Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1292: Exploring in the wilderness (seven)

Chapter 1292 Exploring the Wilderness Seven

After a thorough investigation of the city of the deceased, King Arthur pressed some sort of remote control switch and opened the portal. A group of experts and scholars from Great Britain came to the rescue and continued to conduct a more in-depth investigation of the remains of this ancient man.

The Cavaliers also glanced at the werewolf Betdiville: "Take this group of investigators here, and we will continue to move on to the next goal."

Bedyville nodded his head and pulled out two metal rods from the waist - the treasure of the fisherman, the metal detector.

"Would you like to ride the dragon back to the ground first?" the werewolf asked.

"No, just go from here." The Cavalier King pointed his finger at a huge glass crack on the edge of the zero zone. The cracks form a long corridor that leads directly to the outer glass sea.

"Aslan, I don't think this is a good idea." Bettiville couldn't help but complain: "The glass sea is the site of the desert konjac, and it is not a joke to receive the attacks from the sharks there!"

In fact, the werewolf was attacked in the glass sea the day before yesterday, and was besieged by thousands of desert konjac, almost lost his life. The underground glass sea is simply a death trap. He has gone through it all the time, and he is not willing to go anyway.

"Hey, don't be so timid, it's not just a thousand sharks. We have five people--" Tristan glanced at Gwengreen: "Cough, not right, four people can fight, and there are dragon rides." How can you be afraid of those desert konjac with machine power and fire support?"

"You don't understand, they can sneak in the glass, it's hard to prevent!" Biddyville argued.

Tristan's face is ironic: "Yes, the perfect wall-piercing technique! The super-high-level magic that the mermaid won't use, these Warcraft with no head know how to use it, haha!"

"You have to admit that this is crazy, Brady." Arthur patted the shoulders of the werewolf youth: "The desert konjac can swim in the sand, which is understandable. But the glass sea is made of high hardness. It’s not easy to penetrate these diamonds. You are sure that you didn’t see the illusion because of the concussion?”

"Even you don't believe me, Yaslan?" Biddiville only felt embarrassed, but he had no evidence to refute - there was no evidence before actually seeing the desert konjac swimming in the glass.

"We still start from the glass sea." Arthur advised: "If the [Desert Boat] is a ship sneaking in the sand, we can hardly trace it from the sky. But we can see everything from here. No matter which stratum sneak, we can easily find it. You have to admit that the underground glass sea is the most effective route to track [the boat of the desert]."

"Good." Bedieville had to give in: "But when we were besieged by a large group of desert konjac, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"The speed and flying ability of the dragon ride can easily get rid of these monsters." King Arthur jumped on the airship: "And we still have Evan to be alert, everything will be fine."

The werewolf whispered a few words in dissatisfaction and jumped on the front passenger seat of the dragon ride.

"At ten o'clock." He said two metal detectors.

At the same time (?), in the Institute of Great Britain, Vivienne.

"Hey, mom has already gone to work?" Leopard, a young boy, sat at the dinner table and shouted dissatisfied. In front of his eyes, there was a goblin for housework, and he poured oatmeal and hot milk in his bowl.

"They have an urgent need to finish, no way." Palamidis ate the sausages and fried poached eggs on the plate: "After a while, Dad will go back to Egypt. Your two children will be honest in the Western Knights. Misfortune."

"Cough." The comet (which has become a fist-sized dragon) lie on Husky's head and snorted.

"Yes, two children and a dragon. Comet, you look after these two little naughty, okay?"

"I am a bodyguard not a babysitter." Xinghui Long said dissatisfiedly, a grape caught in his hand was put into his mouth.

"That, Uncle Xing Xing can't eat on the head of Husky." The canine boy is quite depressed. He can almost feel the grape juice dripping on top of his head.

"When is it, when will the people of the Western Knights come?" Paramitis was a little impatient. Although Great Britain is now more than six o'clock in the morning, Cairo and Great Britain have a two-hour time difference. The current Cairo is already eight o'clock. The big cat has not completely forgotten his date with the gem queen Rosetta.

Hey. Hey. The doorbell rang, and sure enough someone came. On the TV screen of the living room, there was an image of the surveillance camera. A person dressed by the Knights of the Western Knights waited outside the institute. A guardian golem walked up to Paramitis and seemed to be consulting the male master of the institute. "Take him in." Paramitis followed. The figure of the man is quite familiar, but the big cat can't remember who it is. But outside the institute, there are also the men of the round table knight, Vestad. Since they can put the person over, that person should not be a dangerous person.

as expected. A few minutes later, the stranger who followed the guarding the demon into the living room turned out to be the head of the Knight of the Knights of the Heavenly Knights. The appearance of Ewings scared Paramidis's body and immediately picked it up from his seat: "You, Grand Duke of Euns?! What is the wind blowing you?"

The old man has an old urchin-like smile: "I just came to pick up the two children. Go to the fishing club, hehe!"

Husky and Hal raised the spoon in their hands at the same time: "Hey!"

Seeing this, Paramitis can't help but be a bit dumbfounded. He has learned from the population of Vivian and other people that Younes and the Queen of Iceland have married and have a son. The Grand Duke of Euns is very fond of this young son. But when the little son's errands? Under the work of the entire Western Knights, the playmates who specially picked up his youngest son used to play with the Western Knights. This heavenly knight is also very leisurely.

"I know what you are thinking, Sir Paramitis." Younes had already guessed one by one from the eyes of the big cat, and he replied first: "But you guessed it, we are the Knights of the West." It’s really idle. The only duty of the Western Knights is to guard against the sea monsters on the land. We are not attacked by sea animals all the year round."


Unable to wait for Paramitis to pick up the words, Ewings continued: "And, the Knights of the Western Heavens now have the boy who is looking at the clouds, and there will be no big troubles. I am not self-satisfied, but Oyun’s kid Whether it is strength or combat ability, it has become very reliable. Maybe I am also retiring, and I will give the position of the Knight of Heaven to Oyun, hehehehe."

Said here, Paramitis can not help but look at the eyes of Youss. Sure enough, the years are not forgiving. For seven years, in the seven years that Paramitis became a stone statue, Euns was really old, and the wrinkles on his forehead could be ten digits.

It is strange to say that this old man, who is nearly seventy years old, can still give birth to a younger son to the Queen of the mermaid family.

"Okay, okay." The big cat looked helpless, and there were too many slots to know how to vomit: "Then the children will be handed over to you, the Grand Duke of Euns. I have to go back to Egypt."

"Good, let's go." Ewings waved his hand: "Playing in the round table trials."

"This is not playing." Paramitis pressed the green button on the hand-cuffed bracelet more reluctantly.

At first he was still worried that the signal would not be able to reach the warships of Great Britain. But his fears are completely redundant. The magic bracelet only waited for more than a second to react, opening a portal in front of the big cat and going straight to the transfer room of the Great Warship Paramitis.

"Oh, yes." Paramitis pulled a dagger from his waist.

This is the lizard dagger created by Seglader in their previous adventures. Although its blade has been blunt in long-term use, it is not useful in combat, but it is also just that it is safer to give this unsharp dagger to the children.

The big cat grinned and threw the dagger to the younger son: "Hal, this thing is for you. This is a souvenir made from the teeth of the East African Plateau Lizard."

"Wow!" Hal took the dagger and played, and loved it. He admired the streamlined shape of the dagger and the golden jewels embedded in the handle. He couldn’t help but admire: "The hands of Slaged’s brother are so skillful that they can put such rough materials together and become so beautiful. Artwork."

When the big cat heard it, he couldn’t help but wonder: "Hey, how do you know that this is the work of SGLADE?"

"My brother has a bad habit when he is a weapon. He likes to name the place where the weapon handle is hidden. You see it here: in 526 AD, Seglad Paramitis created a skeleton."

"Okay." Paramitis shrugged. "Although the dagger has been blunt, it is still a lethal weapon. You should be careful when you take it."

"Hal knows what." The leopard teenager nodded, then he subconsciously explored his waist and found a place to collect weapons. At this time his pet fish had swam out of its nest and looked at Hal's dagger curiously.

"Pochi, can you hide this?" Hal asked.

"Hey!" The balloon fish made a cheerful call, took its fins over the lizard dagger and dragged it into its nest.

(Actually, it’s a sub-space pocket, it’s more than enough to hide things.)

The big cat looked at the cute little son and his pet fish. He couldn’t help but laugh: "So, Dad is gone. You kids are obedient, less trouble, okay?"

Husky and Hal were nodded, and Hal's little goldfish also rushed to the leopard's youth and nodded.

Paramitis smiled without a good breath and jumped into the portal.

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