Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1085: Search for secrets in Shahai (seven)

Chapter 1085 Searching for Secrets in Shahai

Hey! On the occasion of this millennium, Bedyville's whip suddenly flew out, wrapped around the shoulders of King Arthur from behind, and pulled the whole body of the king back!

Arthur did not resist, but instead made a natural retreat, letting the fierce monster fly over his chest!

"Hey!" Arthur, who fell backwards, was not idle. He also lifted the lightsaber to the shark's abdomen, expecting to give the beast a blow.

But Arthur's posture is not strong, and the strength and speed of the sword are greatly reduced. His lightsaber only gently draws a hole on the monster's calf, and the monster has already flown from the top of Arthur's head!

thump! It landed on a distant wall, also a wall of hard sandstone. It dive in and even emits a splash of water as it falls into the water! !

"This guy!" Arthur climbed up, his eyes tracking the place where the shark fell into the wall, hoping to infer its movements from the monster's point.

But this does not help, the walls and floors of this underground cave are connected into a structure. The monsters may have swam to the bottom with the wall, I don't know where to hide!

"Arthur!" Biddeville screamed and shouted: "Heart surgery doesn't work?!"

"It doesn't work!" The Cavalier wrinkled his eyebrows and deliberately never asked why Bediwell would know about the eye.

The situation is so harsh, Arthur can't use the eye to find out the attack of the desert konjac attack!

When a normal opponent attacks, how much should be hostile. This hostility will generate fluctuations in the photon world. To be honest is a murderous. Arthur, who is skilled in using the eye surgery, should be able to easily judge the timing of the opponent's attack from the murderous, and even know the direction and angle of the attack accurately, and make appropriate defenses before being attacked.

However, the monster is probably not a human, it has no [heart]. It does not have human consciousness, the attack is more chaotic, and it is the instinct of the beast to act. In a sense, this guy is the most difficult to deal with!

In addition, it has the ability to snorkel on the ground, it can be attacked from the ground, walls, ceilings and other directions of this underground cave. It is a real ghost, it is impossible to prevent!

The opponents have occupied the weather and the land, this battle has become extremely dangerous in a flash, even if the battle of Arthur and Beddyville, if it is not careful, it may be shredded by the monster!

You must think of a way to use all the conditions in their hands and use the talents and ideas they have!

"I understand." Bedyville raised his tungsten tortoise whip and circled it on the ground, laying a line of defense: "If that's the case, let me do something!"

He closed his eyes and tried to shake the slight vibration from the whip, inducing the direction of the next attack of the desert konjac!


What is there -


From their side -

Shasha Shasha Shasha! ——


"Arthur!" Biddiwell shouted, his whip slightly tilted on the floor on the left, making a defensive posture!

And the Cavaliers are also convinced that the sword will respond!

thump! ! Desert konjac jumped out of the ground! ...but it is different from the direction of Bediville detection!

"Wow!" The two men attacked with a monster, and the shark flew behind the back of the two, and fell into the ground, sneaking into the ground!

"Beddy!" The Cavaliers' tone was slightly blameless.

"Oh, sorry!" The werewolf once again circled the whip on the ground to detect the dynamics of the ground. Although the direction of the detection was wrong, it was not a complete failure. At least the werewolf learned the timing of the shark attack from the sound on the ground.

He took a sigh of relief and tried to relax his body and mind.

The next time, you can definitely catch it! Can definitely kill the monster!

Shasha Shasha Shasha!

It is coming again! As if the dog was forced to rush, the action of the monster became more violent and rude, and the speed was faster, but it was easier to capture its dynamics! Bedyville's Tungsten Tortoise Whip again reacted to a slight tremor on the ground, moving towards the right side of the Werewolf's body.

This time will definitely not go wrong! Bedieville glanced at the Cavaliers and Arthur raised his sword.

Hey! ! The desert konjac flew out from the ground, and its blood red mouth was unprecedentedly large enough to bite Bedyville and King Arthur at the same time! But the two men who had already been prepared for prevention had a flash at the same time. Bettiville’s whip shook the shark’s tail and delayed the action of the monster. Arthur also jumped out and attacked the monster!

"The dorsal fin is a weakness!" The werewolf briefly and forcefully suggested.

Draw! A flash of green light, Arthur's lightsaber has cut the monster's dorsal fin!

Everything is over! Bediville expects to see the scene of the monster's body shrinking and unable to fall to the ground. He thought that this desert konjac would be like the desert konjac that had fought against yesterday, as long as the dorsal fin was cut off.

Not also! The desert konjac still barely slammed into the ground, its kinetic energy, and even let him directly break the whip that wraps its caudal fin, and sneak into the surface!

"Difficult, unbelievable! Really stubborn!" Bettiville exclaimed.

"Don't be distracted! It will come again!" Arthur fell back on the ground while returning to the defensive range of the Bediville Whip.

The werewolf was busy arranging the whip in a circle and re-exploring the movement of the ground. But what happened next made him startle! The sound of the ground is thundering, and the desert konjac in the snorkeling circle is surrounded by Bediville and others at an alarming speed!

"It's crazy..." The werewolf sighed low.

The desert konjac, which has been cut off from the dorsal fin and suffered great damage, can continue to act at such an amazing speed. It seems to be using the last bit of power in your life, fighting against Bediville and others!

Why do you want to do this?

This is not just bloodthirsty, or anger, or violent, or other simple feelings that can be described in words.

If you want to say something, it is [obsession].

Pure, it seems that there is no reason, but actually contains some kind of profound, obsessive!

This monster has been attacking Bediwell and King Arthur from the beginning. It knows that it is not the opponent of Arthur and Bedieville, but it is desperately attacked again and again, as if there is an invisible force pushing it forward, so that it has to do so.

Creatures have the instinct to fear death and not to risk too much. Faced with a powerful enemy, even if you know that you will die, you will never back down even if you are seriously injured. Is this obstinacy a possession of a brainless beast?

So why?

Is it because of hatred? It was because Bediville killed a large number of desert konjades yesterday. This guy hates to gnash his teeth. Even if he sacrifices his life, he wants to avenge the werewolf?

However, this does not seem to be the case? The monster was not originally rushed to Beddwell, it attacked Arthur. It looks at the most powerful person in the room and plans to kill the most difficult opponent!

If it is not hate, is it said that it is controlled? Is this monster made by a sorcerer like Morgan, designed to assassinate Assassin? It feels very wrong! Arthur’s whereabouts should have been so hidden that it’s impossible to find it so easily! Moreover, if you are an assassin, will it be more effective to send more people?

This is not only that Biddiville can't understand, but even King Arthur, who has strong analytical skills, is puzzling. They will encounter such strange enemies here and now, and it is unreasonable to the extreme!

what is the problem? !

Laksa! The desert konjac once again pulled out of the ground, but this time, it did not attack the Bediville and Arthur kings in the alert of the whole heart, but rushed over to the thief boy! !

incredible! It actually changed the tactics, gave up attacking the strong players such as Arthur, and attacked the unarmed weak? !

Bedyville and Arthur were shocked and desperate to rush to save people!

The Werewolf's whip swiftly waved, catching the shark at its maximum speed, rolling its tail fins and slowing it down!

Arthur used his tricks and waved his lightsaber for a while, and he planned to unload the monsters with all his strength!

The monster flying in the air, from the depths of the throat, sends out the most vague and low mutter: "Jutte! - Brother!"

"Matt?!" The thief boy seemed to be aware of what he was, and he shouted at the oncoming shark.

"It's bad!" Biddeville and Arthur also noticed problems, but their attacks were like splashing water. Everything was fatal, and it was impossible to accept it!

"No!!" Jiu Te fluttered desperately, and hit the desert konjac face to face!

He thought that this could be a meat shield, preventing King Arthur and Bediville from killing this desert konjac. But what the stupid teenager did was meaningless, only slightly changing the trajectory of the monster flying.

Yes, Bedyville and Arthur have fully understood at this moment that this desert konjac is not a pure beast. It is actually Matt's younger brother Matt, for some reason it has become this look.

Originally controlled by the wild, the mind became fierce and killing, but at the moment when the caudal fin was cut, the monster temporarily recovered consciousness.

While restoring consciousness, it also knows that it is not living long. It wants to see its brother before the death of life.

It should have been a warm embrace, or a spoiled, or just a goodbye.

But when the monster flutters to its brother desperately, it forgets one of the most basic facts: it has become a monster, even if it is only gently rubbed, it will hit its brother’s weak human Powdered bones!

Since the two have already hit, everything has gone back to heaven. The only thing Arthur and Bedieville can do is to get rid of this impact damage as much as possible! ——

Even if you want to sacrifice one of the two teenagers!

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