Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1289: Exploring in the wilderness (4)

Chapter 1289 Exploring the wilderness

At the same time, in the backyard of the Cairo Grand Casino.

"Are you all ready?" Captain Hilomar made a look at the Sphinx players and boarded the sand boat.

"Wow." Albert looked far away at the pretty small sand boat. The boat is small, but it can accommodate at least 100 people. The Sphinx team is only the main team and a dozen second runners. This ship has to hold the whole team, of course Zhuo Zhuo has more than enough.

Albert also saw the Sphinx. The Lions and the singer went to the boat together, and the two walked side by side. The relationship seemed to be quite close. Of course, this statement is relative to the orcs who are so revered to the Sphinx and who dare not walk in front of the old man.

"The whole team is not afraid of the Sphinx bosses?" Albert could not help but curiously ask.

"That is of course," said the Guren Gusta, who is in charge of the center position. "You should already know, most of the players in this team were originally slaves, or the poor tramples, Egypt was fortunate enough to be taken hostage by the Sphinx, but the Hilomar guy was special."

"Special? How to make a special law?

"He was not a slave, but came to Egypt as a bodyguard of a rabbit race caravan. But he was gambling, and he was still gambling, and he was finally caught in the Cairo Grand Casino. The casino man had to cut his left hand. But the old man put him in the horse and thought that Siloma was smart enough to be a talent, so he paid a lot of money to let Siloma join the club, for the Sphinx. Effectiveness - the situation is a bit similar to you, the little tiger."

"Oh." Albert snorted and walked with the Mutter on the sand boat.

The engine of the ship made a roar, and the backyard gate was opened at the same time. The sand boat instantly took out the private dock of the Cairo Grand Casino and entered the sand sea. The weather in the desert is as clear as ever, and the morning sun is not poisonous. It evenly falls on the deck of the sand boat, giving people on the deck the opportunity to enjoy the morning breeze.

Albert looked at it and saw that the Sphinx players were doing some gentle and gentle warm-up exercises on the deck. He didn't dare to slow down and started to run on the deck.

"What are you doing?!" I didn't expect Mutter to immediately stop the tiger with anger.

"Hey, I am running...."

"You shouldn't do strenuous exercise within three hours before the game! What if you accidentally pull the ligament?"

Albert is not happy right away: "Bad boy! My own body, I have my own score, how much exercise is considered to be strenuous exercise, do you think I don't know? You are not my mother, you can use it everywhere. Take care of me?!"

"I am just for you! The athletes usually exercise, you don't seem to have a clue! Since I am your personal assistant, I feel it is necessary to give you some guidance! Is it wrong?" "

"Relax, little devils!" Fileos happened to pass, seeing Albert and Mutter quarreling, and quickly persuaded: "It's not a small person, you can't bear each other?"

"But this guy wants to manage, even if I run a step, I will become his slave!" Albert irritated.

"Then you are really wrong, Mutter." Phileos took a look at the cat boy.

"I am telling him what to do in order to properly exercise the body, in order to win the game!" The cat boy was blamed and felt very embarrassed.

"Then you said it is wrong, Mutter." Phileos said calmly: "Mr. Albert is the helper we invited back, but he is not obliged to participate in the competition. He has the right not to intervene today. In the game, we also have the right to do our routine training at all, completely in our own way. We must not force Mr. Albert to do anything he does not like, the Sphinx dad told.


"If you don't accept it, you can ask the old man to ask for it." Phileos gave the cat a young man a look: "Your job is only to assist Mr. Albert, teach him the proper training method. Go to control his life."

"Okay, okay..." Mutt pulled his ear, not half a sentence.

Fileos looked at Albert's waist again: "How come with weapons?"

"We were eyeing, Philaeus." Albert touched the sabre at the waist subconsciously and shrugged: "We were assassinated in the elevator yesterday and at the home of Mutter." Twice. Fortunately, I responded quickly enough, otherwise I would be crushed to death by the elevator, and I would die in the sea of ​​fire. In short, I will never walk outside with bare hands, so how many lives are not enough to die!""Yes." Phileos thought a little bit: "This kind of thing has never happened before. Is it that other teams are afraid [the king of sandstorms] has already Are you afraid of this? Interesting."

"It's not fun at all!!" Albert and Mu-special mouth spit in unison.

"Haha." Fileos laughed and looked serious again: "Which group do you have?"

Albert said: "How is it possible! I am not familiar with the things you have in these dark American football games!"

"Perhaps it is the Ghana Black Kings, our opponents today." Mutter whispered and said: "They are famous for their despicable fighting techniques. Taking various stimulants and stealing them in protective gear. Weapons, in short, they dare to do anything as long as they are not caught."

"No? Even the Ghana Black Kings, can't be so daring?" Fileos looked a little dazed.

"And maybe it's the team we will run into in the future, God knows." Albert whispered: "But in time, the answer will always be revealed."

"Yes." Fileos nodded. "Before that, you have to be careful. Right, you don't need to arrange a bodyguard for you, Mr. Albert? For example, let the strong man like Gusta follow. You have a good care in a critical situation."

"No! No, I don't really need it!" The tiger hurriedly refused: "Where there is a large group of men following the ass, it is definitely not a pleasant thing! You see that I have a more awkward here. Little follow-up, I don't need more!"

"But Mutter is not a combatant. He has no fighting power and no professional combat training..."

"I don't need his protection anyway," Albert said casually. "If something happens, this kid is protected by me."

"Who wants you to protect" Mutter suddenly made a spurt of his body, and he snorted and turned his face away.

"Where. Well, Mutter will ask you." After Phileos finished, he shot Albert's shoulder and left.

"Mut, are you okay? How is your face red?" Albert stunned the cat and the boy, and Mutter's face was like a ripe apple.

"Yes, it's a little heat stroke." Mutt covered his face and tried not to let the tiger see it: "Don't worry about me!"

The tiger licked his head inexplicably.

At that time, several were not dressed as athletes, but were dressed in a leather armor and armed orcs. From their line of sight, it seems to be the guard of the sand boat.

"So the ship is still guarded." Albert could not help but spit.

"Because sailing in the desert can be a lot of dangers, such as the desert konjac, or the pirates in the sand." Mutter still kept his face and said nothing.

"I have heard of the desert konjac, but it is a group of uninspired beasts." Albert remembered the description of Bediville before, he probably understood how the desert konjac is a dangerous creature: "But what is the pirate in the Shahai?" Sphinx is obviously a dangerous person. Is there anyone who dares to eat black and old, is it impatient?

"So you don't understand." Mutter shook his head disdainfully: "The pirates in the sand sea are a group of idiots and desperados. They are not afraid of fear, even if the old pharaohs are not in the eyes. Just with them sand boats There are overlaps in the sailing routes, and these **** pirates will go to kill and burn. The way to deal with these shameless hooligans can only be violently confronted, negotiating or intimidating is useless."

"Yes." Albert looked at the fleet of guards carefully. The guards were all fat and strong, and the equipment on them was excellent, and the swords and swords were chilled. Considering that the Sphinx is also on this ship, this level of guard is definitely a must. Although it is not clear what the strength of the pirates in the Shahai, but there should be nothing to fear, right?

Hey! An inexplicable crash on the top of the head caught the attention of everyone.

Hey la la la la la la la la! ! !

The solar sail of the sand boat suddenly burst into a continuous cracking sound, like a cracking glass, which made people feel a little cold.

Albert looked up curiously. Just in the time they had just talked, the sand sail of the sand boat had been pulled out of a big hole by something. The gray-black sail was originally a collection of fragile and fragile silica gel plates. After such a smash, dozens of cracks were produced near the hole and extended with the sailing of the sand boat!

"Oh, my God!" Albert could not help but exclaimed. As an adventurer, his adventures are exceptionally rich, and he has been able to anticipate that something bad is coming.

Sure enough, more light bombs roared from the sky, falling like raindrops onto the sun sails of the sand boat!

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