Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1286: Exploring in the wilderness (1)

Chapter 1286 Exploring the Wilderness

The next morning, when Albert just blinked, he heard some strange noise in the living room.

Oops! Have a thief? Still have an assassin? !

The tiger slammed from the bed and grabbed his weapon gun blade and rushed out without wearing clothes.

However, this is not the case. The strange noise actually comes from a cat -


The time is still early in the morning, the cat-and-boys have already got up early, and they are doing sports in the gym with only one pair of pants. He used his two slender kitten legs to madly step on a fitness bike. The squeaky sound came from the gear of a fitness bike.

But Mutter's fitness is not the thing that makes Albert the most concerned. What makes Ayr most concerned is actually Mutter’s two restless cat paws, which are busy all the time.

"Oh, my God." The tiger couldn't help but glance at the cat-man teenager and exclaimed: "What monster are you, some sort of snake?"

Albert's spit is no exaggeration, it should be said to be too precise.

Because Mutter’s two "uneasy" cat paws, one is stretching into an open kitchen 20 yards away from the gym, holding a pan and frying eggs; and Mutter’s other paw, It has already reached the sofa in the living room, holding a rag with a strong smell of disinfectant water, and disinfecting the protective gear for American football.

So Mutter, this guy is doing exercise on a fitness bike, cooking on the other side, and cleaning his armor on one hand. Looking at such a strange sight, Albert didn't know where he should start to spit.

"Where, are you sleepy?" Mutt sneered for a while. "I told you long ago that my physique is so special. Is it rare for cats to stretch their arms? Do you never see cats? Did the guy do this?"

"No. I have never seen it. At least not for housework." Albert said bluntly: "The technique of stretching the limbs is the same as [madness] and [beasting], and it takes a long time to practice. Just, and it needs a high concentration to start, it is not so easy to control. The average cat warrior can use it for a while in the battle [elongation] is already very powerful, let alone you use it like this -"

Albert couldn't help but lick Mutter's extended arms. He couldn't help wondering why Mutter's arm stretched so long, why can he still exert his energy. What is the principle of this? The muscles of humanoids should be attached to the joints, relying on diastolic contractions to generate power, rather than doing this - free to wiggle like a snake.

Could it be said that Mult’s arm bones have never healed, but have been cut into pieces, like the spine of a snake? - Albert thought of it, could not help but shudder.

"Hey, why are you looking at me with a monster-like look?" Mutter was a bit uncomfortable with Albert, taking back the arm that was making breakfast, and taking a breakfast to Elber. Special: "Don't watch, eat your breakfast."

The tiger licked his head and took the plate a little overwhelmed. There is a poached egg that is properly fried in the pan. The egg yolk is still flowing, and it exhibits jelly-like elasticity under the coagulation of white protein. There are two more hot sausages in the dish, which are full of seductive aromas. Their crispy skin becomes crystal clear under the scorching scent, and it makes people drool.

The tiger reluctantly went to the living room sofa and sat down to eat in front of the coffee table. But his eyes couldn't help but glance at the protective gear next to the sofa, and Mutter's other hand was still wiping the protective gear. The cat-and-juvenile's fingers are very dexterous. Use your fingers to pinch the corner of the rag to penetrate the gaps in each dirty corner of the protective gear and clean the sweat and dirt.

"Is this my protective gear?" Albert determined from the size of the protective gear that it could not belong to Mutter.

"Yes," Mutter replied with a sigh of relief: "You slept and slept after you finished the exercise yesterday. As a result, the protective gear has not been cleaned at all. There are still competitions today, and time is tight, I will help you clean it with compassion. But the rest of the protective gear can help you wash, but the part of the shin guard should be cleaned by yourself, okay? That thing must still stain the bacteria in a certain part of your game yesterday, it is disgusting, I don’t want to touch it. Touch yeah."

"Oh--" Elbert gave a perfunctory smile: "Okay, wash it immediately after breakfast. When does the game start?"

"9 o'clock in the morning." Mutt continued to step on the exercise bike and replied without emotion: "It's only six o'clock, you still have three hours to prepare - oh no, we are in Ghana today, we have to take an hour of sand boat. In order to reach the stadium, it is necessary to go to the Grand Casino in Cairo at eight o'clock."

"Very good." Albert chewed the sausage and replied absently. As good as its selling, the hot dog sausage perfectly flavored with black pepper is fried in the right heat and the inner layer is soft and smooth. The moment of the entrance is already a double taste shock. The taste can be described by the word [dream].

Mutter’s kid is very good at cooking, and even making a delicious breakfast with one hand is a godsend. Albert was so happy that he could enjoy his life in the future.

"Don't forget your protein drink." I didn't expect Mutter to use his exaggerated cat paws to take the quirky drink from the fridge and hand it to Albert.

"Hey, this one--" Albert, who is enjoying a delicious breakfast, recalls the quirky taste of protein drinks, and suddenly he has a bit of appetite: "Can't you drink?"

"You had a fierce competition yesterday, and the physical energy consumption was huge." Mutt smirked and advised: "And this is not only to supplement the consumption, but to make the body stronger. Say, bitter medicine, you can drink it."

"Oh." The tiger snorted and swiftly swept the breakfast, then picked up the densely packed Egyptian bottle and poured the milky white drink into his stomach.

It tastes so weird, it feels weird every time I drink. Although it is not difficult to drink, this salty, sticky thing slips into the throat like a thick drink, a kind of nausea that can't be said. Coupled with the faint but lingering smell, Albert almost smoked the breakfast he had just eaten.

The tiger youths finally finished drinking the protein drinks, rushed to pour the glass of water, and finally rushed into the stomach with the strange feeling in the throat.

"I can't believe it, you athletes can drink this kind of ghost thing." The tiger began to vomit as soon as he breathed out: "If I let this empty milk-like thing every day, I would rather die."

"It’s only you who wants to drink this," Mutt whispered.

"What are you talking about?" The tiger was a long way from the cat boy. He didn't hear Mutter's spit.

"Nothing, nothing." The cat-and-boys quickly retracted the hand that wiped the protective gear: "Your armor has been cleaned, except one of them."

"Oh, I understand." The tiger took out a piece of protective gear that had not been cleaned from the sports bag, the shin guard that he passed yesterday.

However, it does not look dirty.

The tiger can't help but curiously sniff, it's not so bad, although there is a little looming sweat smell. The smell of sweat on Albert's own body is not too light. He just had a sweat after a strenuous exercise yesterday and immediately went to bed and slept. After a whole night, the taste on his body is definitely not much better than this guard.

"I have to take a shower anyway, just wash it by the way." The tiger took the shackle into the bathroom. When he didn't go in, he took off his pants. "Hey, this bathroom is luxurious, bathtub." Still inlaid with gold! -"

Mutter looked at Albert aloud. The tiger’s bare buttocks shook his tail and swayed into the bathroom. He couldn’t help but smirk the cat’s teenager.

At the same time (?), Great Britain, Vivian Institute.

Paramitis suddenly woke up from his dreams, opened his eyes and looked at the alarm clock on the bedside, and found that the time was only four o'clock in the morning.

The big cat wanted to sleep again, but he found that his pillow was empty, and his wife Vivian had woke up and left the bedroom.

"Vivian" Leopard warrior licked his head and climbed from the bed. He knew that his wife was a workaholic. If she woke up early and didn't know what was going on, the only reasonable explanation was that she suddenly thought of a good idea and went to the lab to do the experiment.

The big cat picked up a nightgown and yawned out of the bedroom and went to find his wife.

Vivienne's secret research institute is located on the ground floor and has an artificial lake made up of holographic images. He was both confusing and obscuring the sun, so that the morning light of the morning sun could not be seen from the window into their bedroom. Instead, the entire institute has a constant weather synchronization lighting system that changes with the intensity of the outside world, using the lights on the ceiling ceiling to simulate the morning light. It is now four o'clock in the morning, just the darkest part of the morning, I can imagine how dark the corridor can be.

The big cat who just woke up was a bit uncomfortable with this kind of darkness. He could only use his hands to touch around in the hallway, just touched something.

Is that something soft, warm and spherical?

A pleasant feeling hits the heart of Paramitis, after all, he is also a man. But he can tell from the touch and size of the previous one, this is not his wife's possession. There are currently two women in this institute, not Vivian!

At the thought of this, the big cat can't help but sigh!

"Wow, ah!"

Sure enough, the scream of the lotus sound came from the darkness.

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