Light Spirit Epic

Chapter 948: Looking for peace in the earth (21)

Chapter 948 Looking for the land to the heart

After the explanation of Cador, it was the turn of the round table Knight Kay to take over. After the tall red-haired knight cleared his throat, he confessed with a slightly vague words: "Everyone, you should go deep into the Kilimanjaro Volcano Palace to find [a prop].

We can't explain everything about this item for the time being. But when you see it, you will know [that is it].

The depths of the volcanic palace are full of mutated Warcraft, and this journey will be very dangerous. Only one of you can get [it] because [it] is unique, first come first served. "

Wait... "a team of people"? - Bedyville has a bad feeling.

Kayton paused and continued to explain: "The team that gets [it] will receive the biggest points reward for the second stage exam.

The other teams will not be busy, and the various monsters you defeat on the adventure will be automatically converted into points based on their strength, and will be awarded to each member of your team. In the end, I went straight to [it] and went straight to take treasures? Still sweeping through this dangerous area all the way, earning points? - Everything is entirely up to you. The basics to explain are these. "

After Kay explained it, he turned and prepared to leave.

"Just like this? You said something is missing, Sir Kay!" Cador promptly reminded.

Kay grinned and made a mischievous expression: "Oh yes! The last thing, and the most important thing: the grouping of this exam is determined by the lottery, trio, without exception!"

As soon as this statement came out, the candidates who were present immediately boiled!

It’s already a road ahead, a dangerous journey that is hard to come by, and it’s a good thing to be able to work with your own partners. But now even this point can not be guaranteed, everything can only be handed over to the fate of the arrangement, whoever signed the vote, you have to cooperate with whom, even if the other party is the most hated guy! ?

"The one hundred and twenty-six candidates present will be divided into forty-two groups!" Cador took a large lottery box from a staff member: "Three in a group, marking twenty-four groups The paper strips are all in this box! Please take the candidates in good queues and come and draw one by one! You won't be able to repent if you get a group, unless you give up this exam!"

that's terrible. Betwell looked at Albert and Paramitis: "It seems that our cooperation is here for the time being. I wish you good luck."

"Yes, I wish you good luck." Albert shrugged helplessly, but the cat's face was somewhat proud.

He had this hunch before, and felt that the second stage of the exam could not let the little friends team up again. The test organizers will definitely try to break the tacit understanding of the people - the tiger's prediction is really correct!

Fortunately, they are well prepared in advance, and the weapons that can be divided equally are equally divided, ensuring that each individual's combat effectiveness and survivability are not too low. All this is to the blessing of Albert.

Candidates line up the team in order, one by one to draw the lottery. Although they are very dissatisfied with this nasty random lottery system, since it is already a good regulation set by the test organizer, it can only be done.

The werewolves were behind the Leopard Warriors, while Albert was behind Bettyville. When Paramidis pulled out a note, the werewolf and the tiger curiously took a look.

No. 27. The Leopard warrior quickly glanced at the note and quickly closed it.

Paramitis was quiet, and did not read out his group number. It seemed that he wanted to stay at the end and announced it - this is the same as most of the candidates present.

Because, once someone has said his group number, it is the final number. Prior to this, if he and other candidates secretly exchanged notes, the result of the grouping might change.

As he thought about it, the werewolf Bettiville put his hand into the black box and took out a piece of paper and sneaked a look: No. 15.

It seems that these candidates are very clever, and they are not willing to disclose their group information immediately at the last moment. This is a good thing for Bedi Wener and his party. They have a large group of people and can trust each other. They can secretly tell their companions their group numbers, and of course they will get more information than other single-action candidates.

At the same time, the tiger man Albert also reached into the black box, took out a piece of paper, and sneaked a look: No.

A group of people in Bediville were exhausted, and they immediately gathered together and confirmed each other's group numbers. Paramitis, Bedieville and Albert, needless to say, Seifer and Segrad are the same 37, and Elaine is a group - and a group of tigers.

This grouping is a coincidence, and the guys who need to worry are suddenly missing four.

As a result, Paramitis’s brain began to turn quickly. If you can find the remaining candidates with the No. 3 note, let Biddeville adjust the note with it, and then find the remaining candidates with the 37th note, let him exchange with Paramitis. With a note of paper, the grouping is perfect.

The question is, how do you find it? peep? Looking for it by smell? ——When the big cat had a bad idea in his heart and tried to exchange the notes in the hands of other candidates, the round table knight, who was in charge of the overall situation, actually opened his mouth:

"Please note that it is necessary to save the paper. The paper in your hand has been implanted with a special magnetic code, and your smash bracelet can recognize the signal. This is the basis for your grouping. If Some candidates want to cheat, swap their own notes with other candidates, and let the magic bracelets in your hands identify them -"

哔哔哔哔哔哔哔哔 —— A sudden alarm sound interrupted Cador’s words.

"It will be like that." Cador looked in the direction of the alarm. The two candidates there grabbed each other's notes and seemed to want to exchange.

"You! You two have been disqualified and can now leave." The Knights of the Round Table said ruthlessly: "The guy who does not allow cheating in the round table trial exists! Let's go!"

The two candidates were frustrated and left with the **** of several staff members.

This scene saw Paramitis sinking in his heart. He just wanted to cheat, but he has not yet implemented it. I didn't expect anyone to try the law before the big cat started, and was caught. They are still too small to look at the round table trials.

Bediville glanced at Paramitis, a pair of glory: "Fortunately, you haven't done it yet."

In this case, all the small means have lost their meaning, they can only listen to their fate, and so on. In the worst case, the two candidates who were disqualified from the exam were Betteville or Paramitis' teammates, and their team would have one less combat.

"So, are you all ready?" Cadoer saw all the candidates coming over and signed, and read out loudly: "To start the report, I read the candidates of the group number and put your hands up. Get up and show the paper to everyone! The first group -!"

Three candidates in the crowd raised their hands and held their notes on the high hand. It is indeed three "ones".

"After finding your teammates, you can start discussing the next tactics - the second group?"

Three other candidates raised their hands and recognized each other.

Bedyville snorted and prayed not to be in the same group as the hateful guy. At the same time he was in a daze, Cador had already called their group number: "The fifteenth group? - The fifteenth group, how is one more person? Quick report! Want to be disqualified?!"

"Amount!" Biddeville came back and hurriedly raised his hand. He looked around and tried to find his teammates.

bad. It’s too bad.

The two teammates he saw in the crowd, raised his hand, one is the troublesome guy of Solar, and the other... turned out to be the **** fisherman prince Tristan!

It’s really awkward! Beddyville was half cold in his heart. He had completely overturned with Tristan, and he should have not interfered with each other. The river did not make any water. I didn't think about it, but in this coincidence, I was forced to be assigned to the same team.

Don't mention the strange guy of Solar at all - the swordsman has been entangled in Bedieville and used the werewolf as his own enemy.

The candidates at the scene began to stir up. This is not only the worst grouping for Bediville, but also for other candidates!

Solar is a big hit for round-table trials over the years. Candidates who have participated in previous exams are wary of the swordsman for seven points;

Not to mention one of the big favorites of this year, the fisherman prince Tristan, the "master" of the first phase of the test.

The rest of the werewolves, the other candidates did not know what he was. But Bediville has been with Solar, and the two are closely related, which is also very interesting!

This trio is probably the strongest combination among the candidates. It is no wonder that other candidates have begun to whisper and believe that the lottery is too much water and suspected of fraud.

"Cough!!" The loud cough of the Knights of the Round Table made the people in the room quiet: "I know what everyone is thinking. But this lottery is absolutely fair and completely random. This kind of result really makes people Accident, but that doesn't mean anything! - Although Prince Tristan is the chief of the first-stage exam, the other two are the tail of the crane, and their rankings and points are in the last ten!

Because of the impact of their team's average points, they will lose many advantages in the next exam! Therefore, the results of this exam are still uncertain! Don't worry about it! "

Don't worry if you are not worried. Bedieville’s heart is dark.

Calculated by the average score, he and Solar really dragged Tristan's hind legs and made the exam "fair". But how many advantages will their team lose? It won't be, should you go with the unfavorable conditions?

For example, do you put a shackle on your feet to block the action...

The cool behind the werewolf, I feel that there is a post.

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