"How did it get into your hands?" Duan Zhengxuan frowned.


"Oh, I don't need to guess." Duan Zhengxuan was ready to attack, sneering, "Because, this thing belongs to me now."

Now that the incident has been exposed, if he can get the Goguryeo bird talisman and give it to King Gao Zang, wouldn't it be a way out?

So, Duan Zhengxuan suddenly attacked, and he tried to snatch the bird talisman with his claws.

Song Zhen slightly turned sideways and dodged his attack.

Duan Zhengxuan kept punching and kicking him like a tiger descending from the mountain, but Song Zhen put his hands behind his back and dodged leisurely.

Because he was injured by Yan Zhaoping just now, his attack speed is far less than before.

Moreover, don't underestimate Song Zhen.

During this period of time, the sturdy Tian Qi has been his sparring partner.

It can be said that Song Zhen's practical experience is not much worse than Duan Zhengxuan's. The key is that Song Zhen's theory is far ahead of people of this era.

Although martial arts movies of later generations have a higher artistic content, the martial arts stars of the older generation all have real kung fu.

For example, the great dragon Zhao Wenzhuo is one of Song Zhen's favorite martial arts stars.

Song Zhen's sword flower was learned after watching his movie "Broken Blade".

There is also the big and open Tongbeiquan. Song Zhen has been following Brother Zhuo's Douyin and has learned a lot from his short videos.

He also has a collection of Brother Zhuo's autographed posters at home, which he asked his cousin to get for him.

When Song Zhen saw Duan Zhengxuan's gap, he first hit his chest with his right hand, followed by his left hand to hit his chin, then swung his left hand in a circle and chopped it out, and finally chopped his forehead with his right hand.

Bang bang bang——

Duan Zhengxuan's head was stunned, and the whole person knelt on the ground with his legs.

This is the power of Tongbeiquan.

The fierce fist wind made the onlookers feel afraid, thinking how painful it would be if this move hit them?

Song Zhen covered his left hand in front of his crotch, made a gesture with his left hand, and raised his right foot slightly.

"You can't do it, even I can't beat you."


"How about this, let me fight you, Tian Qi, come on!"

A two-meter-tall giant rushed over, suddenly hugged Duan Zhengxuan from behind, and then threw him over his shoulder to the ground.

Tian Qi jumped up, and pressed on him like a mountain.


This is two hundred pounds! Duan Zhengxuan felt like his chest was exploded.

Di Renjie walked silently to Song Zhen's side and pondered: "When will General Yuchi arrive?"

Song Zhen looked at the night outside the window and calculated the time: "It should be soon."

They had no power to arrest a third-rank central minister like Duan Zhengxuan, so they could only ask the Jinwu Guards.

As for the Luozhou government office, it would be better to expect a sow to climb a tree than to expect them.

If he sued the Ministry of Justice, it would not be reasonable. Song Zhen was afraid that they would protect each other.

So, he had to contact Yuchi Junjun for help.

This kid, at such a young age, could become the leader of the Qianniu Guard. It was obvious that his family background was not ordinary.

During this period, Yuchi Junjun had been sparring with Song Zhen. He was from a family of military generals and had practiced martial arts since childhood, but he could not beat Song Zhen.

Whether it was boxing or swords and spears, he was defeated.

He was convinced of his defeat, and the relationship between the two of them was very close from then on.

Sometimes, modern people should not belittle themselves. In the eyes of many people, modern martial arts are acrobatics. How do you know that ancient martial arts were not the same?

Strictly speaking, martial arts moves that have not been put in actual combat are all fancy moves.

Modern people need to change their attack ideas, focusing on application and training themselves second.

First of all, it should be clear that you practice martial arts to kill the enemy in battle, not just for performance.

One point that modern people are superior to ancient people is that they are masters of all trades.

Therefore, if martial arts stars like Zhuo Ge travel back to ancient times, they will most likely become a fierce general.

Later, Song Zhen learned that Yuchi Junjun's father, named Yuchi Baoqi, was the second son of Yuchi Gong, Duke of E, and was currently the General of the Central Guard of Jinwu Guard in Luoyang.

This time, the arrest operation was carried out with the assistance of Yuchi Junjun in advance.

"Di Renjie, do you know that you are committing a crime now!"

"I know that Article 130 of the Tang Law Commentary stipulates that if the chief officials and envoys who are abroad commit crimes at the envoy's place, the subordinates shall not be pushed immediately, and all must be reported to the emperor for judgment. If the crime is punishable by death, stay and wait for the report. Those who violate it will be reduced by four levels of crime."

Duan Zhengxuan slowly climbed up, with blood in his mouth, and said fiercely: "Since you know that you have no power to arrest me, you still sent people to beat me, which is a crime of insubordination! When I return to Beijing, I must report you to the saint!"

"And you, Song Zhen, you are laughing, you continueKeep laughing! I wonder if you can still laugh when you are on the guillotine later?"

Song Zhen couldn't help it, he laughed out loud: "Really, it's the first time I've seen someone who is so righteous after committing a crime."

"If you can think of it, how could we not think of it?"

Before he finished speaking, a fifty-haired man in armor came out of the door.

Duan Zhengxuan seemed to have seen a savior, he hurried over to ask for help: "General Yuchi, look, these two subordinates beat their superiors, how can they be so shameless? Arrest them! By the way, I am the Dali Temple, my name is Duan Zhengxuan."

The man didn't look at him, but looked at Song Zhen expressionlessly: "I heard from my Jun'er that you are a good fighter, right? "

Duan Zhengxuan's face lit up. It seemed that the other party had a grudge against Song Zhen. This was a sure thing.

As a result, he was tied up by the Jinwu Guards the next second.

"General Yuchi, did you catch the wrong person?"

"Come on, fight me!" The man ignored him and continued to talk to Song Zhen.

Song Zhen said shyly, "Isn't this a bad idea? Respecting the elderly and loving the young is CTMD."


"Just fight if you want to. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

"Swordsmanship or spearmanship?"

"It's all right."

"Bring the gun." "

Seeing the two men at loggerheads, Duan Zhengxuan was dumbfounded. I said, General Yuchi, can you please stop sparring with the juniors?

Can you look at me first?

They came to the lobby on the first floor, and their men were about to clear the area, but were stopped by Yuchi Baoqi.

"Wait a minute, the rational use of obstacles is also a kind of military strategy, do you have any objections, Mr. Song?"

"No. It's very reasonable."

The two men stood on both sides with guns, Di Renjie was watching the show from a distance, leaning against a pillar with his arms around his chest, while Tian Qi and Yan Zhaoping squeezed into the crowd, their eyes wide open, ready to learn.

"General Yuchi, please!"

"Mr. Song, please! "

After the two of them clasped their fists and said hello, their eyes changed instantly.

Yuchi Baoqi took the lead. He rolled up a stool with the tip of his gun and threw it towards Song Zhen.

When the stool was about to fly in front of him, Song Zhen was thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

First, I can't kick it with my feet, which will make my lower body unstable and easily reveal flaws.

Second, I can't use my body to push it, which will undoubtedly give me a head.

Third, I can't use my gun to pick it up, otherwise I may not be able to resist the opponent's next wave of attacks in time.

In this case!

Song Zhen's eyes were fierce, and he directly poked the center of the stool with his left hand holding the gun!

Turn defense into attack!


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