Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1353 Evil rumors, so what

His existence proves that there is indeed such a thing as immortality in this world!

Since there is immortality, there are naturally evil spirits and gods!

Especially those cultivators with advanced cultivation, they can even fly to the sky and escape from the earth, possessing the unpredictable power of evil ghosts and gods!

So after Zhang Yuan learned about the rumors of evil in that hospital, he insisted on going over to see it for himself.

Even if there are really evil spirits there, Zhang Yuan can use his true energy to repel them!

It's like this in Hong Kong movies. Ancient warriors can only rely on brute force to deal with zombies, but Taoist priests can deal with zombies with magic.

It's exactly what the saying goes, one thing comes down to another!

To be on the safe side, Zhang Yuan specially prepared a genuine peach wood sword before coming.

He got this from Chen Xuancheng, saying it was made of decades-old peach wood.

If you really encounter evil spirits, this peach wood sword will definitely work.

Zhang Yuan tried to inject true energy into it. The originally fragile peach wood sword would immediately become as hard as iron with the blessing of true energy, even if it could split a stone!

The reason why those who are strong in the inner energy realm are so powerful is precisely because of the increase in inner energy.

And Zhang Yuan's true energy is stronger than his inner energy, and the increase is also greater!

Time passed by at night, and Zhang Yuan packed up his equipment and prepared to set off.

His equipment is very simple, except for the necessary peach wood sword, and a backpack containing food and water.

There is also a folded mat in the backpack. Zhang Yuan can spread the mat on the ground and sleep.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan was really determined to go to that hospital, Situ Shasha and Chu Xueqi hesitated, but finally made up their minds to accompany him.

When he learned that the two women wanted to go with him, Zhang Yuan smiled and declined.

"Forget it! It's better for you two not to go! I'll have to take care of you when you get there!"

In fact, he was worried that the two women would be scared, so he wouldn't let them pass. \u003c


Especially Situ Shasha, she is particularly sensitive to such evil rumors.

If she were to follow him, it would be terrible if something happened and scared her out!

Seeing that Zhang Yuan had reached this point, the two women did not insist on following him.

"Well..." Chu Xueqi couldn't help but said, "Brother Yuan, how about you ask Kuangren Leng to send you some bodyguards?"

Zhang Yuan waved his hand

"This kind of thing has to be done alone to be interesting! A few bodyguards will stand there, and the strong blood energy alone will be enough to scare away any evil spirits."

"Even if there are really evil spirits, they will be too scared to come out! So let me go alone!"

The two women had no choice but to give up and watch Zhang Yuan get into the car and leave.

Half an hour later, Zhang Yuan arrived at this small hospital called Guangming Hospital. The name of the hospital is quite good, but unfortunately the future is not bright at all.

Even after changing bosses two times in a row, it still hasn't started.

Zhang Yuan stood at the gate, looked at the dark hospital, and walked in directly with his backpack.

Unexpectedly, just as he entered the door, a loud shout rang out not far away.

"For what?"

Zhang Yuan turned around and saw an old man in his sixties wearing a security uniform walking towards him.

The expression on the old man's face was serious.

"Old man, are you the security guard of this hospital?" Zhang Yuan asked curiously.

The old man nodded, "Yes! To be exact, I used to be a security guard at this hospital!"

"Then you can't control me now! The hospital has no owner now! Anyone can enter!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

old man

Looking serious

"Young man, you must have heard the rumors about something evil happening in this hospital, so you came here to explore, right? I've seen too many people like you!"

"Listen to my advice and leave quickly! This hospital is really not clean!"

Zhang Yuan raised his eyebrows, "Really? Is there really something evil in this hospital?"

The old man sighed

"The things here are too complicated! In short, don't worry about it and leave quickly! Otherwise, you will definitely regret it!"

"Those who came here to explore in the past were so frightened that they peed their pants afterwards, and some even peed their pants on the spot!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan was happy, "They are timid, but I am brave. I am not afraid!"

"No matter how brave you are, you can't do it! Young man, go back quickly!" the old man continued to persuade.

Zhang Yuan waved his hand??

"Uncle, please stop trying to persuade me! I have to stay there for the night today! To tell you the truth, I want to buy this hospital and open a new traditional Chinese medicine hospital!"

"I came here tonight just to verify the rumor of evil spirits! If there are no evil spirits, I will buy this place, renovate it and open a traditional Chinese medicine hospital!"

Having said this, Zhang Yuan looked the old man up and down and suddenly smiled.

"Uncle, please stop stopping me. When I open a traditional Chinese medicine hospital, I will ask you to be a security guard! It's not easy for you to find a job at your age, right? Otherwise you wouldn't be able to stay here!"

When he learned that Zhang Yuan wanted to buy this hospital, the old man looked at him in a strange way.

"You want to buy this hospital? Do you know that the last wealthy businessman who bought this hospital just stayed here for one night and put the hospital up for sale at half the price the next day?"

Zhang Yuan shrugged, "So what? He is him and I am me! Maybe I can stay here for one night and buy him from the hospital at half price tomorrow!"


"Good boy! If you have the guts, just give it a try! I also want to see if you will be so scared that you wet your pants and leave like everyone else tomorrow morning!" the old man sneered.

After saying that, he left without further obstructing Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan smiled and shook his head, thinking that the old man was just being mysterious.

But this abandoned hospital is indeed quite evil.

Just standing outside the hospital, he could faintly feel the coolness in the hospital.

Zhang Yuan strode into the hospital with his backpack and turned on the flashlight.

This hospital is quite well built, just like a new one.

If you buy it, you only need to decorate it before it can be put into use.

Zhang Yuan walked around the hospital and finally laid a floor in the lobby on the first floor of the hospital.

He planned to sleep here for the night, and if nothing weird happened at night, he would buy the hospital.

However, Zhang Yuan’s intuition told him that there might really be something going on in this hospital!

If what the old man said is true, and those who came to explore were scared to death, then this would be interesting!

Either it's evil, or... someone is deliberately causing trouble!

Zhang Yuan laid out the mat, sat on it and called Chu Xueqi to report that she was safe.

After the call was connected, Chu Xueqi's tone on the other side was filled with concern.

"Brother Yuan, have you gone to Guangming Hospital? How is that hospital? Is it as spooky and terrifying as the rumors say?"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "It's not that scary! But no one has come to this hospital for a long time, so it seems a bit cool and damp."

As soon as he finished speaking, a cool breeze hit him, and Zhang Yuan's heart moved slightly. Is there something wrong?

He looked around and noticed that the wind was coming from an open window.

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