Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1296: Exploring in the wilderness (11)

Chapter 1296 Exploring the wilderness XI

At the same time, Africa, the underground glass sea of ​​the Sahara.

The level is like a mirror, and occasionally there are some highland undulations. This piece of glass sea extends into the endless darkness of the distance.

A cold blue light crossed, like the ghost of a glide on the glass sea. That was the light from King Arthur's dragon riding the back kicker.

"Oh." Sitting in the passenger seat, Bedieville made a big yawn. The werewolf rubbed his eyes with his dog's paws and looked down at the two metal detectors on his hand. He reported: "Keep the direction at twelve o'clock and move on."

King Arthur did not say anything, but concentrated on driving the dragon ride. The people sitting on the airship almost fell asleep, and the scenery of the underground glass sea was truly magnificent. However, this kind of scenery that stretched infinitely and invariably turned around for a long time was really sleepy and tired.

"Your Majesty, would you like to change me to drive?" asked Tristan. He is a bit worried that the Cavaliers will be surprised by the long fatigue.

"Open it for a while, then change." Arthur said with a big eyes. But in fact, he is also sleepy almost to fall asleep, so I want to change someone else to drive the dragon ride.

Bedieville smiled bitterly. No wonder today's mission is to bring such a large number of people, the original backup driver has to prepare a few.

Just when everyone was about to be bored, there was a sudden movement in the underground glass sea.

"Arthur, raising the flight height." Bedyville said in a hurry.

When the Cavaliers twisted the dragon's joystick, the anti-gravity airship flew off the ground.

Fortunately, with such a move, Arthur's dragon ride avoided the attack from below the formation. A desert konjac madly pulled out the "sea" surface of the glass sea, gently rubbed it over the bottom of the dragon ride, and the whole airship was slightly shaken.

"Wow, is there really a shark?" Tristan exclaimed incredulously, looking out from the side of the dragon and looking up on the ground.

Thousands of black shadows surged under the sea of ​​glass sea. Since the glass can be deflected, it is impossible to distinguish how far the desert konjac is from the sea.

"Well?" Ivan, who was already dozing off, was completely awake. He looked down at the sharks and sighed incredulously: "God! These sharks can really swim in solid emery?"

"I didn't lie to you?" Biddiville smugly said a little smugly: "Fortunately, at our current flight height, these sharks should not jump."

"Maybe." To be on the safe side, King Arthur raised the flying height of the dragon. It is 30 yards from the sea of ​​the glass sea. No matter how good the jumping power of these desert konjac, it is estimated that they can only watch Arthur's dragon ride sigh.

"However, how did these desert konjac be done?" Tristan asked curiously: "Is it really possible to swim in a solid? Is it a high-level magic like [Walking]?"

"It is [quantum collapse]." Gwengreen, who has remained silent, finally spoke up. This guy is sitting in the last row of the dragon ride, holding an electronic notebook in his hand, and he has been analyzing the actions of the desert konjac since the beginning.

"What about quantum?" Hearing Biddiville was a fog.

"[Quantum collapse]." In a sentence, it was said twice, and Gwengreen was slightly displeased: "Simply, these sharks use powerful enchantments to create an energy field on their body surface, which is strong enough to put them. The specific substance beside it is decomposed into super solid."

"Super solid?" Biddiville only felt more dizzy.

"It's a higher-energy material form above solids." Gringreen smiled slyly and continued: "A thing that is temporarily turned into a super-solid object becomes a zero-friction fluid, and these desert konjac can Walking through it is like a normal fish swimming in the water. No. More precisely, they swim faster in a super-solid state with zero friction than swimming in the water."

"Damn, this is more advanced than wall-piercing." Tristan whispered.

"So, are we talking about a wildlife that can use high-level magic?" Cavaliers asked with interest: "These guys can pass solids, and if they use this ability to break into cities, destroy them. Isn't it bad?"

"No, they must have limited material for quantum collapse. For example, high-purity silicon carbide in the underground glass sea -"

"Also, for example, most of the sandstone in the desert." Bedyville snorted, remembering that in the hiding place of Juggernaut Jacques, in the underground cave, he met a teenager in the desert. The desert konjac can also sneak into the ground to attack.

auzw.comHowever, in order to protect the desert konjac, there are layers of steel walls on the periphery of the cities along the Sahara Sea, which also create protective covers. The konjac may not be able to easily pass through these barriers.

However, these cities with copper wall protection are not dripping, and there will be more or less loopholes in the protection layer. If the sharks discover these vulnerabilities and take the opportunity to sneak into the city, they will cause great damage to the city.

All in all, the situation is quite worrying.

"Arthur, at three o'clock!" Buddyville suddenly shouted. The two metal detectors in his hand were moving at a rapid speed, and it seems that the source of the signal is very close.

The Cavaliers changed the direction of the dragon ride and headed toward the metal detector.

"One oclock direction!" Bettiville continued to report. The signal moved very fast, and it seems that it is intended to avoid the tracking of King Arthur and his team, and is turning sharply!

"Be careful! At seven o'clock!" Ivan also picked up at the same time. In the glass sea below, the desert konjac is constantly smashed. The sharks that have jumped out of the ground and the sharks that jump out of each other collide with each other. This magical kinetic energy superposition brings one of the sharks to an incredible height! Its jump can even threaten the dragon ride that King Arthur is riding!

"It's so clever." The Cavalier King made a sharp turn with his teeth. The dragon rides in the air and drifts beautifully. It flashes the impact of the desert konjac in the midst of a thousand miles.

However, things are far from over! Desert konjac has become smarter and knows how to work together! There are more desert konjac attacking Arthur's anti-gravity airship by the two-stage jump of this "folding wall". In the air, there is a big shark that jumps out of the ground for dozens of yards!

"Hey!" The Cavaliers repeatedly twisted a few sharp turns in a row, and the dragon rider flew left and right, drawing a floating light in the air. He is also climbing as he ducks, letting the dragon ride higher, to reach the heights that these **** big sharks can't reach!

But things are still not over!

"It fell from above! At eleven o'clock!" Ivan shouted.

That's right! This underground glass sea in the Sahara has a huge glass zenith, and it is a great desert! The desert is one of the active sites of the desert konjac! These beasts fell from the top down, like a huge raindrop, to the dragon ride, and it must be said that it is a strange scene!

There are sharks on the top of the head, and there are jumps on the ground from the bottom of the head. This is the desert konjac who is a group of people in Arthur, a three-dimensional space! The situation became extremely dangerous in an instant, and the Cavaliers had to control the dragon ride to avoid the attack of the shark group by virtue of their superhuman operation skills!

"So I said, I shouldn't sail on the glass sea." Bettiville couldn't help but complain. It is precisely because everyone wants to search more effectively that this is the unfavorable situation of being attacked by the enemy.

"Now what is the use of this!" Tristan glanced at Bediville: "Let's help too! I am responsible for guarding the right wing, and Ivan is responsible for guarding the left wing! Never let the sharks get close!" Tristan buckled the seat belt At the same time, he pulled out a pistol and shouted.

As he spoke, there was already a desert konjac that jumped high from the sea of ​​the glass sea and was trying to attack the chassis of the dragon ride. The fisherman prince decisively fired and slammed the sharks that were flying near!

"What about me?" Biddiville also pulled out the tungsten tortoise whip.

"What can your whiphead's whip do!" Tristan glanced at Bediville again.

"Beddyville is responsible for alerting the sharks that are falling overhead." Arthur ordered immediately to prevent the two from quarreling. At the same time as the next order, he was completely distracted, and still carefully avoided the sharks everywhere.

At this point, there was just a desert konjac falling, and Biddiville made a whip without thinking about it. His tungsten tortoise whip is not the cartilage head. It is driven by electric energy. The powerful whip instantly sweeps the big shark that has fallen 500 kilograms!

"Your Majesty! A huge shadow can be seen five kilometers away from the northeast. That may be our goal!" Ivan pulled out two black iron pistols and fired a series of sharks on the ground for a series of screaming sharks. Suppressed in the glass sea: "The huge shadow is escaping at full speed! If it is delayed for too long, it may be escaped by it!"

"Understood!" The Knight King buckled a button on the dragon's ride: "Go ahead at full speed! There may be some bumps, everyone will hold steady!!"

Rumble and rumble! ! Dragon's photon explosion engine roared wildly, propelling the airship with its ultimate output!

"Hey--" Biddeville was the first to realize the acceleration of the dragon riding at full speed, and he couldn't help but be overwhelmed by this powerful force! At this time, he has not been able to support with a whip. He can only hold the handrail of the passenger seat tightly with both hands, fearing that he will be thrown down!

The dragon ride is crossing the obstacles of the sharks at a crazy speed. In the high speed, you still don't forget to drift around, and draw a swaying arc in the endless darkness of the underground glass sea! In this high speed, the dragon rides a little carelessly and hits a desert konjac, causing a strong impact, even a big bang! King Arthur is playing with a group of people. He must have enough confidence in his driving skills to dare to drive like this!

"Just in front, three hundred yards!" Iwen shouted at the risk of his tongue being bitten: "But wait, isn't it like a boat?!"

It was sneaked in the glass sea of ​​the Sahara, a huge black shadow. It shakes its head and squints in the glass sea. It is not so much a ship, but rather a fish?

"It's bad!!" Biddeville suddenly wanted to understand everything and exclaimed: "That is Moby Dick!"

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