Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1080: Search for secrets in Shahai (2)

Chapter 1080 Searching for Secrets in Shahai II

The Bedieville and his party have not yet reached the black market, and the werewolf has seen Soral waiting in front of the dead end. It’s really worth having Solarar to meet here, otherwise the corners of the streets in this city look almost the same. Bettiville said that he would not really get lost and could not find the entrance to the black market.

"Soral." Arthur slowed down and followed Badiville to the magician.

"You brought a lot of people, my friend." Solar and Arthur and Bedwelle smiled warmly, and it seemed that they were not unhappy.

"They just followed the road." The werewolf stunned Segrad on the back seat of the dragon ride: "I was only responsible for sending the child to Odin's old man, and there were other tasks."

"Okay." Solar walked toward the wall, his figure plunged into the wall - it was just an optical projection.

"Let's go." Arthur didn't feel any surprise. He was afraid to see the optical projection behind the wall at the moment he saw Solar. The Cavaliers used his very slow speed to drive his dragon into the wall, and Bedieville also carefully followed.

After passing through a misty and wonderful touch, it is a large market in front of the werewolf. Compared with the lively and bright night market last night, the black market this morning was obviously much deserted. Maybe doing a black market transaction is also about the atmosphere, it must be done at night to be interesting?

"I think you know the road too, but please let me take you once again. The house of Odin's dad is on the east side of the market." The swordsman walked at the forefront and said as he walked.

"Sorar, come on." Biddeville said from the swordsman. At the time, there was another vacancy in his back seat, and the equipment on the Solar was far more than the point where the iron ride was overloaded.

"That... okay." The Swordsman did not deny it, because he walked with his feet far less than the speed of the vehicle. He walked too slowly in front of the road, but it made the people behind him feel anxious.

The Swordsman jumped into the back seat of Biddyville's Iron Rider, and the Werewolf thought that the Iron Rider would sink down as before. I didn't expect Solar to be lighter than I thought, and Beddyville's iron ride barely sank.

"The other side." The swordsman pointed to the East, a fairly broad road on the market.

Bedieville rode the iron in the past, bypassing a few small turns and reaching the stone house of Odin's old man. The chimney of the stone house is bubbling with green smoke, and the fire of the red stove oozes from the cracks of the stone. Even the morning sun in Cairo cannot hide the brightness of the fire. There was a familiar bang in the house, and Odin seemed to be very busy.

"Daddy, I brought someone!" Soral shouted as he jumped off the bus.

The knocking iron in the house finally stopped.

An old man came out from the inside of the house and used him to be surrounded by several wrinkles, but he was as clever as the young man's eyes, and quickly swept the Bediville group.

"Who is Segrad?" he asked.

"Oh... it’s me." The leopard youth also jumped from the back seat of the dragon ride.

"He's a cat!" Odin, the old man saw Segrad jumping off the car, was angry: "And it's a blue cat! What's the funny coat color? Are you fooling me?" !"

"Where is fooling you." Biddeville was dissatisfied with the earth: "You told me to bring it to Segrad. I did. Now you are not happy if you see him as a leopard. Do you want to blame me?"

"Hey... what's wrong with the leopard?" Seglader also whispered his face as if he felt he was being discriminated against.

Although Odin is not discriminating against the leopard, but has his reasons: "The cats are all distracted and indefinite. Can this guy sit quietly and be a good weapon? You Just kidding me!"

"There are exceptions to everything, old man." King Arthur replied with a smile.

"And who are you?!" Odin daddy waved the hammer from the Cavaliers. Although he was far from Arthur, Betteville was still worried that the hammer in the hands of the old man would fly out and hurt. Cavalier.

"I am a idler passing by, don't care." In front of the old man's rudeness, King Arthur replied politely.

"Oh!" Odin looked at the weapon between the knight's waist and suddenly quieted down. His move made Bedieville involuntarily look at King Arthur's belt.

It is the sword of the Holy King that is tied to the waist of the Cavaliers to calm the old man. This holy sword, which is the proof of the king of Great Britain, has never left the Cavaliers. However, its existence has long been known to the world, and it is too conspicuous to walk outside, so Arthur wrapped the whole sword together with the scabbard with a special black cloth, so that he would not cause commotion in order to let himself serve privately.

Of course, this also means that the sword of the King of the Kings has been sealed, and it is impossible to greet the enemy in a timely manner at a critical moment. To make up for this deficiency, Arthur took a lightsaber as a spare weapon.

And Beddyville is also very clear, Odin's treasurer's ability to treasure is extraordinary. Even with this kind of treasure that is heavily wrapped in special fabrics, the old man can see the mystery from the magical faintness between the fabrics.

Maybe there are more.

"Good sword! Good sword of the first generation! Is it a hand, or two?" Odin's dad only admired, even for the action of waving a hammer when he spoke: "The old one has been in the year. I am afraid I can't use it? And the new one... was it made in the past few years?! There are still famous artists in the world who can make such a god-level weapon? Take me to see him! !"

The old man said so much on the basis of his appearance. The people who knew the bottom of the sword of the Holy King not only took a sigh of relief.

King Arthur was very calm and said: "Unfortunately, I can't take you to see the man. But the two masters who made this weapon, one of the sons is here. The old man is still focused on your hand. Let me talk about it."

"Really?" Odin's dad looked at Segrad in an incredible way: "This cat... I don't think there is such a talent in this way... Is this guy really reliable?"

"I don't have the talent, I am so embarrassed to let you down." Seglad said with a disappointment.

"In short... the little devil, come into the house! Let you assemble a weapon and see it!"

"Why do I want to..."

"Hey! Just come in!" Odin's old man slammed the tail of Segrad's cat and dragged the leopard youth into the house.

"Oh!" The tail was pulled, and Segrad made a series of cat-like screams.

"Ha ha ha..." Biddiville could not help but smile.

"The old man seems to be true." King Arthur whispered to Bettyville and said, "There should be no problem if you leave Seglad here."

"I don't worry about his child being trafficked..." Bettiville had a cold sweat on his forehead: "I only hope that he won't fight with Odin's father."

"I will look at it here, don't worry, my friend." Solar said with a smile: "The security of Sygal is guaranteed by me - then, where are you going to go, squat?"

"Going to the treasures in the desert, but only knowing that you are killing, you will not be interested." King Arthur glanced at Solar coldly, seemingly disgusted with the swordsman. Also, the purpose of Solar is not to be a Knight at the Round Table, but to fight against the strong. This purely troubled candidate has not been disqualified by the organizers of the round-table trials, indicating that the organizers' tolerance for the candidates is already high.

"Okay." Solar smiled lightly. This heartless guy didn't seem to know that King Arthur was abandoning him: "So, good luck, my friend."

Bedyville and Arthur took the vehicle away from the black market and headed for the city. It is easy to get out of the city and enter the desert, as small mobile units like them do not need to obtain a departure permit from Shagang.

"What else to do next?" The Cavalier's dragon ride followed the Werewolf's iron ride at a moderate speed.

"Well... I have to go to Zwara afterwards." The werewolf replied. He remembered the two thief teenagers who had been left in the small iron house and turned them off for a day and night. I am really sorry for these children.

"Going still?!" Tristan, who was in the back seat of the dragon, got angry: "Hey, we have our own mission, we have to accompany our majesty to find the legendary treasure! We can stay with you after all day without you. Handling private affairs!"

The werewolf was not happy for a moment: "Well, you should go first, don't wait for me. We will find a place to meet at noon."

"Oh, don't do this." Arthur interrupted the dispute between the two young people. At that time their vehicles were also close to the outposts of the suburbs. They had to slow down and drive: "So. I am still interested in the [private] of Bediville, let me go with him. You drive me. Dragon ride, go first to find [that], can you?"

"But, Your Majesty!" Ivan snarled in protest.

King Arthur seems to have decided. He stopped the dragon ride and jumped off the driver's seat: "The only metal detector in your hand is in your hands. There is no more help for us in this car. , splitting the action, but saving time."

"Metal Detector?" At the same time as Bedieville was puzzled, Arthur had jumped to the back seat of the iron ride in Bediville.

"Your Majesty, you are so hard. The Werewolf can't believe it." Tristan looked hostile at Bediville.

Bedyville also angrily said: "You still drive carefully, don't crash the dragon ride in Aslan."

"Huh, young is very good." The Cavaliers had a meaningful smile: "It’s decided, let’s go!"

"Oh..." Tristan snorted dissatisfiedly, driving Arthur's dragon ride and heading south towards the desert.

"Hey!" Biddeville snorted dissatisfiedly, driving his iron ride to the southwest of the desert.

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