Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2610: The praise of the transcendence (1)

Chapter 2610 The Praise of the Transcender

Although the situation is extremely bad, King Arthur is very excited now.

For a long time, he has never been an opponent on the battlefield. He is the "Iron No. 9" and is on the court. It is a difficult opponent.

Invincible is the most lonely. He is so powerful that he even has to worry about his opponent during the game, whether it is offensive or defensive, he will never be able to come up with the game. Once he is fully contested, he will often be seriously injured in the opponent in front of him. He will be directly ruined by the excellent players who have a chance to compete with him.

He is like a child with too much destructive power. It is rare to get a toy he likes. He has to take the toy in his hand and play it carefully. If he accidentally breaks the toy.

What a disappointment this is.

Originally, he thought this was his fate. He thought that in his life, at least on the stadium of Diablo American football, it is impossible to find a good enemy who can fight him.

Until he met Albert, he was the young man of the tiger who was loved by the photon.

Albert's left shoulder should have been broken, and it was a serious injury under King Arthur's full force. But the young man of the tiger is now standing in front of Arthur without any problems, and the wound on his shoulder has long healed.

is it. It turned out to be the case. Knight King does not need to analyze in depth, but also knows what is going on.

Albert, assimilated by the Holy Spirit, was half a spirit and half a body. When the Holy Spirit in his body is awakened, and the blood of the photon, the "spirit of the soul", is fully activated, the body of the young tiger will emit this mysterious excess light.

Photon activation is equivalent to physical activation, which is the basis of all current therapeutic magic. Just relying on the activation of photons in the human body can accelerate the healing of cells near the wound. This is the case in the living and living of the flesh and blood, not to mention that it now occurs in the semi-spiritual and half-physical Albert.

The conditions are the same.

Just as King Arthur has the protection of the king's sheath, with the endless energy and amazing self-healing ability, now the body-activated Albert, the physical condition should be similar to King Arthur.

Like Arthur, Albert is also a [surpass] ------ beyond the bottleneck of life and physical ability, beyond the limits of human beings as human beings, stepping into the predecessor of the [unlimited] realm.

The transcendents will attract each other. King Arthur will meet Albert on this field, which is the established fate from the beginning.

You don't need to think too much. Since they have met, they will fight to the end, and use the physical and soul collisions to enjoy the game.

So he smiled and rushed to the tiger youth.

This time, he knew that he didn't need to keep his hands, even if he made a destructive blow to the enemy, the other side had a way to bear it.

------The one in front of him is no longer a fragile toy that is bad at the touch.

Everything happened only a tenth of a second after Albert’s high ball was issued. The Iron Man No. 9 rushed up at full speed. The earliest action was to reach out and grab the ball.

Albert flipped his hand and let the Iron Man's action on the No. 9 ball be defeated. At the same time, he took less than half a step and used the most subtle action to avoid the opponent's interception!

Iron Man No. 9 will of course not think that the first time to grab the ball will be successful, after all, now in front of him is already physically equivalent to his opponent. While playing a ball, the other hand has already reached the waist of the tiger youth, preparing to attack the attack that Albert had tried before. Of course, the clamp must use both hands to really clamp, and the iron face is unsuccessful, and the handle is retracted and the clamping action is started!

And Albert took back the ball, and used a single arm to protect the ball in the gap between the waist and the armpit to protect the ball. He extended the hand that did not take the ball to block the iron. The right arm of the No. 9 person, in order to make the opponent's clamping can not succeed!

Block? In the middle of the mind! Although the right arm of the Iron Face No. 9 was blocked, the left arm was able to move freely. Now it is like a viper-like drill into Albert's arms, taking the ball protected by the tiger's young right arm! This is similar to his previous spear-like stealing of the ball, but the shot is faster, the start is more vicious, and there is no scruples. If the hit is hit, it is possible to directly hit the ball that Albert has protected with one hand, and hit it from the gap between the young man's arm and the waist and belly, and fly away from behind him!

I don't think about it! Albert first blocked the opponent's restraint, and at the same time expected that the other hand of the Iron Man No. 9 would have this action, so he also seized the right arm of the Iron Man No. 9 while blocking the situation. In the scope of not fouling, take advantage of the situation! His pull changed the position of the Iron Man No. 9 and changed the trajectory of the Iron Man No. 9 that originally had the ball. The left arm of the Iron Man 9 hit the right of Albert. On the arm, I couldn't hit the ball!

brush! The power of the blow was unexpectedly large, and he even directly tore off a piece of meat directly from the forearm of Albert's right hand! However, the Iron Man No. 9 was indeed empty, and Albert sacrificed his right arm to protect the ball!

At the moment of keeping the ball, the Tiger Youth also reluctantly used the strength of the pull to turn around. He made a clockwise 180-degree rotation and pulled the opponent's arm around the No. 9 arm. And the Iron Man No. 9 passed by! If he succeeds, he can get rid of his opponent by this method... about half a second!

Do not! Even the advantage of this half second is not intended to be given to the opponent. The Iron Man No. 9 has just been opened and immediately used the power of the arm to reverse it. He will not hesitate to make a dangerous move that may cause the arm to be injured to stop Albert. Escape! When the tiger youth turned around, the Iron Face No. 9 also turned in a counterclockwise direction. The two turned their backs to the back and then met again! The right hand of the Iron Man No. 9 also played with the trend, roughly aligned with Albert's chest, and it was a powerful push! This trick is not used to fly the opponent's ball, but to push the opponent away, even if lucky, can also push the opponent to the ground, ending Albert's run! From the current situation, it is even more "lucky" to push the opponent down more, because Albert, who just turned around and tried to open the Iron Man No. 9, is not stable, and the balance of the body has not recovered! The young man who hits the tiger will fall backwards, the running will be terminated, and King Arthur will be as lightning-fast as it is, and Albert will not be able to reverse this situation no matter how much he tries to counter it!

However, at this moment, King Arthur found that his palm was not hit, but shifted, and skipped from the right shoulder of the tiger youth!

Didn't hit? But why? ! The Iron Man No. 9 has absolute confidence in the accuracy of his attack, and the goal is so big that it is impossible to hit it normally! But this is the tip of the game, not the mistake of King Arthur, but the attack was forcibly reversed by the external force halfway, leading to a bias!

He was so arrogant that he did not know what power to push from the middle, but the Iron Man No. 9 was unaware of this incident, did not know why it was pushed, and did not know when it was Piled up. But after all, he was the agile king of Arthur. He was not confused by the sudden situation. He understood the current situation in less than one hundredth of a second. It was Albert’s intervention with [神隐]. His push!

That's right, it's [神隐] is doing it! The Iron Man No. 9 smashed the opponent's left arm with a very fast speed, but couldn't normally see Albert's left arm. There was a blur of visual things, and he couldn't see or even feel it. To its existence.

But Arthur was very clear, Albert's left arm must still exist, and it must have been that the young man of the tiger had interfered with Arthur's push with his left arm, causing the blow to hit the air!

The guy's left arm does exist, but it is [hidden], so the Iron Man No. 9 can neither see nor feel the existence of that arm!

------ is partial [神隐]!

The things that Cavaliers have been worried about have finally happened. With constant fighting and using skills, the little tiger's proficiency in his moves has increased, and he finally raised the ability of the [fourth miracle---Kama (destiny) creation] to an incredible level. The hair style summons your own avatar, and now you can make your body "locally hidden"!

Now Albert's body, obviously can be captured from the field of vision, but his left arm is "disappeared", thoroughly [hidden]! The little tiger now looks like a person who is taken for granted by a one-armed person. What his left arm is doing at that moment, what he is going to do next, but cannot be seen or perceived by anyone!

That is a very troublesome move! Iron Man No. 9 frowned.

If the offensive and defensive power field is reversed, and Albert is hostile to the Iron Man No. 9, it is not a problem for King Arthur to use [heart art] to perceive the opponent's attack trajectory. The problem is that Albert is now on a defensive stance. He just wants to find a way to resolve King Arthur's offensive. This kind of defensive action is difficult to be perceived by [Heart Eye], even if he is skilled in using Arthropod to the peak level of King Arthur. Can't do it easily!

As a result, the face of the Iron Man No. 9 was just deflected by the left arm of Albert, and Arthur’s king did not feel conscious of it. After the deviation, he analyzed it by his own mind. The problem is!

If Albert used [local sacred] in other places, is this guy unstoppable? ! Aware of the seriousness of the incident, the other arm of the Iron Man No. 9 has been shot, and it is a sharp lance like a sharp spear, trying to fly the ball of the tiger's youth in the right arm!

However, at the moment of the Iron Man's No. 9 shot, he realized that Albert's right arm was also "hidden".

That right arm can't be seen at all! It disappeared along with the ball!

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