"Song Qing, just go ahead and do it. I hate to see people breaking up a couple." Li Zhi's expression was particularly serious!

I'm waiting for you to say this!

Song Zhen pretended to be flattered and bowed again, saying, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

He changed the subject: "However, I heard that there are men from other five surnames and seven families who have proposed marriage to the Cui family of Qinghe. I'm worried..."

Song Zhen knew this because there was a traitor in the Cui Mansion, Cui Mengzhen.

One day, he was waiting for Cui Mengzhu to come out not far from the entrance of the Cui Mansion. Cui Mengzhen saw him and his expression was very intriguing.

So, he secretly told Song Zhen that Lu Wei was interested in exchanging marriages.

Lu Wei was desperate and sought help everywhere. Unfortunately, he found Cui Mengzhen.

Should you say he was infatuated? Or was he brainless?

Li Zhi frowned. Isn't it normal for the two families to marry each other? Why did Song Zhen suddenly mention this? Could it be that the other party proposed to marry the woman he liked?

"Song Qing, what do you think?"

Song Zhen made a gesture, and Li Zhi immediately understood.

"You mean, marriage is forbidden between the five surnames and seven families?"

Song Zhen smiled slightly and did not comment.

Li Zhi lowered his head and fell into deep thought. This method seems feasible?

Once the ban on marriage is issued, it will fundamentally weaken the interest alliance of the five surnames and seven families.

Why do the five surnames and seven families want to marry? Isn't it just to consolidate the power of the major families?

The more Li Zhi thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was very good! He planned it in his mind.

However, he couldn't figure out why Song Zhen did this? Didn't he know that no matter whether he succeeded in the end, it would be a hundred harms and no benefits for him?

He raised his head and stared at Song Zhen, and the other party glanced at Ding Zhen.

Li Zhi thought about it and thought that Song Zhen should consider the present, not the future. If he couldn't marry his beloved woman, what about the future?

What does the prosperity of the Five Surnames and Seven Families have to do with him?

Li Zhi nodded secretly, and he exchanged glances with Wu Meiniang.

Undoubtedly, Song Zhen's appearance was just right to solve the urgent needs of the royal family.

At this moment, Song Zhen took the credit of Li Yifu, the second treacherous minister of the Tang Dynasty, and issued the ban on marriage two years in advance.

Seeing Li Zhi's appearance, Song Zhen thought that the matter was settled, and he bowed again and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, please take care of your body. I will take my leave first."

Before leaving, Song Zhen glanced at Wu Meiniang inconspicuously.

Unexpectedly, the other party was also looking at him, and the two eyes collided.

The witty Song Zhen nodded and smiled friendly: "Your Highness, I will take my leave first."

"Okay." Wu Meiniang was left with a confused face.


After Song Zhen left the palace, he unexpectedly met someone.

A handsome and wealthy young man, he immediately bowed after getting off the carriage.

"The famous Song Shouzheng, I have long admired him."

Song Zhen didn't know what he meant: "Excuse me, who are you?"

The other party smiled and said, "I am Pei Yaojun, with the courtesy name Guangri, and my father is Pei Mingli."

Fuck! Nima! Pei Mingli? Is he the legendary big man who made a fortune by picking up shit and became the prime minister of Zhenguan?

When he was a child, Pei Mingli used to pick up waste, and sold it after accumulating a certain amount, got the start-up capital, and then bought a very cheap piece of wasteland. Why is it cheap? Because there are rubble and stones everywhere, it is a wasteland that cannot grow crops and vegetables.

So, Pei Mingli thought of a way to organize a stone throwing activity, and let people pick up stones on the ground and throw them into a bamboo basket, and you will be rewarded with a certain amount of money.

Unexpectedly, when everyone heard that they could get something for free, have fun and make money, they all participated enthusiastically.

Among thousands of throwers, only one or two hit the target. The point is that before these people practiced the skills, the stones on the ground were picked up.

So Pei Mingli arranged for people to herd sheep here. Before long, the land was full of sheep dung. He scattered fruit seeds on the land and turned the land with an ox plow. A year later, he transported the saplings to the market to sell.

Because of his extraordinary brain, he soon became rich.

There are many similar examples, too many to mention!

Song Zhen even suspected that Pei Mingli was a modern person who traveled through time.

"I am the prime minister in the Tang Dynasty, starting from picking up garbage!"

Starting with a sack, he made a fortune by picking up garbage, and finally became a rich man. It was a life of a cool novel.

Pei Yaojun saw that Song Zhen was in a daze, so he explained: "Shouzheng, I came to you this time because."

"I am the owner of Pingkangfang."


So you are the owner of the first brothel chain in the Tang Dynasty?

"That's right. My father bought Pingkangfang a few years ago and then opened Pingkangfang to various counties in the Tang Dynasty."

It seems reasonable, after all, it was Pei MingAs for etiquette, this person's mind cannot be judged by the standards of ancient people.

Song Zhen has investigated that Huichunfang's national chain stores are learning the operating model of Pingkangfang.

I understand. The other party should have taken a fancy to his music and wanted to compete for the exclusive performance rights.

However, business, talk slowly, don't rush.

Pei Yaojun saw that the other party was unmoved, and he became anxious: "Shouzheng, Pingkangfang is more than ten times larger than Huichunfang. If your work is only placed in Huichunfang, it would be a waste of talent."

Song Zhen slowly stretched out his right hand and interrupted him: "Let me ask you a question, is your family from the Hedong Pei family?"

"You can say it is, and you can also say it is not."

"How do you say it?"

"Although my father was born in Hedong, we are not from the same root. However, now the Hedong Pei family has written our family into the family tree."

"That's it." Song Zhen laughed, and Pei Yaojun laughed with a sense of awe.

Song Zhen narrowed his eyes and asked a very sharp question: "I am confused. Throughout history, the Hedong Pei family has so many outstanding figures, why is it not one of the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Clan?"

This question surprised Pei Yaojun. How could this person...

He pondered for a while and replied: "There are two reasons. First, because of the region."

"The Five Surnames and Seven Famous Clan belong to the Shandong gentry, and the Pei family is in Guanzhong."

"Second, because people with different ideologies cannot work together. The Five Surnames and Seven Famous Clan all belong to the same interest alliance, and we, the Hedong Pei family, disdain to form an alliance with them."

So that's it.

In fact, the Hedong Pei family can indeed beat the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Clan. Even the Cui family, the leader of the four surnames, is far inferior to them.

Someone has counted that the Hedong Pei family produced 59 prime ministers, 61 generals, 55 ministers, 44 assistant ministers, 211 governors, 77 prefects, 3 queens, 4 crown princesses, 2 princesses, 21 consorts, 68 Jinshi (6 champions), and more than 3,000 officials above the seventh rank.

Peibai Village in Wenxi County, Shanxi Province is known as the "Prime Minister Village" in modern times.

Hedong Pei family, so terrifying! They really have the capital to be proud.

Song Zhen speculated that the reason why the Hedong Pei family is so powerful is that it is very likely that it has long broken the system of no marriage between scholars and commoners and absorbed many talents into the family.

History has proved that closing the country to the outside world is not feasible. The family rules of the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Cities only allow marriages between different clans, and do not allow clan members to marry or marry outside the family, which is even more undesirable.

Since the Hedong Pei family and the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Cities dislike each other, then the enemy of the enemy is not a friend, right?

Thinking of this, Song Zhen smiled slightly: "I won't give you the music copyright."

Pei Yaojun's smile froze on his face, and he asked in confusion: "Why?"

"Don't worry, I can give you something else."


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