Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1290: Exploring in the wilderness (5)

Chapter 1290 Exploring the wilderness

"Enemy!!" A tiger man who took the lead in the Guard shouted: "All non-combatants take refuge in the cabin!! The fighters follow me!! The artillery room immediately fills the ammunition and prepares to meet the enemy. Sand boat!!"

"Damn, I just met this kind of thing when I first came out of Cairo!" Mutra said with Albert's hand: "Come with me!"

"No," Albert pulled out the gun's blade at the waist: "I'm also getting together. It must be a good warm-up."

"Are you crazy?!" Mutt wanted to force Alberta into the cabin.

"Shut up!" Albert touched Mutter's kitten nose with his fingers: "Don't - life - order - me!"

The cat-and-boys remembered the words of Phileos, and suddenly they flinched like a deflated ball: "Okay, what do you like? It’s better to die, but I can’t control it anyway!"

After the speech, Mutter and other team members ran into the cabin.

This sand boat is specially made by Sphinx's old man. The middle layer of the ship has a strong enchantment generating device, so that the crew can escape from the fire as long as they hide in the cabin. On both sides of the ship, there are a total of twelve powerful photon turrets dedicated to expelling all enemies encountered in the desert. The fort is extended from the side of the ship. Once the charge is completed, the cannon can be fired at any time to meet the enemy.

But Albert looked around, in the middle of the sand, but could not see the traces of other sand boats?

"Where did you hide?" Albert asked curiously.

The leading fleet guarded Albert and gave him a look. In fact, the tiger youth are wearing an American football jersey and protective gear. At first glance, the tiger is going to play. The guard captain couldn't help but frown. "What are you doing here? Are you not in the cabin to take refuge?!"

"I don't need to manage my things." Albert flipped his finger at the blade of his gun, and the weapon immediately slammed a crisp sound. The storm gun blade itself is well-made, and it is a good weapon that many warriors dream of. Anyone who sees this blade with the best wind can judge that Albert’s skill must be extraordinary. At least the tiger thinks this way. .

The guard captain shrugged, no more than asking what, and went back to command his team: "Hasta, Muller, Cottle, you are responsible for port side! Mattes, Carolence, Buffett, you are responsible for starboard ! See any movements and report immediately!"

Hey! ! More light flares are coming, and they are about to land on the sails of the sand boats. The boat made a sharp turn and avoided most of it. However, there are still three illuminating bullets falling on the bow, the center of the deck and the sails!

"Hey!" The guard captain rushed past the bow and swung the sword to open one of the flares. Since the bow is equipped with very important navigation devices, he has to give priority to protection! But the other two flares have already fallen apart, and even if the captains return, they can't handle them anymore!

"Give it to me!" Albert grabbed the bow in one hand and slid lightly onto the sand sail of the sand boat. Solar sail is the most important source of power for this sand boat, it can not be destroyed!

The tiger greeted the flying light bomb, and lightly hit the sword with his backhand. His storm gun blade was safely cut on the light bomb and bounced off the deadly shell! However, Albert's hand could not help but be paralyzed, because the light bomb was very heavy, and it was obvious that the output of the turret that fired it was extraordinary. If it really falls on the already shattered solar sail, the consequences will be unimaginable!

However, things are still far from over, and there is still a light bomb in the air, which is falling straight to the center of the deck! It was not fast, the guards on both sides of the ship had no time to meet, and the guard captain of the bow and Albert on the sails could not catch up!

Boom! Who rushed out of the cabin and flicked the light bomb.

"Mr. Fileos!" Albert jumped from the sail and looked happy.

"Fortunately, I also have weapons with me." The leopard took up the photon dagger in his hand: "I will help you too."

"But, where did the light bombs come from?" Albert looked around and still couldn't see the pirates' sand boats.

"Either from a very distant place, we used anti-aircraft guns to attack us, or their sand boats have hidden devices, and the traces are completely hidden in the optical camouflage. In short, this time the pirates do not seem to be idle." Leos said indifferently.

Albert then picked up his cat's eyes and looked around. In the sand sea, the surrounding horizon is flat and vast, but nothing can be seen. If the enemy is attacking the sand boat with anti-aircraft guns, they need to fire at least a dozen kilometers away. Regardless of how well their aiming system is aimed at, it is still very difficult to accurately drop the projectile from such a long distance onto a constantly moving sand ship! Therefore, the possibility of shooting at a long distance can be almost eliminated.

Then the rest may be that the other party's ship used optical camouflage!

And Albert is not an idiot, he is very clear, no matter how good the optical camouflage, as long as the boat is constantly moving, it will definitely reveal flaws. And the higher the speed, the bigger it should be!

"Let the sand boat speed up to the limit!" Albert yelled.

"What?!" The guard captain immediately objected: "Our solar sails have been broken, and then add load to the ship's engine -"

"The engine burns down, and at the end of the repair, we can move on. If the sail is destroyed, we are really in trouble." Albert said without feeling: "It will only be stagnant here." The pirates continue to shell and become targets. Only by accelerating the advance can the stalemate be broken."

"But this is crazy! If the engine is too noisy, it will even lead to a large group of desert konjac-"

"Listen to him." The voice of Sphinx’s old man came from the cabin: "Take the speed of the ship to the limit."

"Oh, okay!" Since it was the order of the big boss, the guard captain had to obey. He shouted at the intercom: "The engine room, have you heard it? Hands-on!"

Rumble and rumble! ! In the midst of crazy vibrations, the Sphinx's sand boat screamed forward, and the stern lifted a thousand feet of yellow sand, drawing a huge line of sand in the desert at an incredible speed!

Pound rumble! ! More gunfire trails came with sand boats, but their speed was obviously not as good as that of sand boats. They were thrown far behind the ship and fell into the sand sea, inducing a violent explosion!

Despite this, the sound of the gun behind the ship did not stop. A pirate ship is still chasing after the sphinx's sand boat, not letting them go!

"Useless! Our sails have been destroyed, and the output of the engine is definitely not as high as the other side!" The guard captain said: "There will definitely be caught up in this way, and at that time our engine was completely burned, and even fled. There is no way"

"You don't have to worry about this at all." Albert sneered with confidence. At the speed of their sand boat, it is indeed impossible to leave the opponent's pirate ship. But this was not Albert's plan from the beginning. The tiger has other plans.

That's right, I thought that the Sphinx's sand boat was escaping, and the opponent's pirate ship had to panic and catch up! They are optical camouflage, thinking that this can hide people's eyes and ears, but optical camouflage is flawed, it has gradually become invalid and unstable in the high-speed navigation of the pirate ship! In addition, the 10,000-foot yellow sand raised by the sphinx's sand boat is bombarded like a wave, and the pirate ship's optical camouflage shield begins to tear!

Albert watched with his eyes wide open, and he was able to see the pirate ship that should have been invisible far away!

The tiger screamed proudly: "It is there! Stop the engine of the ship completely! All the turrets are in the direction of seven o'clock!! We have to counterattack!!"

"Emergency stop!! Everyone is steady!!" the guard captain shouted.

At this time, the guards on the deck grabbed the ship's edge, lest they would be thrown by the impact of the ship! In the opposite direction, Albert also rushed toward the stern, using his own speed to offset the inertia of the ship! When the sand boat came to an emergency, the bow of the bow slammed up and slammed forward, the tiger youth also just ran to the stern! The sloping sand boat just became the springboard for the tiger, throwing Albert into the sky!

"Hey, that idiot" the guard captain just breathed a sigh of relief and watched the pirate ship that followed. He had no time to go to the flight of Albert, and he ordered it loudly: "All the guns open fire!!"

Pounds, pounds, pounds, pounds, pounds! Twelve rounds of artillery fired at the same time, slamming the pirate ship. And Albert flew, just greeted the pirate ship that was chasing, and landed on the deck of the ship, sliding less than five yards on the wooden floor! The pirates on the ship saw someone invading, and they were surprised to find a weapon to fight. But they didn't have time to start, and the dozen or so luminous bullets that were shot on the face fell on the pirate ship, and the pirates on the deck smashed!

"Wow, wow, wow, how can you do this!" Albert joked and left to avoid, as if he had grown his eyes, he didn't look back and saw the shells that were shot behind him. However, in fact, it is not because the tiger is so powerful, but because he has already remembered the position and aiming angle of each turret on the sand boat before jumping out of the sphinx's sand boat. He knew that the shell would be from the early morning. Where to shoot!

I thought I could attack the sand boat by optical camouflage, but the pirates were caught off guard by Albert's wit counterattack. When they climbed out of the rubble, the tiger had lifted the sword up and solved nearly ten unguarded pirates!

"Come on!" The tiger grinned and made a provocative gesture to the remaining 50 pirates on the deck: "I am boring! Come and play with me!"

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