Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1084: Search for secrets in Shahai (six)

Chapter 1084 Searching for Secrets in Shahai

"Kid," ridiculed Solar, and Odin turned his head and said to Segrad: "I admit that you have the qualification to make weapons in my workshop. But don't be proud! Now is the real beginning. !"

He took a sack from his arms and threw it on the table: "This is 300,000 (Egyptian), half of the money that the wolf earned from trading last night. Now, you are holding this. 300,000, go to the black market to buy materials for weapons."

"I, I am!" Segred frowned and looked at the bag of money on the table. 300,000 is a big number.

He couldn't help but swallow and asked: "What kind of material can you really swear?"

The old man's face passed a complex expression, slightly mischievous and slightly serious: "Whatever the material is, you like it. After all, this is - you - the weapon to be made."

"But I am not very good at doing business..."

"I know that you will suffer in this kind of transaction." Odin showed his arrogant look as always, said coldly: "But it doesn't matter, we can make it back. No matter how bad the weapons you make, I can turn it into a magic, let it change and become a high-end product of value. You just need to make it, and give me the work of the aftermath. Do you understand?"

"Okay... okay." Segrad replied suspiciously and collected the money.

He has learned from Bettiville that the old Odin is a capable geek - although very strange, but very capable.

In short, having money in your hands is always good. With this start-up capital, Segrad can buy back some good weapons. Even in the worst case, unable to rely on Odin, the young Leopard can still use the materials obtained to make some more decent weapons.

"Right, and those weapons--" Slagander turned his eyes to the corner of the stone house. There were piles of thunderbolts, shields, and rhinoceros swords that he brought with him—he had only wanted the old man to attach a magic to these weapons.

"That kind of thing, let's go back!" Odin, who seemed to be uninterested in the pile of weapons, continued to use his hammer to knock on an iron ingot on the anvil - the thing was basically formed. It is the sword of a sword.

The leopard youth shrugged helplessly and walked out of the house. The outside of the house, Solar, also came to meet with SGL, and stuffed a white headscarf prepared in advance to the Leopard youth: "Don't wear this, my friend."

"What is this?" Seglad was stunned and didn't understand the other's intentions.

"In order to hide your identity, my friend." Solar rushed to the young leopard, and there was no trace of malicious in a sincere smile: "Since there are crafts that make high-priced weapons, you will never want to be in the black market." A long time ago, our people had encountered similar things - they were kidnapped because they were too arrogant, and their whereabouts are unknown.

Odin's old martial arts high-powered no one dared to provoke him, we never need to worry about him. But unfortunately, my friend - I don't think you have the ability to protect yourself in this black market in Cairo. "

In short, Slaged was flattened.

The leopard youth who is not very self-respecting did not immediately anger and swear, but he still pouted and looked at Soral dissatisfiedly: "Do you think I am so easily kidnapped? You think I am still a What about children?"

"Not so, my friend." Solar's sincere smile is not half-male, but because of this sincerity, it is even more flamboyant: "But advise you not to look too small at this country. Egypt is full of danger The country is far more dangerous than you think. Carefully drive the ship forever, my friend."

Although not very willing, Segrad vaguely felt that Solar's words were extremely correct. The usually ridiculous Solar will be extremely cautious in this matter, perhaps because it has been a very unpleasant thing in their family.

Caution is the boat. Seglad silently recited this sentence and wrapped his head around his head. He even hides his ears in his head, and only reveals a small slit in his face. The advantage of this is that the face is completely hidden. The downside is the hearing retardation caused by the tightness of the ears.

And... very hot.

"Let's go, my friend." Solar has gone in the direction of the market center, and seems to want to accompany Sedge to buy materials.

"Are you coming along?" said the Leopard youth, the tail of his usual [喵], which became vague because of the wrapping of the headscarf, made his accent sound more strange: "But let you do a whole job." God, how is this so embarrassing..."

"It's okay, my friend." Soral smiled heartily. This expression is quite commensurate with the morning sun in Cairo: "Take your blessings. The weapons I used to fight the squad are ready. I don't continue to work." It's necessary. I have been very free all day and can stay with you all the time. And I also want to know what kind of material you can use and what kind of weapon you can make. It is really exciting." "That... okay." Segrad understood. Despite being an unqualified descendant of the dragon hunter, the swordsman Soral is as obsessed with good weapons as any other dragon hunter.

The two laughed and walked toward the black market in Cairo.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. The sound of the iron in the stone house starts from the same, even and powerful, but with the passion that has never been seen before. Odin is continuing his day-to-day smelting routine, but this seemingly ordinary day will soon be broken by some unusual event. It is a fierce, only God knows.

At the same time, Zwar.

Jumping into the secret underground cave is a desert konjac!

Or, it is like a desert konjac, with a horrible triangular pointed head and a row of huge jagged shark teeth, and at the same time has erect walking limbs, konjac?

"What the **** is he?" Biddyville looked at the monster's blood, like a rubbery epidermis, and then looked at the konjac's big eyes with horror and blood. Can't help but decide.

King Arthur had already taken out the lightsaber from the belt, and unfolded a green-green blade about three feet long. The electromagnetic low-pitched roar broke out on the blade: "No matter what it is! Since the other party took the initiative to find the door, it will be slaughtered first!" "

The voice has not fallen, the monster has been mad, and the claws are thrown at the Cavaliers! Its claws and the beast's claws are quite different from each other, sharp as a shark tooth, and huge as a five-pointed knife, which can easily shred people! This claw is completely out of proportion with its palm. It is definitely not a natural form that a creature should have. This kind of claw that exists only for killing seems to have evolved from the beginning with the aim of [arms]!

bump! Hey! - In just one second, Arthur has played a few rounds with the sword and the monster. Even if the monster's crazy claws are murderous, they can't hurt the Cavaliers who are as light as a swallow and can wield a blade at a high speed that the eye can hardly catch!

Bediville knows that he doesn't need to do anything, just protect the Egyptian boy on the sidelines. Even if the weapon in hand is an ordinary lightsaber, such a battle will not threaten the Cavaliers!

Indeed, Arthur, who has been through battles, quickly gained the upper hand! Although the monster's claws are violent and unpredictable, its unspoken attack reveals the fact that it is a layman. Even if the physical fitness is far superior to the Cavaliers, the monks are still suppressed by King Arthur. From the beginning, the violent storms of the storm have quickly turned into defensive counterattacks and even defeated the situation!

"Ma...spec...!" The thief boy next to Bedyville was burning, and he began to be unconscious and talked nonsense.

"Don't talk, it will affect Arthur's battle!" Biddiville used his body to protect the teenager, holding a tungsten tortoise whip alert, lest the monster suddenly turned over and injured.


"Long..." The monk made a vague grotesque sound, then suddenly jumped far away, avoiding Arthur's swordswing.

"Oh ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Be careful, Bedieville! It may be tricky again!" Arthur shouted.

The werewolf has even more grasped his tungsten tortoise whip, and the weapon in his hand can be waved out to kill the enemy at any time to strain any accident.

The body of the desert konjac began to change. Its **** body gradually secretes a mucous-like thing that is colorless and transparent, but looks very sticky.

Hey! It disappeared instantly! !

No, it is not disappearing! Bettyville's excellent dynamic vision tells the werewolf that in the moment just now, the entire body of the monster has sneaked into the ground!

Not to mention in the sand-filled Sahara desert. However, at the moment, their feet are quite hard sandstone ground! What kind of trick did this **** shark rely on to sneak into the rock? ! Is it a subspace magic?

No, this little thing is irrelevant! What is important is how Arthur and Bedieville can escape the sneak attack from the depths of the ground in the face of such a fierce, invisible and so high opponent!

Hey! ! When it was three feet in front of the Cavaliers, suddenly popping out like a cannonball, and using it to bite the Cavaliers with a **** mouth, Arthur was not feeling well!

It’s too late to evade, Arthur will be bitten by it! Moreover, under the bite of this big **** mouth, just a single blow is enough to be fatal!

As if there was life, the whip in Bediville’s hand flew out autonomously!

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