"You used your position to secretly destroy the investigation results of the three previous Dali Temple officials."

"Not only that, you also deliberately concealed their whereabouts after retirement from everyone to increase the difficulty of the investigation."

"You think that as long as you drag it out for half a year, this case will become a headless case. When the saint gets angry, he won't punish you, the Dali Temple official anyway."

"Is that so? Duan Siqing?" Di Renjie looked at him with a smile.

The eyes under the Yaksha mask were unusually gloomy.

Di Renjie was right, that's what he thought.

The saint would not punish him, but would generally punish the Dali Temple officials below. At most, he would be deducted a little salary for poor supervision.

What really made him panic was when Cui Mengzhu drew a portrait of Goguryeo Princess Yucheng with just a skull.

The painting really looked like a real face engraved on paper.

He was afraid that he would be investigated one day, so he took the initiative and deliberately asked Xue Zhengqing and other Dali Temple officials to focus the investigation on Pingkangfang.

There were several thousand female prostitutes in Pingkangfang. It was absolutely time-consuming and laborious to check the portraits one by one. It would definitely not be completed in one or two months.

Even if he found something wrong, it wasted a lot of time and it was too late.

Because at that time, there was less than a month left before the handover.

But he never thought that Song Zhen actually knew Pei Yaojun, the owner of Pingkangfang who was elusive, and he only needed one order to gather all the female prostitutes together.

After learning that Di Renjie applied to enter the Dali Temple library, he tore off the page of the case file about the Princess Yucheng case in the 14th year of Zhenguan in advance.

No matter how clean his hands and feet were, he still couldn't escape Di Renjie's eyes and found the loopholes in the context logic.

He secretly arranged a Dali Temple official to follow Xue Zhengqing at all times, just to find out the investigation route of Di Renjie and his team.

No matter how much they calculated, they could not have expected that Di Renjie and his team could actually find the woman lurking in the Neijiaofang of Goguryeo.

This directly led to the appearance of two Goguryeo traitors and exposed them in front of them.

Duan Zhengxuan finally felt scared at this moment. In order to avoid being exposed, he planned to kill his companions.

"But what really made me confirm that you are the person behind the scenes is the case file of the Ministry of Justice you gave me."

Di Renjie asked a question: "Guess how I found out that the case file of the Ministry of Justice was torn off by you?"

"How did you find out?"

"Look at your hands."

Duan Zhengxuan raised his hands and saw that the thumb and index finger of his right hand were not very obvious yellow. If you didn't look carefully and compared it with your left hand, you wouldn't find it at all.

"Shouzheng will apply turmeric pigment boiled with special spices on that page. Anyone who touches it in the near future will definitely get it on their fingertips. So that day, I stopped beside you to observe your ten fingers and the smell on your body."

Duan Zhengxuan was silent, and after a while, he smiled helplessly.

"Di Renjie, you are amazing, I am convinced of my defeat."

Di Renjie laughed: "You shouldn't have let me come to the Dali Temple. If I hadn't come, your conspiracy would have succeeded."

Duan Zhengxuan under the mask, with a ferocious face, said fiercely: "Do you think I want to summon you to the Dali Temple?"

"Isn't it?"

"If there was no Queen's decree, how could I find an enemy for myself for no reason?"

Queen? Wu Meiniang?

Why did Wu Meiniang suddenly take care of Di Renjie? No one knows, maybe because they are from the same hometown of Bingzhou, she wanted to promote him.

Perhaps it has something to do with how Song Zhen often boasted about how amazing Di Renjie was in front of the Emperor and Empress.

Duan Zhengxuan turned his head, and the Yaksha mask automatically fell off, revealing his true face.

He took a deep breath and begged Di Renjie sincerely.

"Can you give me a chance?"

"How can I give you a chance?"

"I didn't have a choice before, but now I just want to be a good person."

Di Renjie's eyelids drooped slightly, and the corners of his mouth twitched, and then he smiled and said to Duan Zhengxuan.

"Okay, tell the saint, and see if he will let you be a good person?"

Duan Zhengxuan's mouth corners immediately fell, and his face was as cold as ice: "Di Renjie, are you going to kill me?"

"Give you a chance, who will give them a chance?" Di Renjie pointed to the ground with a cold face.

"Heh, do you think people outside will believe you, the inspector of the Dali Temple, or me, the Dali Temple?"

Di Renjie's expression became colder and colder, and he pushed the sword in his hand forward.

"If I let you go, those Tang soldiers who were killed on the front line because of your collaboration with the enemy will be killed.Scholars, can they survive?"

Duan Zhengxuan shouted excitedly: "I've said it, I was forced."

"No one forced you, only you forced yourself."

"You are not me, how do you know what I have experienced?"

"Sorry, I don't want to listen." The knife in Di Renjie's hand drew a red line on Duan Zhengxuan's neck, "I only know that you have betrayed the country."

Duan Zhengxuan suddenly sneered: "It seems that there is nothing to talk about between us?"

"Princes break the law and are guilty of the same crime as common people. So what if you are a third-rank Dali Temple Qing?"

"Is the reality really like this? You are still too young. This sentence is just used to coax those ignorant mortals. When you sit in my position one day, you will know."

"I hope I will never know."

Duan Zhengxuan licked his lips, and his expression became playful: "Di Renjie, you don't think that you are now in the grasp of victory, right? ”

“This post station is full of my people, they will come up soon.”

“Do you think that you can subdue me with just one, two, or three people? Even if you kill me, I will drag you down to hell.”

Duan Zhengxuan suddenly attacked, kicked Di Renjie, and broke the rope with both hands.

“It’s really hard to play with you for so long.”

Duan Zhengxuan rubbed his wrist and said indifferently: “You dare not kill me. If you kill me, the truth will be buried underground forever, and you will be charged with murdering the central minister. But I can kill you unscrupulously.”

“Because I am a third-rank Dali Temple Minister, and you? Ha, nothing. "


Pah, pah, pah——

From the dark corner of the room, a man dressed in the clothes of a post station owner walked out. His expression was exactly the same as Duan Zhengxuan's.

Three parts of contempt, seven parts of indifference.

"Excellent! It's really wonderful!"

"Do you think you have a sure win? My dear Duan Siqing."

"Song Zhen?" Duan Zhengxuan was not surprised at all that Song Zhen was here.

It makes no difference. It's just one more death. When the time comes, the scene will be faked as a fight between officials and civilians. The Dali Temple will investigate and find that the two inspectors of the Dali Temple unfortunately died for the country.

"Come here!" Duan Zhengxuan shouted to the outside of the door.

"Come here!"

"Where are the people?"

Song Zhen laughed and said, "Don't shout. No one will come to save you even if you shout your throat out. "

Duan Zhengxuan's heart trembled, and he hurriedly ran out to look downstairs.

He saw that all his people fainted on the ground.

"Do you think we are not prepared? As stupid as you?"

Song Zhen stretched out three fingers and laughed: "During dinner, I put three pounds of knockout drugs into the well here. The postman you saw later was actually all my people."

"How is it? Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Song Zhen took out a bird-shaped jade talisman from his clothes: "I think you should be looking for this thing, right?"

"Sorry, it's not a rumor, I really have it!"


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