Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1297: Exploring in the wilderness (12)

Chapter 1297 Exploring the Wilderness Twelve

"What about Mobi Moby?" Tristan asked aloud, trying to cover the sound of the wind blowing in the ear with his voice.

"Mobidek!" Biddeville replied with the same high voice, although his companions could only faintly hear: "The desert konjac's boss, the giant desert whale shark that is more than five hundred feet long!"

The werewolf was attacked by this huge monster before, and his sand boat was almost sunk by the attack of Moby Dick! Therefore, he remembers Moby Dick and knows the horror of this monster!

"Why would the metal detector lead us to Moby Dick?" Biddyville looked at Quintan with blame: "They should take me to the desert boat?"

"Don't ask me!" The fisherman prince in turn shouted: "This [metal detector] was originally used to find the water veins or veins buried in the ground, but you used it to find a ship! Your usage is not right, will What can I expect?!"

Bedieville was speechless for a time.

"In short, let's break away from this dilemma." King Arthur twisted the joystick, and his dragon ride came a 180-degree turn, flashing a few desert konjac behind the cool drift. The impact. He has already set his posture and is ready to flee the scene of the incident. In theory, he can leave Moby Dick far away by simply stepping on the gas pedal!

In theory, but in reality, Moby Dick has long been aware of the proximity of everyone. It was quite dissatisfied with the man who shot and beat it by Ivan and others. He had already poked his head out of the glass sea and opened its **** mouth! !

"Arthur is careful! It wants to fire a wave gun!!" Biddeville shouted loudly. The kind of beam gun that Moby Dick squirted from the mouth looks very similar to the deep red wave guns of the various Krakens, but in fact it is the glass paste dissolved in the ultra-high temperature state! Its lethality and rate of fire are amazing. It was this wave of cannons that almost collapsed the sand boat of the Mohammed Chamber of Commerce!

Hey! ! ——

When it was said that it was too late, the blood red wave gun consisting of hot glass paste had already been shot at the dragon ride of Arthur! The Cavaliers looked at the dragon's maneuverability and couldn't escape the shelling. He quickly grabbed Tristan's hand and dragged the fisherman's prince to the main driver's seat: "Substitution!"

Tristan had not had time to catch the dragon's joystick, and Arthur had already circled the dragon's tail. He lifted the sheath of his own king in one hand, and launched the Holy Spirit lion shield in the direction of the **** red wave gun! !

lb! ! - The impact almost made the people on the anti-gravity airship faint. The Holy Spirit lion shield opens a huge shield, and with the power of the Holy Spirit, it resists the impact of the deep red wave gun, making the dragon ride intact! ! However, the dragon rider was out of control in the impact. It was like a broken kite, swaying and hitting the glass zenith of the underground glass sea! !

"呜 嗯 嗯 !!!" Tristan squatted and tried to grasp the joystick of the dragon ride.

"Support!!" Arthur shouted loudly. At this time, he even opened his wings and firmly grasped the armrests on the edge of the dragon's riding. He tried to stabilize the weight of his own body with his own body strength. Reload the machine ten times!

However, the Cavaliers can no longer rebel against the physical laws of nature. The dragon ride is thrown in the shock, and its kinetic energy can't resist. The people can only watch the dragon ride straight toward the glass zenith. Hit the ground! !

"Arthur, if you go on like this, you will hit it!!" Bedyville hurried.

"Full and full speed back!!" Tristan controlled the dragon ride. He tried to turn the dragon rider's propeller over at full speed and use the power of the ejector to force the deceleration! ! However, he did little to do so, and everyone even felt that the strength of the dragon riding into the glass zenith was reduced!

"It's coming again!" Evan shouted loudly to remind everyone.

Moby Dick, a crazy desert whale shark, sees a **** red wave cannon that can't solve this unsightly dragon ride, and immediately fills the knife! Its open blood plate is condensed with the heat of the sun, and the hot glass slurry is like the raging sea in the storm, and it will soon spew out!

The second blood red wave gun is about to shoot! ! The Knight's Holy Spirit Lion Shield can indeed block this horrible shock wave, but the reaction force it brings will make the dragon ride out of control and hit the glass zenith at a faster speed! Even if you can block this, everyone will die! !

"Hey!!" King Arthur saw the wrong color, and immediately turned to attack! He took the sword of the Holy King from the sheath and launched the super-capture ability of the Holy Sword! ! From the other parallel universes, billions of units of photons immediately became the golden golden blade of the holy sword, and King Arthur did not hesitate to point to Moby Dick, raising the holy sword is one Hey! !

lb! ! ——

Hey! ! ——

The blood-red beam collided with King Arthur's huge light blade, and the fierce impact swayed the entire underground glass sea!

Hey la la la la la! ! Countless glass **** fell from the zenith and turned into a lot of deadly and sharp glass rain! The blood red wave gun was originally composed of melted glass paste. When it collided with the holy sword light blade, it also turned into countless hot slurry, and the splash was everywhere!

"Hey!" Bettiville grabbed the handrail with one hand, and the other hand swayed his whip madly, turning the tungsten tongue whip into a shield, blocking the glass **** that poured down. However, the situation is chaotic to the extreme, the werewolf has a little powerless feeling! What's more, their dragon ride still slams into the glass zenith of the underground glass sea at a very alarming speed. If it goes on like this, it will really hit, and all the members on the airship will be broken!

"Tristan, can't you do something?!" The werewolf hurriedly shouted.

"Already done!!" The fisherman prince shouted, he used his whole mind to manipulate the dragon ride, while using the propeller reverse jet to counteract the tendency of the dragon ride to hit the glass zenith, the other side had to let The airship drifts around to avoid the desert konjac army that has fallen from the sky! Although he has done his best, he can't think of a way to avoid the strong impact that is coming!

"Three o'clock direction!!" Evan suddenly cried.


"Just do it!!" Half-Dragon Youth has no time to explain, can only use the sly to convince the other party!

At that time, King Arthur also made a trick and took back his holy sword. The light of the Moby Dick blood red wave cannon disappeared almost simultaneously with the great golden light blade of the Holy Sword, and a part of the huge glass zenith began to crack!

Oh! ! The cracked part is just above the crowd, and it is also the direction in which the dragon rides out of control! The moment it cracks, it turns into a huge bunker. From the top of the desert, it looks like the huge sand hole that can swallow the whole boat! Numerous yellow sands in the Sahara desert sprinkled from the cracked bunkers, but they were caught by some mysterious force in the underground glass sea. After falling a hundred feet, they went back and formed a wonderful scene! According to the current flight direction, the dragon ride will be swallowed up by this huge bunker! ! ——

Yes, Ivan’s judgment is absolutely correct! In such a desperate situation, no matter how bad the encounter is better than dead! !

If the dragon ride hits the hard glass roof, everyone will be blurred! But they ran into the bunker, with countless yellow sand buffers, and everyone had the possibility of surviving!

"To hit it, everyone is steady!" Tristan loudly reminded.

lb! ! Not waiting for Bedieville to react, the dragon ride has been heavily hit in the sand pit, completely buried by the storm of the yellow sand! The werewolf only felt that his whole body was wrapped in the sand that was flowing wildly, and the heavy pressure made him feel dizzy and breathless!

It was dark and dark, and the yellow sand was blowing. It left a lot of tingling sensation like ants biting on Bedyville's body! He can't breathe, he doesn't dare to blink, he can't even move his fingers half a inch! Faced with the violent and ruthless natural forces, the small werewolves can only use all their strength to grasp the armrests of the dragon's passenger seat, avoiding being thrown out of the airship and being separated from everyone!

But backfired, a sharp, piercing metal tear was accompanied by the arrogance of the yellow sand storm, into the wolf's ears. He knows what the voice represents, and his heart sighs badly! In the next second, the front passenger seat of the dragon ride he had been ripped was separated from the body of the dragon ride! And Bedieville was even thrown out with the driver's seat! !

"Beddyville! -" The werewolf seemed to be able to hear the screams of the Cavaliers, although in this storm, Arthur could never call.

Bediville wants to respond, but he has been caught in the vortex of the sandstorm by the storm, can not tell the up and down, east and west, east and west, in a crazy rotation, spit! ! The sand has a pressure of 10,000 tons, tearing, hitting, and smashing the body of Bediville from every direction, randomly, ruthlessly! The werewolf can only hold his teeth and hold back the pain. I hope this is like a purgatory as soon as possible! !

Fortunately, this hard journey has only lasted for less than a minute! When Bediville noticed that he had light in front of him, he had already been thrown into the air of the Sahara Desert! !

Yes, there are countless huge quicksands in the Sahara Desert! These large sand pits are connected to the sand sea and the underground glass sea. They are accumulated in countless years, the [scarred] of the underground glass sea zenith!

Involved in the sand bunker, falling from the top down, will inevitably fall into the underground glass sea; on the contrary, it will hit the bottom from a large enough speed, and will of course be caught by the huge sand bunker, then rotate and accelerate, heavily Throw it and fly to the air on the ground! !

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