Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1079: Search for secrets in Shahai (1)

Chapter 1079 Searching for Secrets in Shahai

The next morning, in Africa, Cairo, Egypt, the restaurant of the Cairo Grand Hotel.

The buffet provided by the Grand Hotel is still luxurious, but everyone is used to this kind of luxury dinner, and I don’t like it. Therefore, Bedieville and his party chose simple and nutritious breakfast food, sitting in a quiet corner of the restaurant and discussing the journey today while eating.

"So, do you want me to meet the old Odin?" Segrad was eating his mashed potato salad and looked at Bediwell in confusion. "I don't plan for you to make money." Interested, is it really necessary to do this?"

"I don't have much interest in making money, but that person is the legendary descendant of the ancient dragon hunters! Not a constant ~ powerful weapon craftsman!" Biddiville saw Segrad not fishing, quickly Bitterly persuaded: "You like to build weapons, right? If you go to see him, you will definitely gain a lot."

Although he deliberately concealed the fact that the secret skills of the dragon-hunters to build weapons are not passed on.

"But these two boys will accompany me today to see the Sphinx daddy." Palamidis opened his arms and grabbed his two sons, pretending to be intimate: "He named to see our family, Indispensable. If SGLADE does not go, I am afraid it will not be worthy."

"Paramitis, are you really going to bring your sons to the underworld boss?" Biddyville refused to give up half a point in this matter: "It is neither good nor dangerous. If something happens, How is this good? Take one to die, and always bring it to death than both?"

"We are not going to die!" Saifei reluctantly protested.

"Enough!" Paramitis asked with a gloomy glance: "Segred, let's choose by yourself. Is it with Dad to see the Sphinx, or with Brady? Will you go to see what suspicious Odin daddy? Choose one!"

Leopard youth has a hard time, look at his father Paramitis, and look at the werewolf Bediville. He sighed and replied slowly: "Go to Odin's daddy. I also want to see how much the Odin daddy has the ability to make the dragon's head into a dragon."

Paramidis's face was mixed with an unhappy and rest assured look. Perhaps he is also a bit worried about the safety of his sons. However, this black panther is very tough in his mouth: "Great, now we are missing a person here. Seeing this, the Sphinx will not be happy."

Bedieville patted Albert's shoulder: "The spare tire is already there, what else?"

"Hey!" Albert squirted half of the spaghetti that had been eaten. Fortunately, he just leaned over and ate on the plate. The spaghetti that was sprayed only fell on the plate, and did not cause special to the people around. Serious impact.

"You are jealous..." Albert hurriedly wiped his cat's mouth: "Who is a spare tire!"

"But you followed Paramitis to the casino yesterday. Your every move has long been recorded by the casino's monitor. Maybe the Sphinx will think you are the son of Paramitis?" Bedyville sneered and said: "In any case, you are idle, and go to see the underworld boss with them, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"You just said that you are going to die!" Albert vomited angrily.

"You are absolutely wrong, I have not said this." Bediville tried to hold back.

Paramitis shook his head in a bad mood and put his eyes on Albert's face: "Look at what you mean, little tiger - although I don't think that Philaeus will harm us and bring us to danger. The place to go."

That is the truth. If Philaeos and the Sphinx calli are bad guys, as early as Paramitis and others went to the casino yesterday, they were able to design them. Instead of being pitted, they made a pocket money from the casino. Sphinx may have another purpose, but he is at least not attentive.

Albert bowed. He still remembers the matter that promised Chanel last night. Although the tiger did not fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of this commitment, he was also very curious to know what the Sphinx dad was planning. If, as Chanel said, the Sphinx is concealing a coup, then Albert should really try to stop the disaster and avoid letting Egypt live.

"I will... go." Elbert pretended to be awkward: "When you meet this big man, maybe you can get any benefit, hahahaha."

"Very good, that's it." Bettiville quickly swallowed the seafood spaghetti wolf on the plate: "Let's go, Segrad."

"Wait, me, me?" Elaine felt that he was completely left out and couldn't help but ask.

"You?" The werewolf looked at the white bear with a slightly disgusted look: "My iron ride can't sit more people, this time I can't bring you. You can leave the big sword, let me take it with you." Look at the extent to which Odin Daddy can strengthen it. And you...stay honestly in the hotel room, don't get in trouble?"

"Oh... okay." The white bear squinted and replied in vain.

His embarrassing manners led to a burst of laughter from everyone in the room.

ten minutes later.

"Is this really not overloaded?" Segrad carried his rifle, the big shield and Elaine's rhinoceros sword, and jumped into the back seat of the iron ride, and the iron ride obviously went down!

"No problem." Bedieville slammed the ground with his feet. Fortunately, the height of the iron ride floating on the ground is still within the allowable range. As long as it is not dragging the ground, the engine of the iron ride should still be able to support it.

"Departure!" He stepped on the gas pedal and the iron ride began to fly forward!

Speeding? Maybe not. It is heading forward at a fantastic speed, which is slightly faster than the average person, but it is not a "flying".

"Ha ha ha... The machine hasn't warmed up yet, it will get up sooner after it runs smoothly." The werewolf smiled bitterly.

Segrad couldn't help but look at Beddyville.

At this point their vehicle just arrived at the exit of the underground parking lot. The parking guard standing there was also blinded by Bediville, as if he was using his eyes to resist the werewolf: I knew that the car was broken.

Bedyville deliberately avoided these dissatisfied gaze and drove the iron out of the parking lot. As soon as he went outside, he found Arthur waiting for the dragon to ride.

"Asian s...Aslan!" Biddeville shouted and shouted: "This side!"

Seglader took a look at Bediville again. Yaslan? The man in black robes with a mask is clearly King Arthur.

Hearing that Biddeville called Arthur "Aslan", the two young men in the back seat of Arthur's dragon ride also stared at the werewolf in a hostile manner. These two are Tristan and Ivan.

"It’s so bold, I used such a vulgar name to call my majesty..." Trieste said dissatisfied when Bedieville approached.

"I know that you are trying to avoid exposing your identity. But the taste of your name is terrible." Ivan also protested, irritatingly pushing the frame.

"Why are they here?" Bettiville was also reluctant to see the two guys and couldn't help but ask.

"Because I have to use their tools and talents in addition to your luck." Arthur replied calmly. He obviously already knows the unpleasant things between the young people, but he knows that this group of people will be in trouble together, or bring Tristan and Evan.

"I will go back." The werewolf wildly took a look at Tristan's hostility: "Since they have their tools and talents, luck is a dispensable thing. Good luck, Aslan."

"Hey, don't go!" King Arthur stopped Bediville, who just wanted to drive away. "Are you a child? Is it a temper for this little thing? Come with it all the time - or I am following you. After finding the desert rose, I will definitely reward you!"

Bedyville whispered his mouth and said nothing, silently driving on the iron ride. Of course, his appearance is glamorous, but the iron horse that is built by the old engine is running very slowly under overload conditions. After Arthur's dragon ride followed this iron ride, he must wait for Bediville with a minimum output. Without a few steps, Bedyville heard the soft snicker of Trinity and Evan in the back of the dragon.

The werewolf blushes and wonders if Arthur’s commission should be rejected. It’s better to go home. Arthur spoke at this time: "Segred, come over to me, let the iron ride of Bediville ease the burden."

"But oh -"

"My dragon ride is limited to four people, plus the capacity of other weapon accessories, the actual load is five tons, no need to worry." Arthur added: "Come on."

Bedyville couldn't help but glance at Arthur's dragon ride. The dragon rider is of course the state of unloading the weapon. After all, it is driving in such a big city of another country. It is a lot of trouble to equip the weapon.

"Go, Segrad." Although he was ashamed, the werewolf ordered the young Leopard in the back seat to change the car to ease the burden of the iron ride.

"Oh... alright." Seglad jumped from the iron ride of Bediville and climbed to the back seat of Arthur's dragon ride. Then the iron ride became easy, and the werewolf stepped on the gas pedal again, and its speed increased instantly.

"Very good. This will save us some time." Arthur drove in the back and chased after the dragon ride. After the full ride, the dragon rides to catch up with the iron ride of Bediville, still more than enough.

The werewolf seemed to hear a burst of laughter from Tristan and Evan in the back seat of the dragon. He blushes and tells himself that he should not care about such a trivial matter as much as possible, driving his iron ride and heading for the black market last night.

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