liam would reply with a simple 'No'.

She had checked his whole body and when she finally reached his manly part Liam could only flinch as she violated him.

"Don't you think you felt enough" Liam said while grinning. The nurse blushed and said, "Does that hurt?" She squeezed hard causing Liam to stop what he wanted to say as he knew that if he did, she would have him stay longer so he quickly said, "No that does not hurt."

She laughed and said nothing as she exited the room. "You're free to leave" was the last thing she said.

Liam truly hated nurses as they always messed with him. He quickly left and went to the Pokémon Center to heal his Pokémon before returning to his hotel room. Sheila was worried and as soon as she saw him, she went and hugged him and asked, "Where have you been honey? I was worried about you."

"If you are worried about me then why didn't you show up to my match." Said Liam. Sheila was then embarrassed as she said, "I had to shop around for some things and besides, I wanted to catch the most interesting matches. The opponents you're battling now are not that strong or, so I was told."

Liam could only shake his head as he quickly went to shower and got ready for bed. "I have a match so I'm pretty tired I'm going to go get some rest." Liam told Sheila.

"Let me give you a massage as I know you've had a hard day and your body is probably sore from all that training" Sheila said while she started massaging Liam's body slowly. Liam appreciated it and it felt good, so he did not stop her until he started dozing off. Sheila smirked before taking off his pants.

Liam caught her hands and said, "Not tonight I think I've been harassed a few too many times today so maybe tomorrow we can have some fun." Sheila could only frown, but she did not say anything, and she laid next to him and cuddled up to him.

Liam shook his head and said to himself, "There's something strange going on with everybody around me and I don't know what's going on, but I hope I figure it out soon" before falling into a deep sleep.

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