Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1291: Exploring in the wilderness (six)

Chapter 1291 Exploring the Wilderness Six

At the same time, somewhere in the Sahara desert, the supply station of the ancient gods and peoples, [City of the Dead].

"Wow." One day later, Bedieville once again came to the underground botanical garden built of glass, and looked at the zero area that had become an open space. I was a little surprised.

The technology of the ancient gods and peoples was amazing, and even a simple food supply station was full of their wisdom. They not only built this extremely hidden and often inconvenient supply station on the ground, but also used some special glass to maximize the sunlight on the ground and send it to the ground without any attenuation. It relieved the wind and sand, the hot heat, the excessive water dispersal, and the endless sunshine of the desert. The plants in the underground supply station grew soaringly, and Jane reached the point of madness.

And it is also very suitable for people to live, because it is cool and moderate humidity, the next time "rain" every day: distilled water dripping from the huge glass zenith. They may be the transpiration of plants from here, or perhaps some kind of water extracted from the groundwater veins of ancient people. In short, this glass world is like an all-encompassing greenhouse, a tiny desert full of intoxicating greens. heaven.

"You will never know, this is actually corundum." Arthur grabbed a handful of sand from the ground, a highly transparent, but extremely fine grain of sand. They look a bit white in the distance, and people know that it is actually very fine glass shavings. But their surfaces are polished very smooth and they don't touch at all.

"Emboss?" Biddiville was confused for a while.

"Si and carbon compounds, and diamond (diamond) hardness is almost the same. Emery is generally the main component of bulletproof glass." The fisherman prince Tristan white Bettiville white: "What's wrong, even this common sense Don't know?"

The werewolf in turn turned the fisherman prince into a glance: "I, generally only remember the knowledge related to the battle. It doesn't matter if you don't remember anything that is of great use. It is more than just filling your head with rubbish." Just like a stupid fish."

Tristan’s forehead was immediately highlighted, and he took out his weapon in one hand: "What are you talking about, say it again?!"

The Cavaliers on the side were not happy immediately: "Are you a primary school student? Can you stop it occasionally?"

"Hey!" Biddeville and Tristan screamed in unison, each with their arms crossed over their chests, not convinced to go.

"Sometimes I think these two guys are quite similar in character - all the same childish." Ivan inserted a cold mouth.

"It's not!" "Take your ass!" immediately led to a smash of Tristan and Bedieville. This also naturally attracted the shackles of King Arthur, so the two young people had to close their mouths.

Betteville collected a sample of sand on the ground and walked to the depths of the area zero, but he quickly became shocked.

More correctly, he was shocked by the scenery in front of him.

This underground supply station is made up of emery and is a highly transparent world. Therefore, from the middle of the zero area, you can already see the underground glass sea outside the supply station, which is the Sahara desert.

The wonders of the underground glass sea, of course, the Werewolf youth have already seen it once. But it was in the evening, the sun on the ground was not enough, and Betdiville was eager to find a way out, and then was besieged by a large group of desert konjac, so the werewolf had no conditions to appreciate the glass sea. Beauty.

Nowadays, in the morning, the sun shines, and countless beams of light are poured from the glass zenith of the underground glass sea, and those big breeze pits pour down into the tens of thousands of light. Correspondingly, under the hundreds of thousands of feet of ground, the lava's fire oozes from the highly transparent glass sand, from bottom to top, into another sea of ​​fire.

Such a wonder stretches hundreds of millions of miles, as if the entire Sahara Desert, or even the whole of Africa, is included. Its majestic power can indeed shock anyone in the world, even if the heroes who are used to the big scenes have to admire them. .

"It's magnificent, right?" King Arthur went down to the werewolf and whispered: "It's hard to imagine that this thing is naturally formed. And it's a great chance to be artificial. It was left in the ancient war for this planet." Scars."

"This scene? Is it caused by war?!"

"Quality collapse." Tristan also came down and whispered: "According to the research of geological experts, it should be this ban to create this kind of wonder. In a war in ancient times, a guy who was not afraid of death made One of the four major bans, the ultimate magic [mass collapse], then the entire desert has collapsed with this person as the center, and extended with an uncontrollable chain reaction. The whole magic lasted for a long time, then In the presence of the collapse of mass collapse, the highly compressed sand in the desert turned into a hard diamond, which re-formed a piece of glass under the ground. In contrast, the desert near the ground was pushed up and continued to suffer from mass collapse. Affected by power, part of it became a glass zenith, and part of it was restored to yellow sand, covering all the secrets of the underground."

"It’s like crusting." Ivan couldn’t help but sigh.


Half Dragon Youth nodded: "This planet, this piece of nature, is full of mystery and mystery. People have a way to use it to smash it, and it has huge scars on it. It has a way to treat itself, on the wound. This glass sea was supposed to be a hellish scene after the war, but what I saw was a serene and magnificent spectacle. Seeing all this, I have to admit that there may be some kind of huge in the darkness. Power is dominating everything and maintaining the balance of the world.

People are very small, but it is a fine dust in this vast universe. We may be the puppets of fate at all, and they play the role of gears under the impetus of some great power. No matter what we do or how far we go, we can't walk the palm of our destiny. "

Unexpectedly, he immediately slaps a slap in his head. Tristan scornfully said: "Province, big poet. If you have time to express your feelings, it is better to complete the investigation as soon as possible and continue to move to the next destination."

Evan uttered a mutter from the depths of his throat and did not speak much.

The werewolf couldn't help but lick the **** and boldly asked: "Since all this is caused by the residual effect of the ban - that is, one day, when the effect of the ban has completely subsided, the large desert on the glass sea Will it collapse?"

The whole Sahara desert is falling below the ground below a thousand feet. What a terrible natural disaster this is.

"Maybe, maybe not." The Cavaliers looked at the glass zenith of the underground glass sea. "The glass zenith looks quite solid, isn't it? Maybe most of the sand will come from those sands." Pour down and bury this piece of glass sea, but the zenith will not collapse?"

At this time, the long-lost Gwengreen finally spoke up: "It will collapse. I have simulated it with a computer, it will definitely collapse."


Gwengreen’s mouth smiled and said, “By my measurements, the total area of ​​the underground glass sea is three-quarters of the Sahara desert. There is no half-support in the entire area. Except for the glass sea. In addition to the small amount of rock support on the edge, the zenith of the entire glass sea is completely supported by the buoyancy provided by the remnant magic of the forbidden sword. When the effect of the ban is extinguished and the abnormal buoyancy is completely eliminated, the hundreds of millions of tons in the Sahara desert The yellow sand will crush the zenith and bury everything here.

The impact from the high-altitude yellow sand may even crush the ground of the glass sea, triggering the chain reaction of the underground lava. Then the Sahara desert will become a **** of splattering lava and burning red sand. In this state, even sand boats cannot sail safely. The whole of Africa will be swept by sandstorms and the spirits will be coated. "

When I heard this, everyone couldn’t help but swallow.

"Where, this underground glass sea is actually a time bomb that has yet to be exploded. It is a kind of revenge from nature for human beings. One day, it will break out once and let the African guys suffer. But this It has nothing to do with Great Britain. It is not a British national who dies, but it is."

"How can you talk like this kid--" Bettiville couldn't help it anymore, pinching his fist and trying to give Gwengreen a big hit.

But King Arthur grabbed the werewolf's hand and shook his head. "Don't touch him. Gwengreen is not a combatant. You can make his head move with a punch. But we still need his head that day. He is irreplaceable in Great Britain. One of the precious treasures."

"Hey!" Biddiville had to take back his fist and sulking his mouth. He knew that Gwengreen was sneer at him with ill-intention, but the werewolf had long since gone, and his eyes were not clean.

Bediville then glanced at the ground. There are many looming shadows under the endless accumulation of sand, which are reflected by the lava of the deep underground, but not like rocks.

"Speaking back," the werewolf couldn't help but curiously ask: "Since it is the supply station of the ancient gods and peoples, this area of ​​zero was covered with a protective cover, and everything was managed so rigorously, that is, this supply station. Must be controlled by a certain system?"

"There is indeed, but we have not yet been able to detect the location of the system." King Arthur said with dissatisfaction: "The ancient people's technology is far more advanced than ours. Their machines are mostly made of special invisible alloys, which are extremely difficult to detect. ""

Speaking of this, Bedieville couldn't help but interrupt: "Hey, what are the shadows under the ground?"

"It's very possible, but do you know how deep the shadows are buried?" Arthur smiled bitterly: "The glass of the glass sea can deflect the light. You see the shadows and think they are close, but actually They may be buried in the depths of several million feet deep. The glass sea itself is very unstable. If there is not enough powerful mining support, we can't move it."

"Really." The werewolf looked at the shadows of the underground into the gods.

Although not sure, Bediville always has this feeling: not so much that the shadows are a collection of machinery, but rather they are a whole piece of underground remains. It is a pity that this underground glass sea and lava layer are too close. If you dig it up, it is very likely that it will cause the underground lava to erupt, or don't provoke it.

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