Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 1298: Exploring in the wilderness (13)

Chapter 1298 Exploring the Wilderness

So high!

The power of nature is powerful and it is a breeze to throw a person to a few hundred feet in the sky!

Bedyville finally broke the sand between the eyes, struggling to open his eyes and look around, found that he had been thrown into the air three hundred feet from the ground, and the rising momentum has come to an end, and will soon fall! The front passenger seat that Bediville just took has disappeared, I am afraid it has been squeezed into scrap iron by Huangsha!

Just fall down and fall into the sea on the sand sea. Even if Biddyville doesn't break the bones, I am afraid it will fall into a serious injury!

But he felt that it didn't matter. His body had experienced numerous impacts and tears, and he had already been numb, and he might have broken several bones! As long as he can keep this life, he is already satisfied!

I did not expect this expedition to end in this tragedy, I hate it. Bedieville sighed in his heart, and every time he met Moby Dick, he would be down!

But the misfortunes are not alone, and Biddiville saw himself in the sand sea where he was falling. There are dozens of desert konjac swimming! Their shark fins swipe back and forth across the sand, leaving every sand dune in the desert a deadly danger! Falling there, even if you can't die, I am afraid that these fierce beasts will be shredded and eaten, even a bone is left!

It’s terrible! Bedieville has completely given up, he closed his eyes and let himself fall freely, waiting for the moment that fell on the ground and the sharks bite open!

噗通. He landed. Are you on the rocks? This hard feeling is very different from sand. The landing time was also a dozen seconds earlier than that expected by Bediville. what's going on? The Werewolf youth felt a bit strange, and then opened his eyes again to observe the situation.

He did not fall into the sand. The place where he landed was the deck of a ship.

Yellow gold deck.

It’s not a waste of time to break through the iron shoes. Beddyville spent the whole morning looking for the golden treasure boat desert boat, now it is at his feet! It turned out that when Bediville was about to fall into the sand sea full of desert konjac, the boat of the desert appeared in time, and the werewolf was caught with its deck!

"Eve is really late." The seriously injured werewolf complained weakly. His vision is getting more and more blurred, and he can only see vaguely some small gold scarab beasts approaching him. They just started to drag Bettyville, and the werewolf completely lost consciousness.

At the same time, the base of the Knights of the Western Highlands of Great Britain, Aitenburg.

"Hey, are you here?" said the fishing club, the fisherman prince Calvin really sat at a table and fished at the screen of the holographic image. Of course, it was just a fishing game. It was a fun thing for Calvin and other friends to come.

"In any case, you really sent your friends," said the Knight of the Knights, Euns, who reached out and played the head of the little prince of the fisherman. He said, "Let's play together, there are other things to go." do."

"Okay, see you back." Calvin, the little prince waved and said goodbye to the Grand Duke of Euns, and said to Husky and Hal: "We also play in the game. I haven’t done it in a few days. A decent task, to play wild monsters in the wild, Calvin has been greasy!"

"Maybe we should challenge the Snow Ridge Konjac again." Hal said on the bench of the simulation system. "This time you have to prepare the cold-proof clothing, and the dye arrows used to mark the monster's whereabouts are much more." I will be successful."

"Maybe." Calvin also lay on the bench and perfunctory. He has never put the Leopard youth in the eye, and every time Hal proposes a new plan, he is indifferent.

The two little friends have already laid down, buckled the hood on the bench and logged into the game. Husky also lay on the bench and just wanted to log in to the game, but saw the comet flying down his head and falling down on the table.

"Hey, Uncle Xingxing doesn't come to play with him?" Husky couldn't help but ask curiously.

"I have said that I am your bodyguard, not a babysitter." The fire dragon is a little impatient. "The naive game you have to play with yourself. This room has to be left behind, so as not to be attacked again."

"That...well, Wang." Husky replied depressedly, picking up the hood of the bench and getting ready to buckle. He suddenly thought of something, and asked: "Uncle Uncle, Daniel brother should not have anything to do?"

The comet pretending to be calm: "Time can calm the pain. Give him more time, he will get better."

However, Husky has already seen everything. He knows that Uncle Xing said that he has no bottom in his heart. He also knows that Daniel’s brother’s situation is definitely very bad—especially in the price of the enchantress called Capricorn to resurrect his mother. Under the temptation.

"Husky's dad is far away, but Husky has a mummy around him, and he can't help but come over." The canine boy bowed his head and said: "But Daniel's brother has nothing left. There are no parents or brothers and sisters, a lonely person in this world. He always feels that he is very pitiful." The comet silently listened to Husky and said that he had all the words in the canine boy’s words, and he heard his heart burst into discomfort. For a long time, Xinghui Long spoke a plain sentence: "He is not alone. He has you as a friend."

"Husky...? Wang?"

"If you think he is very pitiful, I will find a way to get him out of this predicament. You may be a stupid little devil, but if you pray in good faith, you may be able to find a way to save him from despair."

The comet smiled lightly. "But now you are worried that it is useless. It is best to let him go, give him a day or two to meditate. The so-called friends sometimes don't need to comfort in the past when the other person is sad. It may be getting worse and worse. It may be better to keep a distance and watch it quietly."

Hasky didn't understand the point and nodded, so he didn't have to worry about Daniel again. He buckled the hood of the analog system and logged into the game.

At the same time, the comet also heard a voice.

The voice of a woman.

Not because someone is talking nearby, this sound is not from the communication device in the castle. This is a telepathy, and it is passed through a dragon scale left by the comet.

"I am a big man, comet?" Inferred from this woman's voice, the person who spoke seems to be Juliet Lusford. Comet had only had one side with this girl yesterday, and almost forgot this voice.

"Is it you?!" Xinghui Long frowned, a little unhappy: "Why do you have my dragon scale?"

Like most dragons in the world, when necessary, comets will cast spells in their dragon scales and enclose various token magic.

Anyone who holds this magical dragon scale can use the telepathy and the comet to talk, and the dragon scale is similar to the communicator. However, the number of dragon scales used for communication in the world must be limited, and the gifts must be carefully selected by Comet. Otherwise, a person can contact the comet with a dragon scale, and the Xinghui Dragon will be bothered.

Therefore, when Juliet, the unqualified little girl, took the comet's dragon scale to contact him, Xinghuilong inevitably pulled out a sulking sigh.

Juliet definitely knows this too. So when the comet asked this, the girl was busy explaining: "Don't be angry. The dragon scale in my hand is the comet Dagong. You left it to Mr. Daniel yesterday. He said that I want to find a chance to return this to you. Maybe he thinks you won't meet again for a long time."

"Oh." After the comet listened, he let go of his heart: "Is that dragon scale? You don't have to rush to give it back to me. I only give it a little magic, and then it's useful for a while. It will completely disappear and become a worthless scale."

"Yes? That's good..." Juliet stunned for half a second, and suddenly hurriedly said: "Oh no, it's not good! Comet Dagong, please listen to me! That child has a big deal!!"

Xinghui Long has another frown: "What big things can be done? The little devil should not really leave the Knights and go to the witches of Capricorn?"

"Capricorn...?" Juliet couldn't keep up with the logic of the comet.

Comet learned from the confusing tone of the other party that he had guessed wrong: "Is it?"

"No!" Juliet's voice was getting smaller and smaller, but she was still unclear, but she tried to explain:

"I know you, Daniel Dagong, in order to give his mother the money for surgery, to apply to the Knights, to take the high-risk task as a condition, to apply for the emergency treatment funds.

Although his mother has not been saved, the money has been returned, but the application can not be cancelled!

He was assigned to a very dangerous mission, and he has already set off this morning! But with his current skill, it’s hard to say that it’s going to be a lot of savvy to carry out this kind of task! "

"Hey." Xinghui Long snorted. Daniel’s kid is also unlucky enough. Not only did the mother not save, but she was in danger.

"So, what do you want to say to me?" asked the dragon questioningly.

"Hey, I want to say, the big star of the comet -" The girl paused for a moment and asked for courage: "Please save Daniel."

As soon as the comet heard it, he smiled: "What? Why should I save the little devil? I haven’t helped him enough? His own ability is not enough to die in his own mission, it is not my responsibility."

Juliet throws a very insightful clerk: "But you promised to save her mother, but you failed. Helping people must help the end, otherwise it is equivalent to never helping. You can't save his mother, please save him at least once. , ok?"

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