Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 726 Wine table culture, a new chapter

If Li Cheng hadn't said that these two guys couldn't drink, Zhang Yuan would have wanted to get them two bottles of beer to quench their thirst.

When Zhang Yuan and Li Cheng walked back after eating and drinking, their relationship was one step closer than before!

If men want to establish friendship, they cannot avoid the wine table!

It is difficult for men who have never drank at the same drinking table to become true friends! ??

On the way back, Li Cheng patted Zhang Yuan on the shoulder.

"Brother Zhang, you are the most promising young man I have ever seen in our field of Chinese medicine! Work hard, and your achievements in the future will definitely not be inferior to our elder Chen! Maybe, you can surpass that Zhuge Liang, become our new generation of miracle doctor in Qinghe County!"

Faced with Li Cheng's praise, Zhang Yuan still maintained his usual modesty.

"Brother Li praises me too much! How can I, a junior, compete with Mr. Chen?"

The reason why Zhang Yuan only mentioned Chen Xuancheng but not Zhuge Liang was because Zhang Yuan's respect for Chen Xuancheng was based on the fact that Chen Xuancheng often traveled to free clinics and listened to Zhang Yuan's suggestion to reduce or exempt medical expenses for poor families.

But Zhang Yuan didn't like the miracle doctor Zhuge Liang very much.

When it comes to medical skills, Zhang Yuan doesn’t think he will lose to Zhuge Liang!

Zhuge Liang was helpless about Chu Xueqi's congenital heart disease, but Zhang Yuan was able to cure it.

The two are at odds!

Moreover, Zhang Yuan had also heard vague rumors about Zhuge Liang.

It is said that this person has the title of miracle doctor, but does not have the medical ethics to match it!

Those who come to Zhuge Liang for treatment are basically high-ranking officials or wealthy bosses!

No ordinary people can be seen at all!

Judging from this point alone, compared with Chen Xuancheng, Zhuge Liang is simply thrown off the eighteen streets!

When we returned to the clinic, the two guys were resting there too!


The efficiency of the two of us is not low. We have actually packed most of the medicinal materials, leaving only a small amount that has not yet been loaded.

Seeing Zhang Yuan and Li Cheng coming back, the two guys got up quickly.

"Store manager, Doctor Zhang, let's continue working. We can finish packaging the medicinal materials in a while!"

Zhang Yuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's normal to take a break after eating. You guys work slowly, and Brother Li and I happened to have tea and chat. You two did a good job, and your efficiency is much better than mine." Got it!"

After hearing Zhang Yuan's words, the two guys couldn't help but look at him gratefully.

If it weren't for Zhang Yuan's words, the two of them would definitely be punished by Li Cheng when they went back.

Seeing that Zhang Yuan did not express dissatisfaction, Li Cheng gave up his thoughts of scolding the two guys.

"Brother Zhang has spoken, so just take your time! There is plenty of time anyway! You must carefully pack the medicinal materials. If something goes wrong, I will never forgive you!"

The two guys nodded in agreement and continued to pack them up.

Zhang Yuan and Li Cheng were drinking tea and chatting. As they chatted, Zhang Yuan mentioned that he wanted to find a buddy.

Li Cheng couldn't help but laugh when he learned that Zhang Yuan wanted to find a buddy.

"Brother, if you want to find a buddy, it's easy! I'll help you find a skilled guy later!"

Zhang Yuan subconsciously asked, "Brother, is the guy you are talking about male or female?"

"Of course it's a man! Most of the pharmacies use male assistants. They work hard and have quick hands and feet! Wait, brother, are you looking for a female assistant?" Li Cheng looked at Zhang Yuan in surprise.

Zhang Yuan coughed lightly, "Yes, I mainly think so! Our place is a remote area."

If a young man comes to a remote village, he will definitely not be able to bear the loneliness. Only girls who don't like the excitement can stay in our village. "

"That's it! Then there's nothing I can do to help. The pharmacies I know basically use male clerks!" Li Cheng shook his head.

In fact, he does know a few female waiters, but those female waiters are all ordinary-looking or very old.

The fleeting embarrassment on Zhang Yuan's face just now was noticed by Li Cheng.

Li Cheng thought that Zhang Yuan actually wanted to find a beautiful assistant!

think about it!

A man and a woman are in the clinic. The man is handsome and the woman is pretty. They can look at each other while working. How comfortable is that?

Even Li Cheng couldn't help but be a little envious.

It was at this time that he suddenly had an idea, "Brother, if you really want to find a female waiter, go back and find Feng Youdao, the principal of the medical school! I heard Mr. Chen talk about it before, and you once had dinner together."

"Feng Youdao's school graduates many girls every year. Some of them graduate and work in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. They may be able to meet your requirements!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Yuandeng was a little moved.

How could he forget Feng Youdao?

Although Feng Youdao had made things difficult for him when he was in the medical school last time.

But that was also because Feng Youdao wanted to maintain the reputation of the medical school.

Moreover, Feng Youdao apologized to Zhang Yuan afterwards, and even punished himself with several drinks at the wine table, which shows that this person can barely make friends.

Zhang Yuan still had Feng Youdao's contact information. If he wanted to ask him for help, he could just call him.

"Thank you, Brother Li, for your advice. I will ask Feng Youdao later! If there is nothing suitable from him, I will ask you for help then."

! "Zhang Yuan said and poured another cup of tea for Li Cheng.

The two guys who were busy packing the medicinal materials not far away looked at each other and saw the envy in each other's eyes.

Who in the field of traditional Chinese medicine doesn’t know that there are beauties in health schools!

Li Cheng introduced Zhang Yuan to Feng Youdao, the principal of the health school, and he would probably be able to recruit a beautiful girl as his assistant.

It was so sour, the two of them were really sour.

After all the medicinal materials were packed, Li Cheng did not leave immediately, but inspected the medicinal materials one by one.

After confirming that all the medicinal materials were packed correctly, he nodded with satisfaction.

Zhang Yuan finally asked him for help, he must get this done!

"Brother Zhang, the medicinal materials have been packed! It's time for us to go back. I wish you good luck in opening your clinic and good luck!" After blessing, Li Cheng said goodbye to Zhang Yuan.

Zhang Yuan's face was full of smiles: "Brother Li, thank you for helping me so much! Let's have a drink together someday when we are free!"

"Haha, no problem, no problem!" Li Cheng said with a smile.

After sending Li Cheng away, Zhang Yuan returned to the clinic.

Looking at the Chinese medicine cabinet that still exudes the scent of logs and the dazzling array of various medicinal materials, Zhang Yuan couldn't help but feel a little drunk.

This is his own clinic, and from now on, he can be regarded as someone with an exclusive base!

Although the office building over the chicken farm is more luxurious, Zhang Yuan does not go there every day, so it is difficult for him to feel a sense of belonging.

But the clinic in front of him gave Zhang Yuan a strong sense of belonging!

Starting from today, his life will also open a new chapter!

In the evening, Zhang Yuan felt that it was almost time for Feng Youdao to get off work, so he called him.

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