Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1280: Hunting the Devil in the Night (23)

Chapter 1280 Hunting the Devil in the Night Twenty-three

After listening to the other party, Daniel was dumbfounded.

"What are you calling me?"

"Infiltrators are seven hundred and twenty." The man repeated.

At this point, the surrounding scenery is fully formed.

This is a cold valley that has been hit by the cold wind. On top of the numerous rock formations, a magnificent steel castle stands at the top of the ice peak, and stands still in the whistling ice wind, like a lonely king.

Deja vu. Logic tells Daniel that he should have never been to this weird place. However, he is impressed by the impression of this frozen valley.

"Is this a dream?" The trainee knight only felt more confused.

"Strictly speaking, this is indeed a dream." The person who spoke to Daniel from the beginning has gradually become clear and can be seen clearly.

That is an old man. The whole body is wearing a black feathered, short and thin old man. His crumpled face and pale skin looked unhealthy, and the old man looked at least 90 years old. Dozens of crows are resting on the shoulders and overhead of the old man, waiting for an opportunity to move, as if they were part of the old black feather. It’s a crazy dream to see this weird old man in this weird scene.

"You have been dreaming of illusion, you should have struggled for a little longer. But we will adjust the time of the phantom to speed up, and you will overcome it as soon as possible, let us have a little spare time to talk."


Regardless of the exaggerated expression on Daniel’s face, the old man continued to explain: “You are here because we want you to appear here. When you wake up, what you see and hear here will be forgotten by you. You will forget everything except the instructions we have entrusted to you."

"I didn't understand at all, what the **** is this? Who are you?!"

"I am the godfather of the crow, squatting at the border of life and death." The old man grabbed a crow from his shoulder. The crow did not escape or struggle, and it was very obedient, as if it were just an old man's toy.

"And this is King Cather."

And another huge figure appeared behind the crow's godfather. A fully armed, well-dressed king.

It is both a king and a dry corpse. There are almost no muscles on its eclipsed body, which makes people wonder how this living corpse continues to move. However, it doesn't matter all. What matters is the amazing identity of this corpse.

Its crown is adorned with a jeweled gold crown, and the design is ancient and unique. Daniel is not familiar with history, but he knows this crown because he has seen it in the illustrations of the history books.

All evidence is in line with the crow's narrative. This living corpse is not someone else, it is the great king of Kailton, the Catherine d Pantoraken.

At the moment, Daniel was shocked and inexplicably scared and confused. He was at a loss for a moment.

And just in time, the crow godfather also released the crow in his hand. The seemingly huge crow slammed into Daniel instantly, and before the trainee knight responded, he had already drilled into Daniel from his wide open mouth.

"What?" Daniel didn't feel any discomfort, only feeling that something was creeping in the body.

At the same time, the dry lips of the living king Catherine began to tremble, seemingly telling the crow godfather what to do.

"Infiltrators are seven hundred and twenty, you go back and find out the singularity point." The Raven Godfather served as the translator of King Cather, "find the singularity, protect him, and [the day of advent ] (day of advent) is ready."

"呜" Daniel’s view is gradually blurred.

"The days when we return to the earth are not far away -" As the voice of the Raven Godfather became smaller and smaller, Daniel gradually woke up from this "dream."

The people watching the battle in the distance also looked dumbfounded. The trainee knight Daniel and the nightmare, who are next to the dragon's axe, should be in a dark fog. It is the magical pollution magic released by the nightmare, which is simply a powerful hypnotism.

However, this black mist faded for no reason, leaving only Daniel and the nightmare on the field, standing in a stupid, motionless.

"Has it already gone?" Husky whispered, "Is Daniel's brother defeating the nightmare?"

"Not surprising." Juliet had a certain degree of understanding of the nightmare. She knew that the situation in front of her eyes was unusual: "In general, even if he can escape from the hypnosis of the nightmare, the black fog should not be dispersed. He is only Breaking the hypnosis of the nightmare and escaping from the spiritual world, there is no way to interrupt the magic of the nightmare."

"Hey, what do you mean?" Husky listened even more confused.

"Hypnosis can only be suppressed by more powerful hypnotism," the comet explained. "To let the nightmare interrupt his magic, he can only hypnotize the nightmare and let it stop. But Daniel should not know how to use hypnotism. What?"

"Maybe Daniel's physique is quite special. I bounced the nightmare's hypnotism back to Wang?" Husky shrugged. "In short, he really defeated the nightmare, right?"

Both the comet and Juliet were silent at the same time, and the situation in front of them was too special, and they could not make a conclusion.

"Danny Nee, what are you waiting for!" Husky suddenly shouted: "Quickly solve the nightmare!"

Daniel, who was still standing still in the field, suddenly heard Husky’s shouting and immediately woke up. He saw the nightmare that stood still in front of him, and he knew that the machine could not be lost.

tie! His sword pierced the throat of the black horse. The moment the monster was hit, the pain drove it from hypnosis back to reality, and it began to struggle! !

Hey! ——With the nightmare of the nightmare, it began to wriggle around the body in an attempt to get rid of Daniel’s entanglement! Its horseshoe kicked, his mouth bitten, trying to scare off this unknown trainee knight!

"呜" Daniel can only hold his own short sword, keep balancing while being thrown away by the opponent, and drag the dagger to keep the wound on the nightmare throat continue to expand!

The black rotted blood was sprayed everywhere, with the smell of dirty and smelly corpses, and splashed into the trainee knight. Despite his disgusting feelings, he knew he could not let go. The nightmare is an incomparably majestic black horse. The wound that is only pierced with a short sword is not big enough to let it die immediately. If you are freed from it here, the nightmare will run away, and Daniel’s preparations for the past few days are all in vain! !

"No, the kid didn't strike the throat of the nightmare!" the comet cried. "With his skill, there is no way to kill the nightmare, and you have to be broken!"

Comet just wanted to help in the past, but Juliet pressed one hand on the shoulder of the dragon: "What did you say originally, comet Grand Duke?"

Haski frowned, and when the two adults were distracted, they rushed out desperately, and a certain handle in the handle was thrown out: "Daniel brother, catch this Wang!!-"

"What??!" Daniel subconsciously turned his head to look at the direction of Husky's shouting, while one hand had already extended. When I saw that Daniel had only one hand holding the short sword, he decisively tried his best to throw Daniel out!

Stroke the strokes and strokes! The stalk of the sword was rotated in the air for countless laps, and Daniel was thrown away by the nightmare, and the body just greeted the stalk.

In the eyes of the nightmare, there was a strong killing effect. It lifted the front hoof and stepped on Daniel’s head!

There is no time to think about it! Daniel just grabbed the hilt and took the hilt and stroked it!

Hey! ——

A red light flashed, and the nightmare's horseshoe not only did not break Daniel's brain, but was cut in half by Daniel's weapon and flew away! !

Daniel instantly glanced at the weapon in his hand, it turned out to be Husky's photon dagger!

"Solve it!" Husky shouted again.

Daniel didn't have time to think about anything. He grabbed the forefoot that had been cut off, and pulled it hard to get himself close to the monster! He put away his knife and used a photon dagger to make a stroke on the neck of the nightmare! !


The nightmare's horse head, falling weakly! The photon dagger's cutting ability is much stronger than the ordinary sword, it easily cut off the monster's head!

Shasha Shasha Shasha Shasha! ! Because the incision is very large, even the burning power of the photon weapon cannot stop its bleeding. The black rot blood is sprayed everywhere, and stumbles with the headless body of the nightmare!

"Successful." The comet came out of the bunker and walked over to Daniel. He yelled at the dogman and said: "I told you not to go out of the protection circle anyway. Why didn't your boy listen?" !"

"Hey, anyway, Daniel's brother has won, no problem. Wang~" Husky sighed with a small tongue and smiled at the standard urchin.

"Go back and teach you well!" Xinghui Long glanced at the canine boy and looked at Daniel again. "Congratulations, then the problem will be solved."

"Yeah!" The trainee knight smeared the black blood on his face and put his gaze on the head that the nightmare was cut: "Bring this back, you can be promoted to a black iron knight, right?"

"In fact, I hope that you can bring the whole nightmare's body back." Juliet also walked out of the bunker and looked at the **** battlefield with a calm look: "This nightmare seems to be a bit like a normal nightmare." Different, maybe a new breed that has been mutated. If you can bring its body back and study it well -"

"Be careful!!" The comet suddenly realized that something was wrong, and immediately screamed: "I am hiding behind me!!"

"What?!" Daniel was taken aback and looked in the direction of the comet.

The body of the nightmare that was cut off from the head, which should have died, actually stood up again! !

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