Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1293: Exploring in the wilderness (eight)

Chapter 1293 Exploring the Wilderness Eight

At the same time (?), somewhere in the Sahara Desert.

The battle between Albert and the pirates in the sands is still continuing, or just beginning.

Of course, due to the impact of the previous shelling, there were fifteen pirates who were seriously injured or unable to fight on the deck of the pirate ship. There were only forty or fifty babies to be dealt with by Albert.

The pirates left on the deck have already surrounded Albert. They all showed fierce light and showed their weapons. They wanted to kill the tigers.

These pirates seem to be a mixture of giants, trolls and humans. Each of them is strong and strong, and has several heads higher than Albert. With one hand, the tiger can be crushed. But Albert did not put them in the eye, he dealt with more fierce opponents, and these pirates are not enough!

"Come on." Elbert made a provocative gesture.

As soon as the giants were provocative, they rushed forward together with anger.

"Hey, no ammunition?" Albert pulled the trigger of the gun blade and made a surprised look. The pirate who took the lead saw it and threw it out. The sharp axe on his hand fell towards the tiger's head!

lb! ! - But he hasn't cut Albert, and his head is first shot by the tiger. More than a dozen large-caliber steel ball shots directly shattered the pirate's head, and he fell without any struggling spare!

"There is no bullet, of course, is to lie to you, stupid." The tiger sneered, grabbed the axe in the hands of the giant, and threw it out. The axe swiftly swung in midair, drawing a beautiful parabola, centering on the chest of another enemy.

The blood splattered and fell into the eyes of several people beside the pirates! Of course, Albert will not miss this good opportunity, rushing forward is two swords, cut the pirates' heads!

"Hello, ah!" The other two pirates attacked and attacked each other.

The tiger leaned over to hide, and a sword in the horizontal direction cut off the giant Han on the left! He has a sword in the vertical direction and divides the giant man on the right into two halves!

Another sand pirate flew in and planned to smash Albert with his giant hammer. But he did not land, he was stabbed to death by the tiger's young man!

His body flew backwards and squatted on another pirate, and the long gun that stabbed the body went through the second pirate! Two pirates who were killed in a hurry fell from the boat!

Several other pirates couldn’t help but break away from the giants who were flying away. At the same time, Albert stepped forward to pierce an enemy's throat, shot another big hole in the enemy's lower abdomen, and took it down before another giant Han reacted. The hand of the weapon kicked the weapon that landed on the other side and smashed the knee of another pirate!

The pirates in the sand in the knees didn’t even have time to scream and hurt, and they were cut off by the tiger’s sword!

In less than a minute, more than a dozen pirates died of death, wounded, and died after a serious injury! The remaining 30 pirates saw this horror, knowing that they are definitely not the opponent of Albert, and they can't help but shrink back!

"Great, powerful!" Who is clapping his hands and speaking in less standard English.

Albert looked at the sound: "You are the boss of the pirates?"

A giant man bent out of the cabin and designed the very spacious cabin door. The giant man was very strenuous when passing.

This is a purebred giant. From the thick, rocky skin, he should be a giant mountain.

The giants of the hills barely covered their upper body, wearing only the skirts, and under the gaps of his thick, rocky skin, they were covered with muscles that were full of anger. His rocky skin, covered in blood red runes, made him look both ugly and horrible.

The giant's hand is a huge anchor, and the heavily enchanted weapons are flooded with cold. Only such a huge monster can possibly take such a horrible weapon, and only such a horrible weapon in such a monster hand makes it become powerful. Even if it is a standard battleship, it can be easily hit by this steel giant anchor!

Compared with the giant with the steel giant anchor, Albert is like a small grass on a hill, a small worm on a boulder, both humble and small.

However, Albert faced the Warcraft monster, which is much larger than the giant of the hill, and even dealt with the "God". For Albert, this hill giant is still not enough to see.

"The little tiger, actually caused so much damage on my ship, you really have a little skill!" The pirate leader of the sand sea praised Albert in a scornful tone. His huge voice is like a landslide, a fierce beast, and this sound is enough to kill people! "But your good fortune is coming to an end. This giant anchor will cut your little body and cut your internal organs out of your body! Even if it is not directly touched, it will be scraped by the wind pressure picked up by the blade, and it will be blurred!!"

"Wait," Elbert couldn't help but frown: "I always think this word seems to have met?"


Albert sneered and grabbed the white saying: "Next you will say: [I will let you choose. Is it a self-destruction, a happy death? Or was it smashed by me, turned into pieces of meat mud filled with this ship The deck of the ship, waiting to be lighted by the mouse? However, even if you break it yourself, it will be smashed after death!]"

The hill giant opened his mouth for half a second: "Hey! That's my line! Why do you know what I want to say?"

"Hey, what can you think of in your single-cell brain? Basically just a few words." Albert, holding the storm blade, did not agree: "That's why I choose the third one." : Kill you!"

"Haha. Ah hahahahahahahaha!!!" As if I heard a ridiculous joke, the hill giant laughed: "I really don't know the tall and thick boy! Are you really afraid of death?"

"You can kill me and say it!" Albert laughed in disapproval.

Then the two met, and the giant picked up the steel giant anchor and swept it. Even the aiming was not needed. The storm that it had blown directly pressed against Albert's body, no dead ends!

Shown in front of Albert is actually an air wall. More specifically, it is a twisted airflow storm caused by the giant anchor cutting the air! This crazy wall is pressed vertically, and the tiger will be shredded!

However, Albert just raised his storm blade without hesitation, aimed at the storm of the airflow, and repeatedly pulled the trigger three times!

Hey! ! Three loud noises passed, and the wall that pressed against Albert disappeared completely!

The pirate leader was quite surprised: "Boy, what have you done just now?!"

"Isn't the use of airflow your strength? You can't even wear this little trick?" Albert sneered.

In fact, the principle is simple. The airflow can be offset by the same or larger airflow. The storm blade in Albert's hand is equipped with two plug-in systems, one of which is used to fire bullets at the gun, and the other is free to assemble - the tiger installed the weapon before going out this morning. The most commonly used and easiest to use plugin, the one that produces vacuum shockwaves. Albert has just fired three shots, and the three vacuum shock waves that he shot, the power just offset the air wall of the pirate leader!

Although the opponent's giant anchor is so powerful, the range of damage is almost impossible to dodge. But the weapon in Albert's hand can just restrain the impact of the air wall. The air wall alone can't kill the tiger youth.

"It turns out." The giants of the hills then lifted the giant anchor and pulled their handles with both hands. It seems that there is something new: "It seems that you can't kill you without this weapon." But I will personally Let you die more thoroughly!"

Under the pull of the giant, the giant anchor was actually separated. It split from the middle into two, and turned into two sickle-like Qimen weapons. Since the weight is dispersed, its lethality will be greatly reduced, but it becomes lighter, which means that the attack of the pirate leader will be doubled!

"Hello, ah!!" The giant waved the left hand's sickle and dragged an arc on the deck! The sickle cuts the deck, and the sharp shock wave is cut straight to Albert, and the tiger is about to be cut in half!

Compared with the air wall with large attack area but not concentrated, the straight line shock wave cut by this sickle is more terrible. Its power is so concentrated that it can't be offset by the vacuum shock wave of the plug in Albert's hand. The tiger had to flash to the left to avoid this deadly blow!

However, this is still not finished, the pirate leader's right hand's sickle swept a swift, and raised a sharp shock wave, pointing to Albert!

The tiger immediately squatted again, and the shock wave of the sickle swept over his head, only cutting off his cat hair!

So fast! Albert could not help but sigh. Although the opponent is a cumbersome hill giant, this pirate leader has indeed received a lot of combat training, both in strength and speed! He is afraid that he will continue to wave the two sickles and chase after Albert until his shock wave catches up with the tiger and cuts Albert!

What must be done to contain the action of this guy. When Albert thought of this, he immediately rushed around the pirate leader, and after a few steps he had already circled behind the leader! This direction is very beneficial to Albert, because there are dozens of Shahai pirates behind him, that is, the pirate leader! No matter how fierce this guy is, forgive him not to attack with his own men.

But the giants of the hills don’t care so much at all. The backhand is cut with a knife, and the shock wave that is raised is swept straight to Albert’s waist! The tiger has not yet fully stood firm, but had no choice but to stick a shovel on the ground, and the shock wave swept past his left shoulder!

lb! ! The shock wave hit the deck ten yards behind, and the small group of pirates flew away!

Albert can't help but look dumbfounded: "You even have your own hands -"

"Hahaha, they are just a group of mercenaries, and they are not enough to die!" The pirate leader sneered coldly and turned to look at the tiger: "You can bring back the head of your [Sand of the Sandstorm] and get the reward for me." Rehiring the mercenaries of the ten fleets!"

After the language is finished, the giants of the hills come together, raising the two shock waves that cross each other, and madly pressing against Albert!

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