Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 2611: The praise of the transcendence (2)

Chapter 2611 The Surpeller's Praise 2

Even if you try to focus your attention on the approximate position of your right arm, what Arthur can see is just a vague shadow!

After all, the nature of [Xinyin] is such that it does not use the stealth spell to deflect the light of the arm, making it appear transparent or shadowed;

[Xinyin] is a direct influence on the cognition of people around, that is to say, the arm does not become transparent, and the arm actually exists there, but the observer’s cognition is hindered and cannot be seen, because no one can see Even touching it can't sense the existence of that arm!

This is not enough. The Iron Man No. 9 found that his gaze was taken away by something ------ mandatory!

At the same time that the right arm launched [Shen Yin], Albert's left arm lifted the state of [Xinyin] and reappeared in the vision of King Arthur!

Moreover, the young people of the tiger skillfully used the effect of the moment after [Shen Yin] was lifted: [Shen Yin] had a special "swaying" effect at the moment of disarming, and forced the attention of everyone nearby to attract the past --- --- This is exactly the same as the Sphinx center Gusta's [Trenches], but the smaller and shorter duration!

Dual use of the same ability! This guy has actually developed his abilities to the extreme!

King Arthur found that his vision completely fell on Albert's left arm, and his attention was forced by the opponent's ability, and his eyes could not be removed from Albert's left arm!

He clearly intended to take the ball held by Albert on his right arm, but he could only look at Albert's left arm and couldn't look at the right arm of the tiger youth. If you can't see it, the accuracy of this shot will of course drop greatly!

Was this hit hit or missed? ! not know! No feel at all!

After Albert's right arm [Shen Yin] can't be perceived, even if Arthur touches that arm, there will be no tactile feedback! The Cavaliers also said that they could not touch the opponent's left arm, let alone whether they could hit the ball held by Albert! Still, Arthur can stop the opponent's progress! His other arm once again pushed out and hit Albert's chest!

It’s as simple as stopping the person without grabbing the ball!

Arthur’s push almost hits Albert, but the tiger’s youth’s avatar suddenly appears, knocking the deity from the right! The face of the Iron Man No. 9 went out on the body of Albert, and the avatar was immediately pushed and flicked. The deity escaped from the left side of the split and escaped! It seems that Albert's deity has done a good job of side-by-side dodging from the beginning. Just shunned and immediately stabilized his body, flew out and slammed away, and the Iron Man opened a half-step distance.

The Cavaliers chased the deity and the speed was obviously half a beat slower than the opponent. After all, he just used up such a strong push, but he had not had time to accept the offensive! The time difference of this half-shoot was originally nothing, but now the Sandstorm Sphinx has already attacked the front line of the Great Britain Cavaliers. The time difference of this half-shot may make Albert a touchdown!

At the crucial moment, the defender Pasiva came out to intercept and tried to block the sprint of Albert's deity. He was smashed by the brute force of Albert's deity! But he also won for half a second for King Arthur ------

Boom! ! Arthur struggled to catch up with it, and the lawn that the shoes were trampled on left a deep pit! That is the sprint he used to make the spurs with the strongest foot force, risking the tearing of the ligaments of the feet!

So desperate, so imposing! In order not to let Albert continue to move forward, Arthur just put on his opponent and immediately made a full force of the fall and throw back, and he did not hesitate to damage the muscles of the waist and shoulders, but also pulled back the momentum of the tiger youth. Fall to the ground on the back!

The deity of Albert is not the opponent of the Iron Man No. 9 in power, because the youth of the Tigers do not have the determination and consciousness of King Arthur to prevent the opponent from advancing even if he is injured!

Albert, who was thrown to the ground, docked with the Iron Man No. 9 look.

"Give up!" King Arthur used his eyes to show his opponent at that moment, as if to say:

(I am the protagonist of this story, the winner of this game.)

(Whether you use more tricks, you can win me with absolute power!)

Albert, who was defeated in power, was taken to the rear, and he was about to land. All the previous efforts were turned into water. At this time, the tiger youths suddenly showed the sneer of evil spirits, and the same demonstration showed a return:

(Who said the story must have a protagonist?)

(Who is the protagonist who must be the winner?)

I noticed that there was something wrong with the Iron Man No. 9, and I looked back to confirm the situation.

The ball is not actually in the hands of Albert's deity.

Arthur sticks to the deity, thinking that the deity will run with the ball, but unexpectedly under the impact, the ball has been handed from the right hand of the deity to the left hand. The right hand of the deity continues to ignite the gods, in order to confuse King Arthur. The right hand of Albert's deity can't be seen in the state of the gods, and the process of ball handover is naturally not seen!

However, although it is invisible, it is reasonable to say that the Cavaliers can use the mind and eye to perceive the "attack intention" of the ball-runner. In other words, regardless of whether the ball is run by Elbert's deity or avatar, as long as he is determined to launch the charge at the bottom of the British Knights' position, his actions will be perceived by the Iron Man No. 9 and will be intercepted immediately. Come down!

Why did Arthur not perceive the "trajectory of attack" from the beginning? He glanced at Albert's avatar and immediately understood.

Because the avatar is not sprinting, but while hiding the ball slowly, while preparing for the return.

Behind Albert's avatar is the lion-man boy Leopold who rushed over without hesitation. King Arthur noticed all this, and he planned to leave for the moment of interception. The ball had already been passed to the hands of the golden lion, and Leo also launched [Sandstorms] and made himself "invisible" to the untouchable state!

Danger! The bottom line of the Sphinx's position is less than three yards. The [Sandstorms] launched at this distance is quite deadly, and Leopold can hold the ball in the next breath without being blocked!

King Arthur rushed to block the Lions and the young man, and he planned to make another attack on Leopold, but Albert's three avatars were blocked like a wall in front of the Iron Man, and Leopold ignored them. The walls go straight through the bodies of the avatars and continue to run!

It’s not just a few roadblocks! Push them away with brute force! Iron Man No. 9 thought of doing it, reaching out to one of Albert's avatars is a push!

Did not push open, just sway.

The avatars were only swayed by the swaying, and they were a bit sloppy, but they supported each other and formed a stable whole, not letting each other fall.

Normally, the Iron Man No. 9 uses the monster-like brute force, and his all-powerful disregard for the injury, and it is no problem to kill three or more Albert's avatars. But now the other party has pushed against it. It’s not because Albert’s avatars have become stronger, but because King Arthur’s continuous physical interception has caused his body to suffer too much damage, and he has not been able to exert 100% power at the crucial moment!

The sprint made Arthur's feet sorrowful, and the palms and shoulders of the Iron Man No. 9 and even the muscles of the waist were screaming. The ligament that has been torn is of course impossible to make the full force!

Is that what you planned from the beginning, oh guy! The deity of Albert, who had just ran out, was a bait, allowing King Arthur to make every effort to intercept the deity. Although the interception was successful, in the process, the Iron Man No. 9 was damaged all over the body, and the deity of the Albert that he intercepted did not even hold the ball!

The deity used his own bait to damage King Arthur and weaken the physical ability of the Iron Man No. 9. It was to help his teammates run successfully.

As a result, King Arthur now does not have enough power to destroy the walls of Albert's avatars. This wall that cannot be destroyed becomes a shield and safe passage for Leoport, allowing Lions to be teenagers. Can successfully run this last three yards distance.

No, only two and a half yards, two yards, will soon become a yard!

Although the opponent's offensive has been unstoppable, the Iron Man No. 9 must also do something!

The gap is the gap! Although Albert's avatars formed a wall to protect Leopold, Arthur was able to see the lion boy who shuttled between the walls of the wall! He is like a phantom, using the illusion to pass through the body of Albert's avatars, but there must be something exposed outside, can't be protected by the avatars!

It is there! The Iron Face No. 9 was aimed at one of Albert's armpits, and it was the powerful and vicious spur of the past!

Leopold just passed there, and the front was hit by the spur. King Arthur's hand roughly hit the heart near Leoport's chest!

"Sorry." Iron Man No. 9 whispered. If there is a choice, he does not want to poison Leopold.

But since he is determined to stop the advance of the Lions, King Arthur will go all out. He hit the other's chest, his hand plunged into Leoport's body like a penetrating air, and he began to open his hand, pinch it, open his hand, and pinch it, just like pinching the heart of a golden lion. At the same time, his hand quickly penetrated, pulled back, pricked in, and pulled back. His series of actions were completed in half a second. For the injured arm, this is already the limit that can be achieved, and the whole set of movements actually has no feel, just like playing the air.

Despite this, the actual damage is still caused, he can see that Leoport's face changes greatly, vomiting blood while pouring to the ground!

Unfortunately, you are destined to be incompetent. On the 9th, Iron Face Man stared at the fallen lion boy and silently told him.

However, this matter is not finished. Leo's eyes have not completely died. He resisted the great pain and adjusted his posture while falling down. He fell to the front with an extremely clumsy and ridiculous posture.

Boom. He landed on the ground, and [Sandstorms] was lifted at the moment before landing.

At the moment of landing, he stretched his hand as far as possible, then ------

The right hand of Leoport, who clung to the football, just fell within the bottom line of the British team!

"Dash!------" The referee blew the whistle: "21:20, the British team leads!"

The last two minutes of the game time, the Sphinx team can get the same score with one point!

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