Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 1354 The truth comes out, the conscientious boss

I don't know if it was Zhang Yuan's illusion, but he always felt that there was an inexplicable fragrance mixed in the cool breeze.

"Oh! Let me tell you, you shouldn't have gone there! We are not short of money, how about just building a new hospital?" Chu Xueqi sighed.

Situ Shasha on the side also said, "That's right! Xue Qi just said that if we meet the construction deadline, the hospital can be built within two months!"

"Hey! You don't have to worry about it! Anyway, I know it! It's such a waste for such a hospital to be abandoned here! Don't worry, just leave it like this for now! I will call you tomorrow morning!" After saying this, Zhang Yuan hung up. The call was disconnected.

He lay lazily on the mat, looking up at the ceiling, thinking about his next plan. ??

The black pigs from the pig farm will be ready for slaughter in two months, and the harvest season of the organic vegetables grown by the villagers is approaching.

Open another traditional Chinese medicine hospital to treat more patients with difficult and complicated diseases who need help.

Thinking about what he has to do next, Zhang Yuan feels that life is very fulfilling.

Gradually, sleepiness came over him, and he lay there and fell asleep.

A few minutes later, several sneaky figures quietly came to Zhang Yuan.

One of them whispered, "This guy has passed out! How will we deal with him later?"

"Just like before! Huh! Just now I heard Old Man Xu say that this guy is a rich man and wants to buy this hospital just like the rich businessman last time!"

"Okay! Then just like last time, tie him and lock him to the urinal in the bathroom! When he wakes up the next day, he will be scared to death!"

After several people discussed it, they were ready to carry Zhang Yuan to the bathroom.

But when they tried to lift Zhang Yuan, they were surprised to find that Zhang Yuan's body was too heavy and they couldn't lift it at all!

"I said, can you guys use a little more strength? I'm the only one who can do it!"

one of them complained.

"Nonsense! I obviously tried my best, but I just couldn't lift it!"

"I even exerted all my energy to suck milk. Are you three just kidding me?"

As soon as several people finished speaking, a leisurely voice sounded.

"The three of them didn't play with you, I did!"

The sudden sound made several people scream in fright, and they quickly took several steps back.

Only then did they realize that the sound came from the mouth of Zhang Yuan, who was already "coma"!

"Didn't he get intoxicated? Why didn't he pass out?" One of them couldn't help but exclaimed.

At this time, Zhang Yuan opened his eyes and sat up, looking at them with a half-smile.

"Sorry, the level of incense you use is too low! Maybe ordinary ancient warriors will be fascinated by you, but unfortunately, this thing is ineffective on me!"

Seeing that Zhang Yuan was really not fascinated, several people gritted their teeth and simply rushed towards Zhang Yuan.

They are considered good players among ordinary people, but they are no match for Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan knocked them down one by one without any effort.

Immediately, Zhang Yuan stepped on one of them.

"Hey, tell me the truth! Have you been playing tricks here before?" Zhang Yuan asked several people.

A few people had no choice but to admit it obediently.

"That's right! It was us who did it! We are all homeless, and we don't have a place to live. We could live in the park before, but then all the benches in the park were equipped with armrests, so we couldn't lie down and sleep. "

"That's right

! We had no choice but to live here! Who would have known that not long after we moved in, the wealthy businessman from last time bought this place to build a hospital. "

"We thought of a way to confuse him and his bodyguards with incense, and then tied him to the urinal in the bathroom all night. Then the rich businessman ran away in fear!"

After hearing the words of several people, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but shook his head.

"You guys have hands and feet, and you're pretty good at it. Why do you end up wandering around? Can't you find a job?"

Hearing this, several people's faces were full of wry smiles, and their expressions were a bit embarrassed.

Zhang Yuan knew at a glance that they were all the kind of people with high ambitions and low abilities.

I can’t find a job that I like, and I can’t apply for a job that I want to do.

"Okay! Stop pretending to be a fool here in the future! Stay calm for a while! I think you are pretty good at it. When my hospital opens, you can stay as security guards! I think no one is more familiar with this hospital than you. Yes!" Zhang Yuan thought for a while and said.

When they learned that Zhang Yuan wanted them to stay in the hospital as security guards, they immediately beamed.

"Boss, are you telling the truth? Do you really want us to be security guards?" One of them still didn't believe it.

Zhang Yuan looked at him with a half-smile but not a smile, "Don't think that I won't dare to use you because you have done bad things before! When recruiting security guards, you have to recruit people like you who are evil at heart! You can be relied on at critical moments!"

After hearing Zhang Yuan's words, several people were overjoyed, and then they realized that Zhang Yuan really wanted them to be hospital security guards.

"Thank you, boss! The four of us brothers will follow you from now on!" Several people shouted in unison.

Zhang Yuan pulled them up and asked their names.

I never thought that their names would be so unique.


Cow, two cows, three cows, calf!

"What?" Zhang Yuan stared at the four guys in front of him. "You four really have this name? Take out your ID cards and show me!"

Several people hurriedly took out their ID cards and handed them to Zhang Yuan. It clearly said Niu Daniu, Niu Erniu...

Now Zhang Yuan was completely convinced. They were really great people.

"Xiao Niu, why don't you call me Si Niu?" Zhang Yuan asked Niu Xiao Niu.

Niu Xiaoniu scratched his head, "That name didn't sound good, so I changed it to Xiaoniu!"

"That's a good change! No wonder the four of you are staying here together. Together, you are four brothers!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Niu Daniu sighed, "We brothers have no abilities and no skills. We can only make some money by picking up empty bottles on the street, and then come here to live at night."

"You guys are pretty good at it. Why didn't you apply for a security guard job elsewhere?" Zhang Yuan asked curiously.

Niu Erniu replied, "We went, but they didn't let us take Maverick with us. The four of us brothers had to go to work together, so everyone decided not to go in the end."

After hearing Niu Erniu's explanation, Zhang Yuan noticed that Niu Xiaoniu was lame.

Sensing Zhang Yuan's gaze, Niu Xiaoniu quickly begged Zhang Yuan.

"Boss, although my feet are inconvenient, I can still patrol as a security guard! Don't refuse to accept me!"

Zhang Yuan waved his hand and said, "Don't worry! I promised you to be security guards, so naturally I won't break my promise! You four will be the security guards of my hospital from now on!"

Recruiting disabled people like Niu Xiaoniu can also show the human side of the hospital.

Just like the boss Zhang Yuan admires most, one-third of his employees are disabled.

Such conscientious bosses are rare!

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