Pei Yaojun wanted to fight for it again, but Song Zhen got on his carriage without hesitation, and his horse was led by Pei's servant.

Yan Mansion is in Pingkangfang, and the curfew only applies to the outside of the square, not inside the square.

Some Yanzu may ask, isn't it said that merchants can't ride in carriages?

Just kidding, Pei Mingli has become the prime minister, strictly speaking, he is not an ordinary businessman.

Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light lamps. Do you understand this principle?

The Gongsun family also rides in carriages, wears fine clothes and eats delicious food, why haven't the government come to arrest them?

If the big family doesn't find a way to make money, who will support so many people?

In the carriage, Song Zhen took out a book from the package and threw it to the other party.

Pei Yaojun took it with surprise, but when he opened it, he couldn't help frowning.

This word...

It can no longer be described as ugly, but it is simply incomprehensible!

Modern people are confused when reading traditional Chinese characters. Similarly, ancient people also need to translate in their minds when reading simplified Chinese characters.

Pei Yaojun had a hard time reading it. It took him half an hour to finally finish the book.

"Shouzheng, what is this?"

"A script, you should call it a storybook."


"Yes, the script of "Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai."

Pei Yaojun was shocked! Because the names of the protagonists in the script were not marked, only ABCD was used to express them.

This is Song Zhen's anti-theft method.

There are not only English, Arabic numerals, but also mathematical symbols. Even the storyboards are specially drawn by Cui Mengzhu. Even if they are stolen, they are basically half-understood.

It's really hard for Pei Yaojun to read it for so long.

However, he has a deep memory of some of the shocking lines in it. He has a hunch that once this play comes out, it will definitely subvert the entire Tang Dynasty! Cause an earthquake among the entire scholars and common people!

Whether it is good or bad, as long as it can attract people's attention, it is a successful drama!

"I also customized several background music for this drama."

Pei Yaojun's breathing suddenly became rapid. He wanted it! He really wanted it!

He really wanted it so much!

"Song Lang, just give it to me!" Pei Yaojun grabbed Song Zhen's hand and said excitedly.

Damn, there is a gay zipper for me?

Song Zhen pushed his hand away without leaving a trace, sat a little further away, and said lightly: "In business, what conditions can you Pingkangfang give me?"

"Same as Huichunfang, 20% of the dividends!"

It seems that he has done a lot of homework. He even knows the professional terms written in the contract signed by Song Zhen and Gongsun.

There is a traitor!


Pei Yaojun breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to kiss Song Zhen now.

Unfortunately, businessmen are greedy, and he wanted to take the copyright of Huichunfang's music again.

Song Zhen resolutely refused: "No! In my imagination, you and Huichunfang have different divisions of labor, one for acting, the other for singing and dancing! They cannot be confused."

"Besides, Gongsun came to me when I was weak, and I can't let them down."

The reason why the drama was not handed over to Gongsun was because the previous rehearsal effect was not good, and most importantly, the hardware facilities were too poor.

Song Zhen had discussed with Gongsun in advance and planned to hand over the right to perform the drama to Pingkangfang, and Gongsun said he had no objection.

Gongsun also knew his shortcomings, and he couldn't eat a big fat man in one bite.

They thought that if Song Zhen established a cooperative relationship with Pingkangfang, the two would be close allies, brothers, and would not allow flesh and blood to be killed.

During this period, the suppression from Pingkangfang made them breathless.

Giving up some interests in exchange for long-term harmonious development is not a loss.

The most important thing is that this was Song Zhen's idea, and they dared not disobey.

"Regarding you, the Pei family and the Gongsun family, I allow you to exchange and learn in a friendly manner, including inviting each other to perform at my home. I will only take 10% of the dividends."

Pei Yaojun's eyes lit up after hearing this. Wouldn't this solve the embarrassing situation of Pingkangfang having no songs to listen to?

He waved his hand and said, "Song Lang, let's use a 20% ratio. I can't let you suffer a loss."


The most profitable part of a performance is never the ticket money, but the surrounding services!

For example, drinks, snacks, and even small commodities.

Of course, Song Zhen is not stupid. For the surrounding small commodities, he signed a special contract with the Pei family. This part is to be charged. You have to pay me the amount of money you sell, and it is counted by piece.

The two discussed the details of the contract until the morning, and unknowingly, they stayed up all night.

"Song Lang, if you need help in the future, just ask!" Before leaving, Pei Yaojun bowed.Song Zhen smiled and said, "I'll need you guys soon."


"I've fallen in love with a girl from the Cui family in Qinghe. I'll need your Pei family from Hedong to help me out, okay?"

"Of course it's no problem." Pei Yaojun agreed.

The Pei family in Hedong is currently supported by their family's business, and they have a lot of say.

"Song Lang, I don't know if I should say something. In fact, what's so good about the Cui family in Qinghe? My opinion is that it's not as good as the Pei family in Hedong. I have a cousin who's still waiting to be married, you see..."

Song Zhen quickly reached out to stop him from talking nonsense, because he caught a glimpse of Cui Mengzhu hugging her chest and looking at this side leisurely.

"Hey, Guangrijun, what are you talking about? My wife and I are truly in love, and we are definitely not seeking wealth and status."

"But my cousin is really beautiful, with a beauty that can make fish sink to the bottom of the water and geese fall to the ground."

"Stop talking, I'm not the kind of mediocre person who judges people by appearance."

Pei Yaojun shook his head regretfully, and got on the carriage and left, looking back every few steps.

Song Zhen turned around and pretended to be surprised and said, "Wife, when did you come?"

Cui Mengzhu said with a smile, "Did I come at the wrong time?"

"No, you came at the right time." Song Zhen smiled slightly and gently took her into his arms.

Cui Mengzhu raised her head and glanced at him, "You are acting wrong, the original play should be hugged on both sides."

"Holding you with both hands has already used up all my strength, and I can't care about others."


Yan Zhaoping, who happened to pass by, got goose bumps all over her body, and she clenched her fist as big as a casserole.

Damn, you bitch!光天化日之下秀恩爱!











In the room, Cui Mengzhu snuggled in Song Zhen's arms and whispered: "When will you come to my house to propose marriage?"

"Soon, wait for the Hedong Pei family to send money over."

"How much?"

Song Zhen smiled earnestly: "Guess?"

"Do you guess or not?"

"I guess you can guess."

"I'm a child, still guessing?"

Song Zhen stretched out three fingers, Cui Mengzhu was surprised, and quickly shook her head.

"No, no, it's too much."


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