Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1282: Hunting the Devil in the Night (25)

Chapter 1282 Hunting the Devil in the Silent Night

In the cave of the dragon, the treasure is overflowing and gorgeous. It is obvious that the original owner of this dragon cave must be a very grand dragon.

The caves naturally formed in this volcanic zone are adorned with red crystals of countless volcanic rocks, which are piled up in the center of the cave, in a ring-shaped fence made up of numerous hard volcanic rocks. It is a lot of gold coins and gems, and occasionally there are some beautiful gold and silver ornaments. From the perspective of their exquisiteness, every treasure in the treasure is worthless!

"Take some treasures to go." The comet said with no emotion: "This is an abandoned dragon cave, which means that this is an unowned treasure. There is no problem with taking it."

"I can't be a treasure of another dragon belonging to someone else." The trainee knight whispered, and he was confronting the temptation with all his heart.

"I told you to take it, you take it." The comet is a little impatient: "Listen, little devil. Your life can't always be smooth, your plan can't always be so, so you need a backup. Plan. God knows when you can become a black iron knight? Maybe this thing has to be dragged on for a few more months? Even when the black iron knight, the Knights can send you emergency funds in time? If you The mother’s condition has deteriorated rapidly and can’t wait for the money?”

Daniel snorted.

"So when you are still ready, prepare a plan. In the past treasures, take a few valuable gems and hold a few valuable jewelry. After returning to cash, your mother's surgery costs will be enough." There is one less thing to worry about. Don't worry about other problems later."

Daniel snorted again, and then he walked toward the treasure: "You are right, comet Grand Duke. I will take some of it -"

But he looked at the colorful treasures in front of him, and he seemed a bit overwhelmed.

"How much is the surgery cost?" asked the star.

"Five thousand British gold coins."

"So," Xinghui Long walked to the trainee knight's side and pointed to a few jewels in the treasure: "This, this, and this. The value of these gems should be enough. If it is not enough, then Bring it."

"Can't take so much"

"Alternative!" Comet once again stressed.

In desperation, Daniel picked up two thumb-sized rubies in a treasure chest, a tooth-sized emerald, then picked up a pure gold cup, carefully placed the jewel into the cup, and put everything in it. In the bag.

"Is it all done?" When the star saw Daniel packing up, he changed into a dragon and urged him: "Let's leave, the way back is far away."

"Okay." Daniel jumped agilely to the dragon's back and tied the treasure bag and the nightmare's body bag tightly to the belt, lest they lose it during the flight.

"Oh~ It’s so good." Husky also climbed the dragon's back and hugged the waist of the trainee knight: "Husky is going to be too sleepy, and he has to go back to sleep."

"Huhhu" Juliet held back her smile and climbed onto the back of the comet: "When it comes back, which dragon's dragon is this? Why does the Comet Grand Master know the way to come here?"

"Hey." Xinghui Long did not answer the question of the girl, but only reported a sigh. He flapped his wings and flew up.

At the same time, the stone pillar forest of the Red Sea, [Great Britain battleship - attacked Paramitis].

"Hey." Biddeville walked out of the infirmary and touched his ass.

"It's just a little allergic reaction. Go back and take this medicine. When you sleep, you will be cured tomorrow." Constantine sent the werewolf youth indifferently.

"Are you sure there will be no problem?" Bediwell will be suspicious. In the chase of the tentacle monster before, the werewolf's buttocks and legs were slightly injured. His lower body has numerous wounds that have been caught by the tentacles of the dead giant pillars. The wounds are itchy and painful, and there is a burning and uncomfortable feeling.

Now think about it, it is not the poison of the deep sea trolls, but the dead spirits - the bodies of the numerous dead sea beasts in recent years - the accompanying corpse poison. Those disgusting corpses were left on the werewolves by grabbing them, causing Bediville’s discomfort. He is glad that his **** has not been further violated by the tentacle - if the thorny tentacles are partially entered into the werewolf's body and injected into him, the situation is not only It’s just painful and itchy now.

Seemingly seeing through the concerns of Bediville, Constantine immediately sneered and sarcastically said: "I have never been caught by the necromancer's tentacles, and I have never been attacked by the ass, so I really don't know you. I am a doctor. I know that your blood test results are normal. Except for the high levels of histamine, there is no poisoning reaction. So, you will get better. Your immune system is stronger than humans. It's easy to get rid of those dirty things, rest assured."

"Everything has to be done by my immune system, what is the use of the doctor." Biddyville frowned at dissatisfaction.

Constantine smiled reluctantly, turned and left, and went back to his room to rest.

"This guy can even become a round table knight." Seeing that Constantine also left, Bedieville had to stretch his face and turned away.

Unexpectedly, he just walked a few steps and then met King Arthur who returned from the outside.

"Arthur?" It was really amazing to be able to meet the King of Great Britain at night.

"Hey, isn't this Bediville?" The private visit to the candidates was over, and the Cavaliers took off the mask at this time, revealing a look of embarrassment. He looked at the tired Bediville, but in turn asked: "A bad day?"

"A bad day." The werewolf repeated with a wry smile. He subconsciously grabbed the itchy buttocks, even though he carefully prevented the Cavaliers from seeing: "You look terrible, Arthur. What happened? ?"

Arthur’s eyes drifted for a moment, thinking about it before he thought about it, and then he made up his mind to tell the truth to the werewolf: "Beddy, can I take up a little time? Come with me."

Bedyville cried his head curiously, followed Arthur and walked into a compartment in the medical room.

In the hospital bed, Queen Greenville is lying quietly, caught in a very quiet sleep.

"Queen?! Why is she here?" The werewolf couldn't help but scream and scream.

"Actually--" Arthur told Bediwell about his previous encounters, including the sudden stun of Queen Greene at noon, including the speculation of Merlin's prime minister.

"Damn." After listening to Arthur's simple narrative, the werewolf took a deep breath: "You shouldn't think that the desert rose caused the queen's coma?"

"There is no evidence to support this argument. I only hope that this is not true." Knight Wang sighed: "But if this is true, it means that there is something wrong with the gift I gave to Greenville, and she has suffered." This year’s wedding anniversary gift was too bad. I am a failed husband."

"Absolutely not." The werewolf whispered and replied: "That is Arthur, who carefully selected and risked his life to get it back. The Queen of Greenville must have liked it. It is fate that makes this happen. No matter how things develop, you can't blame you. But what we have to do, maybe the thing that happened in the zero area has not been completely finished."

"I think so too." The Cavaliers gently nodded: "I will go to the [Deceased City] again tomorrow, and investigate everything in the area of ​​Zero. Are you coming, Biedeville?"

"I have a better idea." The werewolf took out two metal iron rods from the waist. They are the secret treasures of the mermaid family. Metal detectors: "Although I circled a big circle, Tristan finally took this thing. Lend me. I am planning to use this to find [the boat of the desert] tomorrow. If the incident happened to the queen is not accidental, then I am sure that the ship’s database must contain all the answers, I have to Go and open Eve’s mouth."

"Eve?" The Cavaliers thought all about it: "The artificial intelligence didn't treat you as a real captain. It's not easy to get information from her mouth."

"It’s just a stupid machine," Biddyville smacked his head in disbelief: "Let us throw a wrench into her room, maybe she can fix her bad temper --"

The Cavalier was amused by the words of the Werewolf youth, and smiled: "You are too young to see the wisdom of the ancient gods and people, Biddiville. Even those machines that remain in the ancient remains of Great Britain, there is still a large part that we cannot crack, Even the principle can't be understood. The wrench you keep, I will bring you a powerful assist tomorrow. With the help of that guy, you may be able to get some useful information from the ship's database. Resources."

The werewolf squinted his head: "That guy? Who?"

"You will see him tomorrow." Arthur smiled and touched his wife's forehead with affection: "Go back and rest, Bediville. I will bring someone to look for you tomorrow, organize the search team to act together. ""

"Understood, Arthur." The werewolf retired from the compartment: "See you tomorrow."

Tomorrow's action was originally a search that Bediville spontaneously organized in order to retrieve his own iron ride. I didn't expect his interest to be consistent with King Arthur. The search suddenly became one of the tasks of the Knights of Great Britain. .

Thinking of this, the werewolf nervously touched the storage bag on the belt. Fortunately, the key stone is still there. As long as he still holds this golden cube, he is still the acting captain of the gold ship. No matter what the Eve guy is doing, the ship can't escape from Biddyville's palm.

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