Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 947: Looking for the land to the heart (20)

Chapter 947 Finding the Rest of the Earth in the Earth

At the same time (?), at 9 pm, on the summit of the East African Plateau, Gili Mazzaro.

"Call, call, call." Elbert gasped, and finally climbed the cliff: "At the end, finally arrived?"

"Come on." The werewolf Bediwell, who had been waiting on the edge of the cliff, stretched out the tiger and asked with concern: "Do you really have any problems with your body, Al?"

"Question? What's the problem?" Albert looked puzzled. Of course, he will not remember that he was tortured by Takayama a few days ago and almost lost his life. Now, this tiger, who is full of enough food, has climbed to the summit of the Kilimanjaro Mountain, a place that is much higher than anywhere in the East African Plateau.

Is it accustomed? Or is it because the rest is enough, the tiger’s own resilience has suppressed the symptoms of the mountain? The werewolf secretly doubted. But Ayr seems to be (temporarily) no big problem except for a little tired mountain climbing. Should he be able to squat?

"You are so slow." Palamidis has already called on the other side of the cliff. Behind him are his two sons, and the white bear Elaine: "Almost everyone gathers, don't hurry, exam It’s about to start!"

"Sorry, a cat doesn't seem to be good at climbing." Betteville helped the half-dead Albert to go and meet Paramitis and others, and saw a piece of snow behind the line. I felt awkward: "Say...we are here to gather? Others?"

"Hey, guess what?" The leopard warrior grinned and made a mystery.

The werewolf is not an idiot. He sees the snow in the surrounding area a little suspicious, and immediately knows that something is wrong. He knelt down and squeezed a snowball and cast it in front of an open space.


The snowball did not fall on the snow as Bediville expected, but instead passed through the snow and disappeared directly.

It seems that the snow is composed of air.

"Optical projection." The werewolf immediately shouted.

"That's right, it's so smart." The big cat went to the air snow, and his half-foot was covered by the illusion of the snow, as if walking into a snow lake: "Come on, jump here." That's it."

Under the illusion of the snow, there may be a deep pit waiting for them, perhaps a trap. But the Leopard warrior has jumped a lot, and others have to follow.

"Ayre, can you jump on your own?" the werewolf asked.

The tiger has already breathed enough at this time, busy pushing the werewolf, pretending to be a casual phenomenon: "I am not a child, you don't need to take care of you everywhere."

Bedyville is angry: "Yes, it's best. Then you go well -"

kick! The werewolf retaliated like a foot to the tiger to the snow.

When Albert was not ready, he was suddenly stunned by the other party. The whole person immediately flew out of balance and fell into the snow!

"Wow, hahahahahahaha!" The tiger's body went straight through the fantasy of the snow and fell deeper into it.

bump! His head fell on something soft, and it should be some kind of cushion.

Huh? So soft, so flexible. The tiger felt that the mat felt good, and he reached out and squeezed it a few times.

Oh, it’s a wonderful touch, it’s like touching the heavens –

A burst of exclamation broke: "Wow, ah, ah, ah, metamorphosis!"

A slap in the face, hit the tiger's face heavily, and shot the entire cat flying a dozen yards.

The tiger youth just got up, and the head was groggy and still didn't understand what was going on. I didn't think Chanel had rushed up, grabbed the tiger's robes in one hand, and pointed the tiger's face in the other hand: "Allergic metamorphosis! See you still dare to take advantage of me!"

"What happened?" Bettiville just jumped out and saw Chanel's violent combo against Albert, not only funny.

Paramitis resisted laughing: "Miss Chanel came over to see the situation, and the stupid tiger just fell on her when she fell.""And it’s a little more squatting." Safir added another sentence, holding his abdomen, and he couldn’t smile.

"Oh..." Elbert was finally liberated by Chanel, and the tiger with a swollen face came to helplessly join the group of werewolves: "What the **** is going on, that woman."

"It's you bad, die." Bedyville ruthlessly criticized, looking at the tiger's face that was swollen like a balloon with a pleasing look.

Chanel Knight, Chanel, crossed her arms on her chest and protected her chest. It seemed that she was afraid that the tiger would still be against her: "Seeing you so spiritually, it seems that my fears are superfluous. Then I am gone, you are so self-sufficient, 哼!"

"Yes..." The werewolf was so helpless that he was also angered by no reason. He watched Chanel leave and followed the elf girl's direction and looked at the candidates who were gathered together.

After the first trial, the remaining candidates have about a hundred people.

At the farthest distance from Bediffin and others, the other side of this hidden cave is Tristan and Evan. They were the "chief" of the first exam - the first group of candidates to reach Mount Kilimanjaro, who are currently enjoying special treatment, wearing a well-looking armor and changing hands. A good weapon.

The werewolf took another look. Before the exam began, the strong men introduced by Safir and Segred on the deck of the battleship were basically in the crowd.

Don't mention the swordsman Soral with Bediville and others, even Gladiator Bereld, Marks Faris, Poison Pharmacist Bate, Archmage Rogan, Warcraft Make Descartes, Machete Lun, Wu Dadal, Dragon Knight Doha, Coach Lawrence, Giant's Nimitz, Viking Warrior Hillhart... These guys are there.

And (except for Solar), the two cats specifically reminded the group of strong, most of them are well equipped - the reason is very simple, they arrived at the Kilimanjaro Mountain very early, so they got the exam sponsorship Additional bonus for the party.

If Bedieville’s understanding of weapons is deeper and the observations of these competitors are more detailed, he should be able to guess the points of the people’s points from the weapons in the hands of these candidates. But always staring at other candidates is always not a good thing, it will only lead to unwarranted hostility. When many candidates took up their weapons and avoided Bediville's visits, the werewolves had to turn their attention away from the other guys.

Bediville could only sigh in the heart. They had gone through a lot of hard work to reach the Kilimanjaro Mountain, but found that the group of candidates arrived earlier and more easily than the Bediville group. What a powerful group of monsters? ——

Of course, one thing that Bedieville ignored was. The metal limbs of the left arm of the werewolf hide the white diamond of the Holy Spirit [the Holy Spirit - the Cabin in the Forest]. The spirits have the characteristics of mutual attraction. Bedyville, who walked all the way through hardships, was constantly attacked by various spirits, largely because the white diamond was at fault.

Other candidates are not so unlucky. Among the more than one hundred candidates, there are actually many lucky guys who have not even encountered a battle on the road.

Whether it is good or bad, only God knows.

"Cough! Every candidate, please silence!" A voice rang out among the crowd, the round table knight Cador. When he started talking, the crowd immediately spread the dead silence.

"First of all, congratulations on the successful passing of the first phase of the test of [Temperature of Forces]. Well done! You don't rely on any magic, just rely on your own strength, you arrived here within three days, your wit is worth it. Appreciation!

So, before we start the next exam, I have to clarify one thing first.

You will surely think that the test organizer will initially let you wear the [enveloped bracelet], not letting you use the magic, is deliberately trying to make you, right?

But you all guessed wrong, it all means meaning. Our goal is to let you be familiar with this kind of battle without magic in these three days - because you can't use any magic in the place you are going next! "

Having said that, the candidates who were present began to talk in a low voice.

An area where magic cannot be used? Does this place really exist in the world?

The werewolves were very calm when other candidates were puzzled. This kind of thing, Bedieville did see it once.

Just seven years ago, in Great Britain, just in the First Emperor, the sacred Camilo.

Influenced by [extremely magic-nuclear fusion], the Camilo ruins at that time were still filled with metamorphic photons, and the more mutated Warcraft was everywhere, which was a very dangerous area.

Magic can't be used there - because the heterogeneous photons are too easy to get out of control, making the magic very unstable. When fighting there, they can't even use the lightsaber, because the heterogeneous photons will affect the output of the lightsaber, and the blade will be long and short.

Bedieville finally understood the meaning of the warnings before Cador and Kay. They said that "there will be regrets when the photon weapon is chosen", and it is really the truth.

"I repeat, you can't use any magic in the next place you go." Cador used a louder voice to suppress the commotion of the candidates. "The area you are about to enter is filled with variations everywhere." Photon. In this [chaos], any magic will be out of control, any photon weapon can not be used, you can only use the most basic enchanted physical weapons! Do not have any luck! The magic consequences there will be very serious, If you don't do well, there may be a big bang!"

Sure enough, as Bediville envisioned exactly the same.

In this way, this Gili Mazzaro Mountain, there is a hidden "sequence caused by the forbidden surgery"?

What happened here? !

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