Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 727: Clinic opens, another plot

At this moment, Feng Youdao had just gotten in the car and was thinking about which friend to ask for a drink in the evening.

He picked up the phone casually, but happened to see a call from Zhang Yuan.

Seeing the name above, Feng Youdao didn't react for a while.

The person who called him turned out to be Zhang Yuan!

Last time Feng Youdao offended Zhang Yuan, he kept apologizing to Zhang Yuan afterwards, which could be regarded as easing the relationship between the two.

But the relationship between the two of them is still not very familiar. Why did Zhang Yuan make this call?

Could it be that he wants to settle accounts later?

Feng Youdao shook his head and rejected the idea.

In his opinion, Zhang Yuan is not the kind of person with small belly and chicken intestines.

"Does Zhang Yuan want me to help him? Yes! That must be the case! Haha! Great!" Feng Youdao was very excited.

Even Chen Xuancheng praised Zhang Yuan's medical skills. Feng Youdao naturally wanted to make friends with such an expert.

If Zhang Yuan really came to him for help, he would be able to take the opportunity to get involved with Zhang Yuan!

Feng Youdao answered the call immediately, with a flattering tone.

"Mr. Zhang, I asked why magpies were chirping outside this morning! It turns out to be Mr. Zhang, you want to call me! Haha!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yuan also smiled, "Principal Feng, what you said makes me a little embarrassed! Are you busy now?"

"No, no, I'm usually very free after work!" Feng Youdao said quickly.

Zhang Yuan continued, "Principal Feng, I'm actually looking for you today because I want to ask you for help with something! I want to find a female clerk who is familiar with Chinese medicine. I heard that many female students graduate from your school every year."

"Among them, there should be some who are developing into Chinese herbalists, right? Can you recommend one to me? The requirements don't have to be too high, as long as you are proficient in the business and look passable!"

Hearing what Zhang Yuan said

, Feng Youdao's eyes suddenly lit up, knowing that the good opportunity to curry favor with Zhang Yuan had arrived!

"So that's what happened! Don't worry, Mr. Zhang! Leave this matter to me! I will definitely find the best female assistant for you later!" Feng Youdao said with a smile.

Zhang Yuan was very satisfied with his answer. It seemed that Feng Youdao was indeed someone he could make friends with.

"Principal Feng, let's not have Mr. Zhang and Principal Feng. You are older than me, so I will call you Brother Feng, and you can call me Brother Zhang!" Zhang Yuan said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Feng Youdao was extremely excited.

"Okay, okay, okay! Then I'll ask you to call me Brother Zhang! Brother Zhang, don't worry! I will definitely handle your affairs as my own! I will never let you down! Otherwise, don't worry!" Next time I drink, I’ll drink a bottle of white wine!” Feng Youdao issued a military order.

Seeing that he agreed, Zhang Yuan was relieved.

With Feng Youdao's ability, it shouldn't be difficult to find a female clerk who understands medicinal materials and is not ugly.

Then Feng Youdao claimed that he would need a few days to find someone and asked Zhang Yuan to wait patiently.

Zhang Yuan is not in a hurry. Although his clinic is about to open, it doesn't matter if he doesn't have help for a short period of time.

When a business first opens, the business volume is generally small, and he can handle it all by himself.

In the next two days, Zhang Yuan was busy with the opening of the clinic.

It wasn't until the morning three days later that his Zhang Clinic was finally officially opened!

On the opening day, many people from the village came to watch.

They had long heard that Zhang Yuan's traditional Chinese medicine clinic was about to open, so they all wanted to come over and enjoy the excitement.

Zhang Yuan did not expect that the opening of his clinic would attract so many people.

Originally, he just wanted to call his family and people close to him to celebrate himself together.

Who would have thought that not only the old couple, Chu Xueqi and others would come, but also a large group of villagers.

With so many people coming, Zhang Yuan had no choice but to stand up and say something. .??.

He stood at the door and looked at the villagers in front of him with a smile on his face.

"Hello everyone! Everyone who is here today should know what is going on. That's right! My Zhang Yuan's Chinese Medicine Clinic officially opens today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Shuai in the crowd took the lead in applauding, and other employees working in the paddy field also applauded.

Following their lead, the onlookers applauded enthusiastically.

Zhang Yuan pressed down his hands to signal everyone to be quiet.

Then he continued, "As a Chinese medicine clinic, I do not seek to make much money for you, but only seek to benefit everyone! If anyone feels unwell in the future, you can come to my clinic! I will definitely do my best to treat everyone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zheng Shuai led everyone to applaud again.

The atmosphere at the scene also became more and more heated.

In a corner in the distance, Lin Zhongfei stared at Zhang Yuan, his eyes full of resentment.

"Zhang Yuan, I'll make you proud, I'll make you proud! Jia Sanbiao and the others will come later, let's see how proud you are!"

Although Lin Zhongfei sold the yard to Zhang Yuan and asked him to open this traditional Chinese medicine clinic.

But this does not mean that Lin Zhongfei and Zhang Yuan will just meet and smile away their grudges!

On the contrary, Lin Zhongfei's hatred for Zhang Yuan is still growing day by day.

He sold the hospital to Zhang Yuan so that Zhang Yuan could open a clinic, but he was also unkind.

, is to make Zhang Yuan and Liu Ruolan become colleagues and enemies!

Today is the opening day of Zhang Yuan's clinic. Lin Zhongfei has been planning for a long time. He hired a few rogues from other villages and asked them to cause trouble for Zhang Yuan.

To this end, Lin Zhongfei specially designed a whole set of plans to bring down Zhang Yuan's clinic.

Thinking of the drama that was about to take place later, Lin Zhongfei couldn't help but sneer.

He took out his mobile phone and called Jia Sanbiaozi.

"Master Biao, it's almost done. Come quickly!"

"We'll be there soon! Boss Lin, don't worry, our brothers will make his clinic opening ceremony obscene this time!" Jia Sanbiaozi, who was on the other side of the phone, sounded confident.

At the door of the clinic, Zhang Yuan continued to speak.

But what he is talking about now is not some high-sounding cliché, but to benefit everyone in the village.

"I, Zhang Yuan, am very grateful that everyone can come here to support me today! But this is not a restaurant, so I can't invite everyone in for dinner. For this reason, I decided to buy some peanuts and melon seeds later for everyone to eat as they please!" Zhang Yuan laughed Said.

As soon as these words came out, it immediately caused a sensation in the whole place, and all the villagers spontaneously applauded.

Some villagers turned around and ran home to call their families over to eat peanuts and melon seeds together.

Everyone in the village knows that Zhang Yuan is generous. If he wants to treat guests to peanuts and melon seeds, they will definitely eat enough. This kind of good thing cannot be missed!

Looking at Zhang Yuan who was pointing the way and drawing waves of applause, Liu Ruolan in the crowd also had ecstasy in her beautiful eyes.

This is the man she likes, the man she will rely on for the rest of her life.

In addition to Liu Ruolan, two women, Shen Xiuyun and Zhang Lin, were also in the crowd, but they did not get too close.

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