Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1287: Exploring in the wilderness (2)

Chapter 1287 Exploring the Wilderness 2

"Oh, **** it!" Paramitis frightened and shrank hands: "God, lotus, I didn't mean it, the corridor was too dark, I could only fumble and advance-"

"I know that you didn't mean it, Mr. Paramitis." Lian Yin waved out an illuminated ball of light magic, and the surrounding environment suddenly became clear.

She was a little surprised to see the leopard warrior who had just gotten up and was not well-dressed: "Mr. Palamidis, you got up early in the morning? Go to the bathroom?"

"I am looking for Vivienne." Palamidis glanced at the lotus sound, his eyes involuntarily stroked the chest of the lotus sound, and he was scared to swim away: "You also get up early, usually also Going to work so early? Great life pressure."

"There was a special situation today." The voice of Lianyin is a bit sloppy. Perhaps the research project she participated in is a military secret of Great Britain. It is not convenient to say it: "The Merlin Institute of Masters - 呃A research project - has been completed, I just received an emergency, and must rush to help make the final adjustment."

"Vivienne also has a share? Has she already set off?"

"No. She is still playing with her in the lab." Lian Yin looked at Paramitis with a slight uneasiness: "If you want to chat with Vivian, it's better to hurry. This research project may It will keep us busy all day."

"Understood, thank you." Palamidis and Lianyin said goodbye briefly, and the two hurriedly rushed away and went to work.

Paramidis ran into Vivienne's lab and saw his wife playing with the Luna armor that he brought back.

"Paramy, it’s just right." Vivian only slammed the leopard warrior and continued to bury his head. "Your weapon has been adjusted. I still have to work hard to do it. Come over and finish the explanation. I have to go."

"Okay." Palamidis walked a little lonely to his wife: "So? You have a pair of claws on your arm?"

Crystal clear, like a glass arm, is equipped with two silver alloy claws. They are superbly structured, with a cold and cold light, and the crevices of the claws reveal a faint ice blue glow, which is a very high-tech feeling.

"This is the secret silver claw made of special alloy." Vivienne put on the armor and swayed a few times: "It is usually stored in the arm armor. When you fight, you can use the claws. You are a warrior using photon claws." Can these lightweight paws be cooked?"

"Very good." Palamidis was almost drooling as he looked at the paw.

"Segred deliberately left these vacancies when casting armbands. I think his intention is this." Vivienne went on to say, "I just have extra materials in my hand and I put my own advice to help." "

"It seems that you know the child very well." Palamidis touched his new weapon and smiled heartily: "It really is the ignorant Mo Ruo."

However, the big cat's unintentional words stung Vivian, she glanced at her husband and did not continue. Since the past, Seifer and Seglad have been called Vivian for "Auntie", but they have never called her "Mom", and Vivian knows that the two brothers will probably never call her. Be a mother. Even with Paramitis, the relationship between Vivienne and the two stepchildren may never go any further.

"Then, there are organs in this paw." Vivian hurriedly opened the subject and lifted the glove to the wall. She shook hands and pressed a certain organ inside the glove.

With a bang, the secret silver claw attached to the Luna steel glove was shot and grabbed the wall. With a shiny metallic luster and a finger-thick steel cord, the mysterious silver claws and the glove box are connected together. It looks very tough enough to withstand several tons of pulling force.

"My God, do you have a pair of claws in your arm?" Paramitis couldn't help but exclaim: "Hah, this thing will be fun to climb the wall!"

"The cable is 30 yards in length and comes with rewinding skills. As long as it is not too hard and smooth, you can use this hook to catch it." Vivian said without emotion: "You could have been in the palm of your hand." Change the barbed bristles to the wall, and with the ability of the pair of claws to smash the wall, your three-dimensional space combat capability will definitely be greatly improved."

"Very good, I can be a spiderman!" Palamidis put on his arm, and the joy of involuntarily floated on his face.

"Spiderman?" Vivienne frowned at the big cat.

"Oh, nothing." Paramitis licked his head. It seems silly to hear him blurring out. Even he himself does not know where this sentence comes from.

However, under the transformation of Vivian, the value of this armor has indeed increased greatly. Paramitis has long admired Bediville, who can use the tungsten tortoise whip to sway the wall. Now he has two hooks, which may catch up with and even surpass Biddeville's agility in some respects. Considering that he may eventually be playing with the werewolf in the finals of the ring game, this small advantage may be the key to his defeat of Bedieville.

"You need to explain this to you, and the rest of you will slowly explore it." Vivian grabbed her robes from the chair on the side and hurried away: "When are you going back to Egypt? If you don't hurry If you want to accompany the children after breakfast, let's go. The Western Knights will send people to pick up Hal and Husky, and go to their fishing club for a while, I will pick them up at night. By the way they are, you can safely go back to Egypt." "Understood." Palamidis nodded and promised to see his wife Vivian rushing out of the lab.

He remembered the appointment he had with the jewel queen Rosetta, and then looked at his wife's pitiful figure, and he couldn't help but feel uneasy, almost wanting to put everything out.

He swallowed a sip and quickly pulled his wife: "Wait, I have something to ask."

Vivian turned her head and looked at her husband. There was a trace of impatience in the eyebrows: "Hey, what happened?"

"You know, Vivian, I always love you." Palamidis asked with courage: "But, suppose, just a hypothesis, if I am unfaithful to you, how would you punish me? "

"This is a strange question." Vivian couldn't help but smile for a while, thinking that her husband was joking with her.

"Just answer, okay?" The big cat made a serious push.

"So," the succubus's mouth bends into a funny angle: "If you let me find that you are unfaithful to me, you can rest assured, Paramy, I will not do anything to you. I will not hurt you, at least not The damage on it. But I will ignore you and will not say a word to you from now on. If love can't tie you to me, I will choose not to love you anymore. That's it."

Paramitis couldn't help but cry awkwardly. He swallowed and whispered and asked: "So, let me assume that if I am dating you with a woman, I don't have any thoughts about her. I just do everything to get some from her. What are the essential items that are related to world peace? - If I do this, do you think that I am not loyal to you, will you forgive me?"

"Hey, Paramitis." Vivian suddenly smiled and grabbed her husband's waist.

In fact, Paramidis only wore a loose nightgown, and his chest was still bare. The woman's hand stroking down from the hairy and robust chest of Paramitis, and stopped deeply in the belly of the big cat.

There was a cold sweat in the forehead of the big cat. He knew that if his wife touched another half inch, he would have to rise out of control.

The woman smirked: "Excited to do something like this? Didn't you have enough heat with me yesterday?"

"No, not" The big cat can't help but sneak away and open his eyes, not dare to look directly at his wife.

"Look." So Vivian sneered and said in a conqueror's tone: "We are all very clear. Men always know how to think in the lower body. In the real moment, what morality, ethics, It’s all empty talk. Don’t think about fooling me with the kind of ambiguity, let alone use excuses to justify yourself."

Paramildis’s forehead has more cold sweat: "What do you mean?"

"Don't ask me, don't ask the world. Ask your heart, Parami." Vivienne used her slender white fingers to draw a circle on the navel of Paramitis. The big cat tickles:"

If you really love me, you can resist the temptation of all the beauty in the world. When she takes your words out, you can consciously put it back.

If you have a clear conscience, then you don't need to seek my understanding or forgiveness. You know I won't mind;

If you ask questions and do things you shouldn't do, it's useless even if you get my forgiveness or cleverly fool the past. You will always be suffering from your conscience from now on, and you have received the punishment you deserve.

Good self-help, Paramitis. Since you have the courage to say that you love me, then hold on to this promise, don't let me down -

Ok, I have to tell you this. I really should go, see you later? "

"Okay, okay," Paramitis was depressed.

Then, Vivienne took the cat's face of Paramitis and printed a lip print on the cheek of the big cat. Then she smiled and turned and left, leaving the leopard warrior in a daze.

The cheeks are hot. After the big cat is taught by his wife, there is no loss. Instead, there is a feeling of first love.

Perhaps this is love. God knows.

There is only one thing, at this moment, Paramitis can be sure -

He is absolutely not wrong with Vivienne's wife.

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