Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1281: Hunting the Devil in the Night (24)

Chapter 1281 Hunting the Devil in the Silent Night

In front of everyone is a black horse without a head.

It is covered in black air, and the occasional exposed flesh smells of decay. It is inexplicable, and it is impossible to tell whether it is a living thing or a dead body. The nightmare creatures have always been a fantasy species that wanders on the edge of life and death. The difference between life and death is very vague. Sometimes it is not [killing] if you cut your head.

The attacked one is looking at the crowd with its lost head, and the empty part above the neck gives a silent humming!

嘶吼吼吼吼吼吼——The mysterious echo echoes in the valley, and the horror is very.

"Wang, ah, ah, Wang!" Scared Husky and fled to escape, shrinking to the back of Uncle Xing.

"What the ghost" Juliet also took out a light gun and sneaked to the side of the comet: "The head has not been dead yet, this nightmare is really a new breed!?"

"No." Xinghui Long was busy with a blade to draw a protective circle around himself: "It is the effect of the dragon. The dragon who lived here has left too much residual magic, and the nightmare creature can put these Remnant magic is collected to strengthen yourself - this guy has a hand!"

That's right, like a dragon that can regenerate, the nightmare has grown a new head – although the regeneration process is not going well! Its face does not regenerate the epidermis, it looks like a peeled horse face as a whole, the twisted muscles squirming between the exposed blood vessels, which also brages the black gas, it is ugly to the extreme!

"Don't worry! Just hide behind me!" Comet re-emphasized, reaching out and trying to pull Daniel into the circle of protection: "Do you want to die, kid!"

Daniel ignored the advice of the comet and clenched the photon dagger in his hand: "Can't let it escape! We must cover it from both sides!"

Although he has not learned the art of war or tactics, even if Daniel knows this truth, if everyone hides in the protective circle of the comet, the nightmare will have the opportunity to escape from other directions. In order to prevent this monster from escaping, someone must take a greater risk to attack the monster outside the protection circle.

"You really don't want to die!!" Comet anger said: "Your responsibility is to bring the monster's head back, and you have done it! The next thing has nothing to do with you, you don't have to desperately go to that point. !!"

"It is necessary!" Daniel raised his sword and pointed at the monster: "My duty is to kill this monster. It is not enough to bring back a skull!"

"So the Knights of Great Britain are idiots with long grass!!" Xinghui Long angered.

Hey! ! The nightmare ignored the dialogue between the two and had released black suffocation from the body. This is different from the powerful mental interference magic. It is a kind of toxin, mixed with strong sulfur and poisonous, and can be instantly eroded!

"Hey!!" The comet released a more powerful protective cover, and the oncoming suffocation was blocked!

Daniel, who is not protected by a protective cover, is not so lucky, and he is swallowed up by the whole person!

"Daniel brother!!" Husky screamed.

"Don't go out! Do you want to die too?!" The comet took the canine boy.

Oh, ah, ah! ! ——The nightmare rushed up madly, and stepped on the protective cover of the comet with the front hoof, creating an earth-shattering noise!

"But, but Daniel brother he -"

"He is dead. You can't save him when you go out." Juliet fired a gun, but her light bullets fell on the nightmare like a mosquito bite, and it didn't work.

What's more, the monster's body seems to be getting bigger and bigger.

"The damn" comet puts his hand on the scabbard of the blushing knives: "The ever-changing giants can be used, and sure enough, let it absorb too much dragon power."

The comet is waiting for the right time to get the knife out, but he can't lift the shield in this case and counterattack the nightmare. He is okay, but the two women and children behind him are exposed to the black suffocation, I am afraid that I can't hold it for a second!

Oh! Hey la la la la la! The protective cover can't stand the violent nightmare attack, and it begins to crack and crack like a glass!

Xinghui Long frowned, and the situation is getting worse! How can I keep the two cumbersome behind me? ! Can you only use a stronger protective cover? Do not! That will only consume more magic, and the nightmare attack of the nightmare consumes only physical strength. The two stalemate, the comet will only consume the magic of the light, and it will be saved under the nightmare. No one can save it! You can only take a chance to gamble once, open a gap in the shield, and kill the nightmare with a blushing knives before the black suffocation! But if he loses his hand, or if he starts late, the two tired ones behind him will be swallowed up by the suffocation! Really want to gamble?

Really want to gamble? !! A red light flashed, and a big wound was drawn behind the nightmare! The figure of the teenager fell on the back of a huge black horse!

"What?!" The comet exclaimed. It is Daniel! That kid is still alive! Living in that kind of black suffocating, but not being poisoned by venom? !

"Yeah, ah, ah, ah!!" Daniel struggled with the nightmare and raised his sword. His photon dagger made a cut on the back of the monster! However, the huge nightmare has been different from the original, it is not so easy to be hacked to death!

Oh, ah! ! The nightmare is a retreat, almost Daniel is thrown away!

"Baby!!" The trainee knight is a child with a quick eye. He grabbed the horse's hair on the back of the monster: "Give me honestly, ah ah ah ah!!!"

He raised the photon dagger and screamed at the back of the nightmare! On the wounds that the daggers opened, there were countless black blood fountains! !

The black suffocating sound of the nightmare of the injured distraction has also been reduced!

It's now! !

"Kid, steady!!" the comet shouted, suddenly rushing out of the protective cover!

tie! ! Daniel slammed his spurs and his photon dagger penetrated deep into the monster's back cervical spine! !

Hey! ! The comet's monster knife is also instantaneously sheathed, full force and fierce! His blushing demon knife instantly broke into the heart of the nightmare! !

啪 滋 滋 滋 滋! ! Countless black blood is sprayed from the monster's body, dyeing the heavens and the earth in darkness! The comet looked around with a worries, his protective cover was collapsing, and the black helium did not have time to completely subside, and Husky and Juliet in the protective cover attacked! !

Sure enough, still not? Xinghui Long bit his teeth, and Husky and Juliet will be swallowed up by poisonous suffocation.

However, this is not the case! The comet's blushing knives have the characteristic of absorbing magic. It is like opening a black hole and starting to frantically **** around the suffocating air! Before the suffocating air surrounded Husky and others, the suction of the blushing knives absorbed all the vicious breath! !

As the nightmare's struggle became weaker and weaker, its body also changed back to its original size, the black air dissipated, and the fur on the body gradually turned from dark to pale. Then it fell down, twitched twice, and finally died!

"Call!" Comet sighed with relief: "I didn't expect a nightmare in the district to be so difficult!"

Xinghui Long looked at the trainee knight, Daniel, and looked at it: "Infiltration in that kind of suffocation, you can't die?"

"I was lucky, I was stunned in time, and I didn't **** in that kind of thing." Daniel put away the light blade of the weapon and returned the photon dagger to Husky: "Thank you, it is a good weapon."

"Oh, of course, this is the gift that Uncle Arthur gave to Husky." The canine boy shook his tail and hanged the handle of the lightsaber back on the belt.

Juliet remained silent and looked at Daniel all the way.

It is not "no inhalation of helium" that will be intact. The nightmare's powerful corrosive poisonous gas can erode the flesh, and ordinary people will be directly eroded to death, and it will be a skin burn of more than five levels.

However, Daniel, who was poisoned by the nightmare, was poisoned or even eroded. Not only did he have no signs of poisoning, but even the coarse cloth was kept intact - no, it was not good, it was at least The dark blood of the nightmare was drenched, and some parts were torn in battle - but its damage was never eroded by the suffocation. That is to say, Daniel's singular anti-magic physique not only protects himself from suffocation, but also unfolds some kind of invisible biological protective cover to protect his clothes.

No magic, really just can't use magic?

"Hey, Miss Juliet, are you going to bring this nightmare's body back?" Daniel saw Juliet in the hair and asked for the monitor of the superior and the trial.

"Bring it back. Take it back." Juliet had a snack, and she was perfunctory.

Daniel shook his head helplessly, took a special cloth bag from his waist, and picked up the nightmare's head: "But the [frozen meat bag] I brought is only enough to hold the head. You have a bigger [freeze] Meat bag]?"

"Frozen meat?" Haas basically wanted to ask anything, but he just saw Daniel open the bag and stuffed the nightmare's head. The mouth of the bag is not big, but it magically puts such a huge dream head into it, and sees that the bag must be a sub-space. In the process of bagging, white frozen fog appeared in the pocket, and the sub-space of this pocket was also given a freezing magic to prevent the contents of the bag from rot.

"That's it, it's enough to bring the head back." Juliet came back from her meditation and glanced at the dead body of the headless nightmare, knowing that the nightmare only absorbed the power of the dragon. Unusual, there is nothing worth studying.

Daniel just put the head of the nightmare and hung the "frozen bag" around his waist. His eyes began to be uncontrollably attracted to the treasures.

Daniel couldn't help but swallow his eyes as he fell on his treasure and saw the moments of those treasures.

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