Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1283: Mourning to the night (1)

Chapter 1283 mourning for the night

In the middle of the night, a vague gold shadow circled a few laps over the castle of Aiteng, and immediately landed in the backyard of the east wing of the castle.

"Welcome back, Missy." When Juliet jumped from the dragon's back, Knight Parrystone also rushed to meet.

"Call, exhausted." Juliet eased her muscles and reached out to Daniel: "Give me the head of the nightmare, and I will go to Paris to help you with the work of the instrument. You should be a tomorrow." Black Iron Knight."

"What about the emergency relief fund? When can I apply?" Daniel asked nervously.

"Immediately." The girl said: "Considering the reason why you need money urgently, the approval of the superior should be very fast. - Wait here, I will go with Parisstone, and I will definitely help you in two hours. Raise money."

Juliet, with her knight, Parrish, hurriedly ran away.

"Too good, Wang." Husky yawned again and said, "This way, Daniel's brother's mom will save Wang."

"Well, that's great." Trainee Cavaliers put down their minds and immediately softened their legs. They sat down and sighed with relief: "It's a crazy night. Thank you so much, especially the comet."

"I didn't do anything. It's all the result of your own efforts." The comet responded with no emotion: "To be honest, the scene where you cut the nightmare head through your anger is really a bit unexpected." Beyond. You are doing better than I thought - although it is a blessing for your own physique."

Daniel smiled bitterly and was planning to say something, but their conversation was interrupted by a civilian teenager who suddenly broke into.

"Hey, you can't just run in like this!!" The black iron knights of the two Winter Knights chased behind the boy, seemingly to stop the illegal intruder.

"I said that there is no time to explain! I have to find Daniel--" The ragged civilian teenager is very clever, and left and slid right under the chase of the knights, two knights in armor and awkward, always There is no way to catch the kid.

"Hey, Bart?" Daniel said, depressedly, "Are you looking for me?"

"Daniel!" The civilian teenager named Bart heard Daniel's voice and immediately rushed over.

"Catch you!!" The two knights rushed to the ground and pushed the boy down to the ground.

"Bart is my friend, he is not a suspicious person." Daniel said to the two knights.

"But Elsenburg can't let outsiders break in!" One of the black iron knights took the civilian boy and tried to drag him away.

"Wait! Wait! I just came to inform you a message, and then I will leave!" The boy named Bart hurriedly struggled: "Daniel's brother, big and big things are not good!! Aunt Yang's condition deteriorates again. The doctor said that surgery must be done immediately!"

"just now?!"

"Just, now!" Bart panted and said: "If you don't operate, doctors and doctors say she may not be able to reach tomorrow's sunrise!"

Daniel's face changed: "But I have to wait here for two hours to raise money!"

"Not necessarily." The comet on the side of the two black iron knights gave a look and told them to retreat. The knights had to let go of Bart.

The comet also walked into the open space of the yard and turned into a dragon: "Come up, fly to the hospital."

"Strange, monster!" The transformation of the comet almost scared the civilian teenager.

"It doesn't matter, Bart." Daniel picked up Bart, who had already been scared, and took Husky and Bart to climb the dragon's back. He also asked the comet with concern: "What about the problem of money?"

"You still carry those treasures, right?" Xinghui Long said with no emotion: "The big nights even the pawnshops don't open the door - just hope that the people in the hospital will know the goods."

Daniel couldn't help but frown, and he had a bad feeling.

Ten minutes later, following Daniel’s instructions, Xinghui Long landed on the top floor of a hospital.

"I, I rode the dragon once." Bart was scared when he came down from the dragon's back, but he was very excited.

"Bart, you take them with you, I will take a step first." Daniel just jumped off the dragon's back and couldn't wait to rush out and ran down the stairs along the hospital's rooftop.

"Daniel's brother Wang" Husky looked at the trainee knight and went away, could not help but worry.

"Let's go." The comet has become a human figure, picking up the canine boy.

"Go here." Bart leads the way.

When a group of people walked up the stairs to the floor where Daniel’s mother was hospitalized, they could hear the voice of a dispute.

"Why?" Daniel yelled in dismay: "These are real gems! They are worth every city! And the surgery costs two hours later, I won't lie to you!! You can't Use these gems as collateral and start surgery?!"

"This is not in line with the hospital's regulations." The doctor who was in dispute with Daniel should be the doctor of Daniel's mother. This guy is thin and tall, with a thin monkey-like face, talking with a sulky voice, and the comet feels uncomfortable.

"Mr. Daniel Yang, you have been in arrears with the hospital for two months of hospitalization. The hospital has not taken care of you. Now the operation requires 57,000 British gold coins. Look at your poor and sour money. I’m afraid I can’t get it out? The Dean’s adult has already said that if you can’t get the money first, we will never operate for your mother.”

The attending doctor put his arms around his waist, and the two nurses behind him also did the same posture, like a group of aggressive cocks.

"Oh, because you haven't paid, you can see you die." The comet that just arrived arrived coldly and laughed: "The medical system in Great Britain is really eye-opening."

"This noble gentleman, are you a friend of Mr. Yang?" The doctor turned his head in a hurry and glanced at the comet: "Please forgive us for being ruthless, but the world is like this. There are many people in the world who are dying." Going, if we choose to save every one, then this hospital is not going to bankrupt? The doctor is just a businessman in white robe, and it is nothing more than a philanthropist.

"You are right," said the star, coldly. "But you are still a hybrid that doesn't know how to be good."


"Listen," Xinghui Long began to say a terrible thing with a calm face: "I am the great star of the comet, the friend of Arthur. I ordered you to start surgery for the boy's mother and save her." If she had any mistakes and died in your hospital, I will definitely take down your lame hospital."

He spit out the dragon flame from his mouth and pinched a dazzling dragon flameball in his hand. The fire lighted the dark corridor of the hospital as bright as the white, and also took the juvenile face of the comet with extra horror and full of killing.

"At that time, you have three choices: Do you want me to burn the ash in a fire? Or use the dragon to shake it completely? Or, to be more exciting, let me summon a group of dragons directly. To shred the doctors, nurses, and patients here?"

The attending doctor heard his face pale.

"Give me." The comet waved at Daniel.


"It’s a geek, you idiot!" Xinghui Longbai took a look at Daniel’s idiot and grabbed the treasure bag in Daniel’s hand.

He took out a ruby-headed ruby ​​and rubbed it on his hand. He asked the doctor: "How much is this gem? Do you know?"

"呃" has been scared of the courageous doctor stuttering and guessing: "One, ten thousand gold coins?"

"This is the world's highest hardness, the most pure blood red diamond, the market value of 3 billion British gold coins, you stupid!" Xinghui Long put the gems into the doctor's mouth: "Even the dragon's full force trampled, You can't break it. If you swallow it, the gem will cause great damage in your body, and you will die and die! Try it!!"

"No, no, no, no dare"

"Oh, hehehehe, maybe what I just said is nothing but Hu Wei! Do you have any doubt about its hardness?!" Comet said with a hand that did not take a jewel to the doctor's face: "Would you like to bite a few times?" ?Ok?"

"No, don't dare"

Card! The comet has already held the doctor's jaw with his hand and let him bite the gem. When the attending doctor’s teeth collided on the ruby, he gave a heartbreaking scream! His mouth is bloody, because his upper and lower rows of front teeth have been broken by the indestructible rubies, and the broken pieces of teeth are more embedded in his gums, cutting his oral flesh!

The two nurses behind the doctor were scared to escape into the ward.

"呜呜呜呜" While the doctor muttered, the blood was constantly splashing.

"Ah, hahahaha, chew, chew a few more!" The comet ignored the doctor's screams and continued to play with the pitiful squat, and the opponent did not even have the strength to resist.

"I am a big man, please don't faint him, otherwise no one will operate for my mother." Daniel saw the comet almost killed the doctor, and could not help but advise.

"Hey." Xinghui Long pulled away the jewel on the doctor's mouth and pushed the guy who was full of blood. Then he whispered in a noble and cold voice: "Operation. Immediately. You don't want to die."

"But I - not swearing--" The doctor who is full of blood can't even speak, "I know what I'm going to--the president will sand me-"

"The Dean killed you, that's the future. It's better to kill you now than I do now. Which one do you think is better?" Comet said: "Of course I will kill your Dean, you Don't worry about this kind of thing at all."

"I understand - I know the book - that is the bird -" the doctor replied vaguely.

"Very good," said a smug smile on the face of the comet: "So get ready for surgery right away -"

"Doctor! The big thing is not good!" The nurses just ran out of the ward and exclaimed to interrupt the words of the comet: "Ms. Yang, Ms. Yang is not angry!"

Daniel couldn't help but stun, and there seemed to be something tight in his body that suddenly broke.

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