Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1288: Exploring in the wilderness (3)

Chapter 1288 Exploring the Wilderness III

At the same time (?), the restaurant of the Cairo Grand Hotel.

"What about Palamidis?" Beddyville joined the restaurant early in the morning, but he couldn't see the leopard warrior.

"How old dad hasn't come back yet." Saifeier and Segrad looked at each other and couldn't help but feel a little impatient.

"He didn't mean to bring the adjusted Luna armor back to you as a template?" Biddier frowned. "This big cat only cares about being happy at home and his wife, forgetting the business?" "

The two leopard youths shrugged and expressed helplessness.

"Albert is not there yet. The stupid tiger has been mysterious since yesterday. I don't know what the **** is doing." Bettiville sat down on the chair and put down a plate of charcoal oysters in his hand. Start to eat.

"I have to go find something with the search team in Great Britain today, and I have no time to accompany you." The werewolf ate and said: "Do you have any itinerary?"

"I, I am going to work at the construction site." White bear Elaine said busy. In fact, he is chewing an oversized double-layer cheese beef hamburger, gravy and melted cheese are coming out of his mouth.

"Working? But we are not short of money?" The werewolf could not help but curiously ask.

"Forging and exercising." Elaine swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "Mr. Solar also said that he wants to come together."

"Oh, is Solal with you." Betdiville was relieved: "Then you should exercise well. But be careful."

"Yeah!" Bai Xiongren promised obediently.

The werewolf again set his sights on the two leopard youths: "The Safir will not be able to walk away from the knockout race this afternoon."

"I have to go to Odin's daddy again." Segrad swallowed a spaghetti with tomato sauce and replied: "I have something to ask him."

"Then you be careful," Biddiville also swallowed a whole cockroach: "The power of Luna Steel's weapons has been revealed in yesterday's game. Plus, the game has live TV broadcasts throughout Africa. I am afraid there are already many people. Notice the weapons. Some people will hit your idea in order to seize the weapon. You must act low-key."

"I know what you are." Seglad took a fist-sized leather bag from his waist: "I will take all the moon steel weapons and see if the old man can continue to strengthen them." But Mr. Bedieville, you have a dangerous search action today, right? You still have a good whip with your own."

After the speech, he had reached into the belt and pulled out the Bideville's tungsten tortoise whip.

The fist-sized leather bag doesn't look like a whip that can be inserted into Bediville, which means that there must be a sub-space in the leather bag, enough to store all the Luna steel weapons.

"Where is this bag?" The werewolf asked curiously after taking the whip.

"I bought 100,000 Egyptian baht from the warships of Great Britain. I told them that they were inconvenient to transport with a lot of weapons, and they sold me this."

"It was cheaper to buy directly" Beddyville snarled. He remembered the price he had heard from Arthur yesterday. If Biddeville unlocked his ring and the bag from his own locker, the price would be more than 300,000 Egyptian dollars.

"Hey, have you been here for a long time here?" Albert’s screaming interrupted Bedyville’s thoughts.

"It’s you who slept and slept over the head." The werewolf turned his head and looked at the tiger. He saw Albert followed by a gray-brown hair and a black tiger-skinned cat boy. He couldn’t help but feel awkward: "This What is the bit?"

"I, my name is Mutter, and I am currently a personal assistant to Mr. Albert." Mutter introduced himself in a violent manner.

"It’s so cute!" Safir and Segrad also called at the same time: "This child's hair is more fluffy and softer than Bihar! It's so cute!"

Mutt looked at the two leopard youths in a depressed mood, and then suddenly went to the scene, and then shrunk to the back of Albert. "What happened to the personal assistant?" Biddyville looked at the tiger with a subtle look: "What have you done, you need to hire a personal assistant?"

"I, hey, playing for the old Sphinx, American football." The tiger said with a head down. "Then this kid is going to teach me the daily exercise methods of American football. That's probably the same thing."

"Oh, **** it!" The werewolf nervously leaned into the tiger's ear and said, "Are you crazy? You forgot, the Sphinx is a dangerous person, the big boss of the underworld? People are selling their lives, are you living impatient?!"

"Cough and cough" Mutter was able to hear Buddy's spit, and he coughed with dissatisfaction.

"It doesn't matter," the tiger said with a smile. "I only promised Sphinx to play for him. It's really pure sports, and it's not the same as breaking the law."

"And you know," said Albert, involuntarily grinning: "Spinx pays me 300,000 Egyptian dollars per game! If you help him finish this African Super Cup. I will become a rich man!"

(Monopoly fart.)

Bedyville glared at Albert and whispered to the tiger with the volume that Mult could not hear: "Don't say that I have never warned you, Albert. People die for money, birds die. You want it. Money and dealing with such dangerous people, the only thing that will ultimately suffer is your own. But I also understand that your stubborn guy will not easily listen, so I will not be arrogant. Wait for you to really eat. When I was defeated and suffered a painful lesson, I will regret it again."

"Well, let's go." Albert is still hard.

He understands the truth, but the tiger has already been riding a tiger. On the one hand, he was commissioned by Chanel to investigate the conspiracy of Sphinx. On the other hand, he also promised Mutter to lead the team to the Super Bowl championship trophy. Under multiple pressures, how can he not do it without saying anything?

"I will go to the competition in a while, probably only come back at night. If you have any activities, do it yourself. Don't count me in." Elbertra is ready to leave.

"Let's wait." The werewolf pulled the tiger and quickly stunned the cat man: "How does the child look exactly like your former servant?"

Albert hurriedly lowered his voice and explained: "You think too much, Mutter is Mutter, and Luf is a completely different cat."

Betteville frowned and didn't say anything more.

After watching Albert leave, Bedieville also hurriedly finished his breakfast and dispersed with everyone.

He took the elevator to the lobby of the hotel and saw the King Arthur waiting with a group of people. In order to hide the eyes and ears, the Cavaliers still wear the previous half-covered mask. However, his slightly embarrassed face is still clearly visible in the mask underground.

"Aslan, are these two guys coming together?" The werewolf's eyes fell on the fisherman's prince Tristan and the half-dragon Ivan, and his face could not help but leave a bad mood.

"Hey, it seems like I volunteered to follow it?" Ivan dissatisfiedly reached out and pushed the frame of the glasses, it seems to have been full of complaints.

"What's wrong, dissatisfied?" Tristan also turned Baidiwei in the opposite direction: "The prince promised to lend the secret treasure of the fisherman to you. It is naturally responsible for the end, all the way to watch until you detect the metal. The device is returned."

"And you also need Evan's Hawkeye." Arthur added: "Today is above the mission, please leave your personal grievances aside."

"I understand." Biddyville replied with a sigh of relief, continuing to look his attention to the rest of the team, etc...

There is also a strange face in the team. It was a small, slightly shorter, pale-faced young man who seemed to have no strength in his hands. It was estimated that he was not a combatant, but a technical expert.

"This is Gwengreen." When the Cavaliers saw the werewolf and noticed the young man, he took the initiative to introduce: "He is... an expert in electronic programming and cracking technology, responsible for our invasion of [the boat of the desert] Crack the artificial intelligence kernel of the ship. With his help, the noble and glamorous Miss Eve may be obedient to you."

"The premise is that I can enter the computer room. If I can't get into the computer room, my ability to crack will be higher, and I will be helpless to their system." Ge Weng-Ling sneered, his looks were very proud, and he was more vaguely left. King Arthur's contempt. When Bedieville saw it, he immediately made a very bad impression on Gwengreen. Some of the world's guys are self-confident and arrogant, and even the great King Arthur is not in the eye, it is abhorrent.

"In short, let's go first," said the Cavalier King. The group had just stepped out of the lobby of the Cairo Grand Hotel. King Arthur’s dragon rider was already driven by the remote control, and stopped handsomely and calmly in front of everyone.

Arthur jumped on the driver's seat of the dragon ride, and at the same time conducted a combat briefing for today's mission: "We will start from here, first arrive at the [City of the Dead] that I visited the day before, and then start from there, search for [the boat of the desert] The trace of our mission today is to successfully subdue [the boat of the desert] and to hack her internal navigation system, drawing on all the data left by the ancient gods and people. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Your Majesty." The people replied in unison.

Bedieville jumped into the front passenger seat of the dragon ride, while others were sitting behind King Arthur. The Cavaliers launched the engine of the dragon ride, and the entire anti-gravity airship immediately pulled out a long and beautiful trajectory and flew away from the Cairo Grand Hotel.

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